This Yearly horoscope forecast 2014 has been prepared by the Vedic system prescribes analysis based on Moon Sign. In Vedic Astrology, Moon is considered the signification of the mind. Since Moon is the heavenly body that is closest to earth, the magnetic influences of all other planets reach earth through the Moon. Also, since the mind is ruled by Moon and all influences on human being whether physical, mental, psychological or supernatural affect the human mind. This is the reason that Indian Vedic Astrology reckons the planetary movements based on your Moon Sign (Chandra Raashi). If vimshotri dasha status good in effect will find the analysis will good. It reads only the Lunar Zodiac. Now enjoy your zodiac Horoscope prediction 2014. Wish you and your Family a very Happy New Year 2014.
The year might start with some amount of challenges but improvements will start after March 2014. During 2014 would be in a very powerful and active phase. According to your horoscope, health also may be a troubled area as you will undergo stress and tension due to bad health of spouse and family members. There may arise some disputes related to joint properties. Issues related to inheritance will also crop up. All you need is focus, hard work & dedication. All important projects should be concluded before March 2014, while new projects should not be started after the March. You may feel that you are not getting the recognition that you deserve, and as a result, you will look for another job. The period from July to December is favourable for you. The year begins on an excellent note for you as your finances get a major boost.
Conclusion: This year will see pressures on account of partnerships and spouse. Finances will be better than before.
2014 is indicated to be a satisfactory year for you; your years of hard work & plans get materialized this year. You would be able to overcome competition easily this year. It is a period of rapid growth & fulfillment. Keep away from the courts or any kind of litigation like the plague, and try to settle disputes out of court. You should be careful about your relationship with siblings this year. If you wish to invest your surplus money, the latter half of the year is good, as it is for buying or selling of other precious possessions. If you are a businessman and have to take a loan, take it before April. Beyond July 2014 a very special phase operates till end October. Love life would be very useful, interesting and exciting during March, May, June, July and October of 2014.Matters related to love will face some hurdles this year.
Conclusion: Your years of hard work & plans get materialized this year.
Struggles of the last few years would give way to unprecedented success and progress after June 2014. Things shall progress as per your plans in the first half of the year, during which you would be wise enough to lay the foundations for the second half. You need to focus on work. New doors are likely to open on the career front. Socially it would be a rewarding period as you will have a great time socially as well as with friends. Professionally, this year is slated to bring great rewards for most of you, especially in the month of October. Relationships with family along with your spouse would be excellent in the second half of the year. You will find that your remaining pressures in love life will go away and there would be suddenly beginning of a very exciting phase for love and relationships. Worry about children and marked rise in ego is possible. Ego would remain high, while there could be issues about competition with people close to you.
Conclusion: Socially it would be a rewarding period as you will have a great time socially as well as with friends.
The year would be some happiness in relationships but after the January 2014, some new events could increase the pressures in life once again. There are possibilities of arguments and fights with your loved ones. Try and avoid undue travel as it will not be of much use. If you wish to hasten your progress, you may have to take risks. Take care not to get into scuffles with your seniors. Visiting places of religious significance or even getting involved in spiritual activities will be beneficial for you. Health will be a worry as there will be lot of official travels lined up, which will lead to stomach related problems. You need to control your aggression well and keep a focus on your work to ensure optimum career growth for you. Worry about children and marked rise in ego is possible. Ego would remain high, while there could be issues about competition with people close to you.
Conclusion: You need to control your aggression well & keep a focus on your work to ensure optimum career growth for you.
Important Mantra: OM NAMAH SHIVAY
Your financial position will rise this year 2014.This is expected to be a very eventful year for you. A good idea would be to start hunting for another job a couple of months before July, so that if you do get one, you shall have ample time to serve the mandatory notice period. A golden period at work operates for you. You are experiencing expansion, high gains and a high level of confidence at the beginning of 2014.Unnecessary travel & investments should be avoided after July 2014.You would be on a roll throughout as gains and growth in financial matters would come very easily & naturally to you. Beginning a new relationship, buying luxury items and investing in objects of art or items of beauty is generally discouraged during the March and April. A new addition to the family is also in the line. A celebration in the family possible. Chances of a relationship or marriage of a child or a family child is possible till June 2014.
Conclusion: Your financial position will rise this year 2014.
Most of your professional activities will be under wraps. You will be on projects that you might be able to share much about with others. Those involved in business will fare well in 2014; expansion of business and purchasing of new assets.2014 offers growth and gains at work after June. The year could begin with high activity at work, pressures and great churning in career. You need to be careful so that your expectations are not unreasonable towards the partner as you might be unfair at times in expecting a bit too much in relationship. The year will have an excellent start for you, with your finances getting a huge increase and some of your past investments paying off. You may have some foreign trips lined up, but they are not likely to be very productive. Be careful of people who might want take advantage of your sound financial condition before May.2014 would open up in a challenging manner in terms of money matters.
