According to Vedic astrology, planetary transits would mark some important changes in one’s life. This ancient divination technique draws the blueprint of one’s future and characteristic traits from the planetary position at the time of one’s birth. This is known as one’s birth chart or ‘Kundli’. Planetary transits have a great influence in one’s life and its progression. Many planets are known to bring in positive impacts and many are known for their negative impacts. Venus is general is known to be a benefic planet, but its conjunctions with some other malefic planet may cause negative impacts. Venus transits from Sagittarius to Capricorn on the 24th of February 2019. Expert astrologers of Astroyogi analyses the impact of this transit on the 12 zodiac natives.
While generalized predictions mentioned below can provide you with the peripheral information and implications of this transit, if you need expert guidance an in-depth horoscope analysis would be required. Consult the expert astrologers of Astroyogi 24/7 from your part of the world. Click here to consult now!
(Please note that these predictions are based on Moon signs)
Venus will visit the tenth house of Aries natives after the transit. The transit will bestow you with new opportunities to achieve your long chased goals. This time period is particularly good for those who are planning to open a startup. This might cause minor health ailments for you. So you should be wary of what you eat and drink. You should give time to your near and dear ones despite your busy schedule, they might not ask for it but you should sense their need and act empathetically. You might see an increase in your expenses during this time period, cut down on your frivolous expenditures.
Venus- the lord of your sign is placed in your ninth house. You are likely to enjoy good luck in health, finance, and romantic front. You will receive a much-needed help or aid from a new friend. The favourable positioning of Venus implies that you would be receiving support and help from your fellow beings during this time period. You may find yourself more inclined towards religion or spirituality during this time period.
Your eighth house will have Venus in it, so there are high chances of property investment during this time period which you have been planning for long. There would be an increase in your earnings which would lead to an increase in materialistic comforts. This tenure will also provide you with opportunities to mingle with the opposite sex and enjoy their company. You might have a special inclination sensual activities and luxuries during this time period.
Venus in your seventh house would mean that you would enjoy a cordial relationship with your better half. You would acknowledge the importance of support which they give you in life. Cancerian entrepreneurs may plan on expanding their venture during this time period. You might encounter some obstacles also, the placement of Venus may also cause dilemma which would make it hard for you to narrow down on a decision. Astroyogi’s expert astrologers advice you to be careful while taking decisions.
Venus is positioned in your sixth house. Sun- the lord of your sign will also be positioned in the same house from 14th of February. You need to be care full about your health after the conjunction. Some of your enemies at the workplace may try to malign your image and reputation at workplace. You are advised to keep your expenses controlled and not to spend on frivolous materialistic things during this time period.
Your fifth house will be home to Venus during this time period. Things in the work front will be in your favour during this time period. You might find a new opportunity which can be in the form of a promotion or else a new job opportunity. Though you might see a sudden increase in your expenses during this time period you don’t need to panic as it is just a passing phase and you will be able to get hold of your finances soon.
Venus in your fourth house implies that friend or colleague may try to malign your image by manipulating the facts. Beware of such people, tact and diplomacy will see you through such rough phases of life. You would be investing in lifestyle enhancing products and accessories during this time period. You would recognize and appreciate the love and support that your better half offers you and how important the person is in your life. You should probably take a day off from your busy schedule and spend some time with them.
With Venus transiting into your ‘Parakram Kshetra’ or third house you need to be a bit care full of your relationships and partnerships. Beware of tense situations where you may lose your temperament. Keep a cool head and deal such situations with tact and diplomacy. Remember harsh words can inflict irreversible damage to your relationships. You might experience mood swings during this time period, expert astrologers of Astroyogi advice you to focus your mind and energy on some hobby or plan which interests you.
Venus landed in your own sign and in your second house after the transit, this indicates monetary gains for you. You need to handle family issues with a calm and composed mind especially if you are having any disagreements with your siblings or cousins. You should try your best to stay away from arguments with anybody as luck will not be in your favour in such scenarios. Control your expenses and keep a track of how much you are spending and on what.
Venus in your first house your love life would be blissful. Single natives may find new love during this time period and married natives will sort out any disagreements which they had. You may tend to overspend on gadgets or lifestyle goods. Our expert astrologers suggest you to control your expenses and not to spend your hard earned money on things which does not add any value to your life.
Your twelfth house will host Venus after the transit. If you have been enjoying some gains without putting in much of your efforts, you might have to work a bit harder for sustaining these gains after the transit. Since the key significator of luxuries and comfort- Venus is positioned in your 12th house you would have a hectic work schedule and the overall stress level may increase.
The transit will happen in the 11th house of your zodiac sign also known as ‘Labh Ghar’ in Vedic astrology, which is a favourable positioning for Venus. You will get a valuable piece of advice from an elderly figure in life, don’t disdain it. Financial gains are also on the cards. You will hear some good news from your younger sister or brother. You will also enjoy good health during this time period.
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