About Me
I am a life coach, guiding people on how to do better in their lives. I am a blessed tarot card reader, Numerologist, Angel Card Reader, Counselor & Trainer. I was born with certain psychic abilities but was unaware of this God gift about 10 years back. As far as my education is concerned, I am M.B.A in H.R. Before this I was from a sales background. I was working just for money but was not emotionally satisfied. My inner voice always told me to do something else. Then I learnt multiple healing modalities and made up my mind to leave the job and pursue my career in this line and contribute to the betterment of society also.
Now I do psychic reading through tarot cards, Angel cards & Past Life cards. Each tarot and angel reading is unique, genuine, personal, and insightful. Each card has a special meaning based on each individual. God has chosen me to guide clients through my intuitions & divine Cards My expertise in career & relationship counseling. I have conducted many workshops on the following subjects: Reiki, Vastu, Numerology, NLP Trainer, Consultant Teacher in D.I.A.S(Destiny Institute of Astrological Science)