5 Most Important Impacts Of The Recent Venus Transit

Sun, Sep 17, 2017
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Sun, Sep 17, 2017
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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5 Most Important Impacts Of The Recent Venus Transit

Venus, known as ‘Morning Star’ is the brightest Planet in the sky.  It is the Goddess of Love and Prosperity. It rules over Taurus and Libra, is exalted in Pisces and debilitated in Virgo. Broadly speaking, the placement of Venus is responsible for the physical appeal of a person, the grace and charm he/she exudes, the behaviour, his/her success in love or married life, the artistic inclinations, his/her tastes and anything from which the native derives pleasure.

Although Venus is considered feminine, men and women identify differently according to its position and condition in their natal charts.

Those who have Venus placed prominently in their charts are peace loving, always willing to compromise and have tasteful choice. But on the negative side, Venus can make the native narcissistic, self-centred, opinionated and vain.

Venus  transited from Cancer to Leo on 15 September 2017 and effect the various zodiac signs accordingly.

For a personalised horoscope analysis in the light of this important transit, consult our expert astrologers online.

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Five important impacts of the sensitive and nurturing Venus’s transit into the fiery Mars are-

  1. Love and  Relationships- Improvement in attitude would be visible in many which would have a good impact on others. Those looking for relationships would find their partner. With the transit of Venus in Mars, love life would improve adding romance to the air. There would be comfort in togetherness and proposals for marriage would be accepted. Natives would be sensual and more sexually inclined towards their partners. Those married would experience marital bliss. The occasional tiffs  that are part of everyday life between spouses, will get resolved faster
  2. Health - During this transition of Venus, natives need to be careful of their health and take proper precautions. Be carefully while driving. Attention needs to be given to children and elderly in the family.
  3. Family Life- There will be overall compatibility, understanding and more togetherness in all the members. Domestic life will be good as many natives will get more time to spend with the family. You could go on trips with them to spend some quality time. Children will perform well in their studies inspite of any hurdles coming their way. A new addition in family is also on the cards for some. Siblings would also be more supportive. Rapport with relatives will also improve which will be satisfying.
  4. Hobby- Natives who had kept their hobbies on hold, will enjoy starting their hobbies afresh again and devote quite some time to it. Those who like to decorate and set up houses would start pursuing their interest. Some may start making use of their artistic ability for monetary gain.
  5. Financial Status- Financial status of many would improve and those facing any crisis would get financial support from their family. On the work front, prospects would look better and chances of promotions would increase, giving financial satisfaction. Natives on a look out for new property or vehicle might be blessed during this period. There could be improvement in social status for many. Others should try and not indulge in too much unnecessary wastage of money, just for pleasure.

Traditionally Yours,

Team astroYogi.com

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