Have you ever met someone and felt like they truly embodied their zodiac sign? Chances are, you have.
Anyone who's even slightly aware of the many dynamics of astrology can easily notice how it affects our lives. From shaping your personality to influencing your psyche, the celestial bodies have much more power than you might think.
This is why most Capricorns that we meet are hardworking workaholics, and most Scorpios have an air of mystery.
So, in this blog, let’s explore some fun psychology facts related to astrology and discover how they affect our lives—even without us realizing it. Let’s start!
Everyone knows that our zodiac sign has a major part to play in deciding our key personality traits. But is that all? Definitely not.
Apart from our sun and moon signs, if there's something that can largely affect our lives, they are planetary movements. In other words, the changes or fluctuations in a celestial body's position.
These celestial dynamics mold the energetic landscape of astrology. Each planet’s movement carries a vibration that interacts with your zodiac sign to influence your emotions and actions.
In other words, these changes explain why people tend to feel a certain way when a planet is in retrograde, transit, or any other phase, just as they react differently in different life situations.
In this blog, we shall specifically discuss these different celestial dynamics and their similarities with psychology to unfold how they affect us on a personal level.
Check this out: Powerful Personal Growth Tips for Every Zodiac Sign
Here are some awesome psychological facts about how astrology influences your mind and psyche that will change the way you perceive it.
Reflecting on past actions can improve future decisions. Guess what—retrogrades work exactly the same way.
A retrograde transpires when one of the nine planets seems to be moving backward in its orbit. In astrology, this is considered a major event. Typically, planetary retrogrades signify "going to the past." The most important retrograde is that of Mercury. It disrupts communication and prompts self-introspection, causing individuals to reevaluate their past decisions and take corrective measures.
Are you searching for advice on how to navigate the Mercury Retrograde with ease? Call or chat with the astrologers at Astroyogi today!
As an individual, harmonious compatibility is not guaranteed with everyone we meet. While some connections spark our interest, others may not. Well, this explains planetary conjunctions.
A conjunction transpires when celestial bodies (planets), two or more, align in the same zodiac. This causes the energies of the planets to combine with each other, influencing aspects like your emotions, actions, behaviors, and, most importantly, your relationships. When the planets' energies merge, the themes related to both planets can be boosted.
Our moods change every now and then. This is a very common psychological phenomenon. In astrology, lunar or Moon phases are believed to have an identical effect.
The phases of the Moon are known to heavily influence our feelings, moods, and intuition. For example, a full Moon heightens emotions; on the other hand, a new Moon embodies fresh beginnings. In fact, the term "lunatic" itself is closely associated with this very concept.
Certain life changes cause us to grow psychologically. They incite better decision-making ability, resilience, and so on. Planetary transits also stir such kind of development.
Transits happen when a celestial body (planet) shifts from one point to another specific point in the zodiac. According to Vedic astrology, planetary transits are when a planet moves from one specific zodiac sign to another. This event is said to trigger growth—either through challenges or opportunities. A transit phase is the time when people are most likely to experience a major shift in their lives. The changes caused by a transit can be favorable or unfavorable.
Astrology and psychological behavior might seem like two completely different topics. But if you look closely, you will observe how both affect our lives in significant ways.
In this blog, we enlisted some psychology fun facts about astrology. For more guidance, you must connect with our experts at Astroyogi.
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