Conclusion: The year could begin with high activity at work, pressures and great churning in career.
2014 would start off on an average footing as the year commences. Your expenses would be high & unnecessary expenses. You may get more than two chances to change your career path or your job. Avoid very heavy commitments for anyone. It is time for rewards in proportion to what and how you may have been or acted. Your career seems promising and your decisions will prove to be right. If the plan is to get married, the stars are fully in your favour so you may go ahead without any hesitation. The transits of Mars and Rahu shall test your patience, so be very careful of your words and deeds. Lots of work will keep you away from family and love which will be the cause for petty quarrels and misunderstanding. The yearend brings several professional and personal possibilities your way and you are thrilled to be a part of many important projects. A rise in support from your seniors as well as people in government positions is possible too.
Conclusion: Avoid very heavy commitments for anyone. Your career seems promising and your decisions will prove to be right.
Important Mantra: OM NAMAH SHIVAY
The year will begin with an aggressive streak along with very high activity at work. Hard work & professional pressures will be high. After the initial hurdles during the year, you would find improvement & progress as you move ahead during the year. Pay attention to your loved ones and try to sort things out with someone you have always cared about but never had an opportunity to express how you truly felt. This year you will be very stable, disciplined and organised. This year is auspicious for entering new partnerships or starting new projects. Students will not have a satisfactory year. However matters will start to look bright during the second half of the year. Worry about children and marked rise in ego is possible. Year would end on very positive note and it might be difficult for you to imagine the troubles you were going through at the beginning of the year. Income also will jump up after July 2014.
Conclusion: This year you will be very stable, disciplined and organised.
Important Mantra: OM NAMAH SHIVAY
The year 2014 will lot of changes would come in domestic matters as well as property related matters. You are suggested to try and do your work well and deal with difficult issues with intelligence. There would be some very strange and volatile trends during the month of January and March. Your rapport with your colleagues and subordinates will yield good results. The second half of 2014 is very unexpected & exciting. You will be able to make substantial financial gains & growth. Your ambitiousness shall drive you do work very hard. Things are subject to sudden fluctuation and you may feel like you are so ready to take a risk and just blow off conventional wisdom or prescribed ways of doing things. This year may prove to be very stressful for married couples. There would be substantial gains and growth all over. There will be a boost in your level of confidence. Success, fame, friendly relations and progress will cherish you if you sincerely work for them.
Conclusion: There would be substantial gains and growth all over.
Your public image and general stature would rise. Financially you might feel a pressure on resources due to needs and requirements of the family. Over all 2014 would see a continuation of the excellent run you have experienced at work. There would be chances of marriage or a new partnership after June 2014. You will see relationships change for the better. However, beware of saying things that could be misinterpreted. There shall be a sense of disconnect with your family members and frequently you shall find that you are not on the same page as them. Financial loss, health complications, conflicts over small issues will worsen the situation. Purchasing land, vehicle or making big investment should be delayed for some time. Avoid excessive ego with children or parents. Your gains on account of certain unexpected and unknown sources will also be good till June 2014.
Conclusion: Your public image and general stature would rise.
There would be gains and growth due to income from partners and gains from spouse. The first half of 2014 is very positive for love and relationships. Try and avoid undue travel as it will not be of much use. This year is about growth, in your personal as well as professional sphere. Your warm and affable nature will help you win people over which in turn, makes things very easy for you. After making gains at work due to your ideas and network developed over the years, you will get into a very strong and impressive growth phase after May 2014.A rise in support from your seniors as well as people in government positions is possible too. There could be lower immunity, which could create some challenges in health matters. Make adequate provisions in your budget to take care of all the anticipated expenses. Your income will increase, as a result of your hard work which might cause egoism in you which will drop your popularity level.
Conclusion: This year is about growth, in your personal as well as professional sphere.
Career would pick up this year 2014. After a couple of challenging years, new ideas and creativity would be your savior. You should avoid depending on others and should do your work on your own. Maintain the tone of your voice with your superiors to avoid disputes. Loss of money is also possible. Unmarried people will have very good chances of marriage this year after June 2014.There will be confusions in your mind about your job, charity services and health. The turnaround would come for you after mid June when new ideas and a new project that you are working upon will become a reality. Things are only likely to get worse in the second half of the year, and you could find yourself in a situation where you may have to borrow money, but make sure no one exploits your situation. You will mend relationships and also see increased harmony at home. New sources of income will become possible for you. If you are looking for a job change, you may have to wait a little longer.
Conclusion: New sources of income will become possible for you.
Important Mantra: OM NAMAH SHIVAY
Consult Celebrity Astrologer Pt. Umesh Chandra Pant for your personal Horoscope 2014 predictions. Get your yearly forecast-covering the many aspects of your life.
Predictions by
Acharya Pt. Umesh Chandra Pant