5 Most Important Impacts Of The Jupiter Transit

Tue, Sep 12, 2017
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Tue, Sep 12, 2017
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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5 Most Important Impacts Of The Jupiter Transit

The largest Planet of our Solar System, Jupiter or Brihaspati, is the God of Righteousness and Justice and a Symbol of Wisdom. It represents the deity, ’Dhakshinamurthi’,(Idol facing South/Dakshin) in South India, and represents wisdom, meditation and purity. The Planet has been revered since ancient times in different civilizations. While Jupiter was worshipped as ‘Zeus’ by ancient Greeks, Egyptians referred to it as ‘Ammon’ and Babylonians and Chaldeans called it ‘Merodach’.

Vedic Astrology has placed Jupiter in an exalted position as it was considered to be the ‘Guru’(Teacher) of Gods. Jupiter is the ruling Planet of  the Zodiac Signs, Sagittarius and Pisces and those born on Thursday, are blessed with fine qualities like honesty, sincerity, broad-mindedness and being logical! 

Jupiter combines with other planets in a native’s horoscope, either in a benefic or a malefic manner to greatly influence his/her life. Therefore, its transit, in retrogression or progression is important as that would also have a considerable impact on a native’s life.

Jupiter will be transiting from Virgo to Libra on 12 September 2017 and would have an impact on the various Zodiac signs.

Find out how this Jupiter transit will affect your life and what all changes it would bring in your life from the best Vedic astrologers in India through astroYogi.com.

Consult now! 

Five important impacts of Jupiter’s transit are-

  1. Financial gains: Financially, Jupiter’s transit would bring monetary relief to many. Those looking for loans would get a sanction, business prospects would look better, implementing the new ideas one had in mind, during this period would work well and at the work place, sudden promotions may just fall in the lap of many. Those burdened with additional responsibilities will find that they have the capacity to shoulder these with ease. Those looking for jobs, will find good opportunities coming their way.
  2.  Prosperity and wellbeing: The favourable positioning of Jupiter would generally bring prosperity in native’s lives. Those looking to invest in property or buying a vehicle, will find that things fall easily in place. Refurbishing of house never looked so easy. Long due vacation materializes and stress at work is much reduced. This period is right for other big investments too. Those looking for a suitable partner, may find one during this transit of Jupiter.
  3. Offsprings: Jupiter greatly affects offsprings - their birth, their education and their careers. During this period, families could get more time to spend with each other, improving in the overall relationship. Disagreements with friends and relatives can also get sorted.
  4. Health and Mental peace: Jupiter’s transit would have an important effect on health and mental peace. Interest in religious and spiritual activities would be on the rise. Looking after health during this period would be highly benefitting in the long run.
  5. Global Business: On the Global front, Business and Commerce will see a number of significant changes that would influence the lives of millions, worldwide. There could be a phase of mergers and acquisitions of smaller companies with large corporate houses.

When Jupiter will begin its transit through Swati Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu, a new Human Rights Movement will very likely emerge that will be intolerant to violence and exploitation of any kind.

Military conflicts may lessen between countries and diplomatic solution could be reached for sorting out an issue.

Traditionally Yours,

Team astroYogi.com

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Planetary Movement
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Planetary Movement
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