The LONGEST ANNULAR SOLAR ECLIPSE of the third millennium will take place on January 15th, 2010. One will not see another such phenomenon in one’s lifetime, because a similar solar eclipse will be visible only in 3043!
This is an annular solar eclipse, where the Sun is visible like a ring of fire with the Moon hiding its centre. Most of India, however, will only see partial phases of the eclipse.
Unlike popular belief, a solar eclipse brings positivity, so says astrology. Old things come to an end and there are new beginnings. There are bound to be changes in each person’s life, suggesting that we will be called to develop new skills and talents through independent effort.
This eclipse occurs at 25°01' of Capricorn, the sign of the Sea Goat(Capricorn), in conjunction with Venus on the day Mercury turns direct after many weeks of a backward(retrograde) movement. So, it should be beneficent and pleasurable, releasing built-up tension, and leading strongly towards a brand new beginning for the world and its people.
You will find that you suddenly feel powerful, mentally and emotionally. Countries that are able to see the eclipse are likely to be affected(Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe). One may expect any kind of sudden changes- political, natural or financial.
Astrology says, that at this annular solar eclipse, we: begin something new, make resolutions, decisions, promises and plans, change, mature, take on greater challenges, travel more, feel impatient pressurised by deadlines, emotional or experience a crisis.
According to astrology, let’s see what this eclipse will bring each sun sign:
The effect of the solar eclipse will be positive, generating independence and opportunities for those who belong to this sign. Aries, undertake anything new and you will be successful, thanks to the positive effects of the solar eclipse.
The solar eclipse will be positive for you financially, Taurus, although you should take special and extra care of your own health. Astrology says that you will feel a little stagnant during the phase but with your never-say-die approach, you will conquer this phase easily.
Although the solar eclipse will have no side effects on you, you are urged to take care of your children and spouse. Astrology says you will come across certain hurdles. BUT, you will be very focused and will take care of any problem with a never-before positive attitude.
Cancer, during the annular solar eclipse, you will have to be particular about focus if you have to meet your goals. Also, be very careful about your health. If there is any fitness issue, you have to take care of it at a war-footing.
The solar eclipse brings very positive times ahead for you. This is the perfect time for wish-fulfillment and rising opportunities abroad. Astrology says, you may successfully undertake anything new during this phase.
Virgo, there will be minor professional tensions, but in every other manner, this phase will bring new changes your way. What seems unacceptable will prove to be good, so do not discount opportunities.
Libra, be careful as far as money is concerned! Try to avoid getting into any new contracts or plans until February 15th, 2010. According to astrology, you should reserve taking any decision until after the solar eclipse’s effects are over.
Astrology says that the annular solar eclipse will have only positive effects on you, Scorpio. You will not only breeze through the entire period, but will find that you are at your most productive and creative best.
Sagi, be very careful around the solar eclipse phase, especially with regard to your health. Reserve taking any kind of decision or undertaking anything new for after February the 15th, 2010. You will enjoy spending time with loved ones.
Cappie, be cautious during the solar eclipse phase. Astrologically, your financial aspect will only get better although you need to REALLY take care of your health, especially if there has been a recent fitness issue.
This annular solar eclipse, you will find yourself inclined to spiritual matters. You will get in touch with your inner self like never before. Do take care of your physical well-being and avoid traveling long distances.
Ah, Pisces! The annular solar eclipse will ring in all-new times for you. Finances will be VERY good and you will benefit in every way. You will also travel a lot all through this year, thanks to the positive effects of the solar eclipse phase.