Nobody would be having good memories about Rahu and Ketu. Even if you are not into astrology you must be knowing that these planets can cause harm to you and they are not anything good. Rahu and Ketu actually distinguish Vedic astrology from the western astrology. Western astrology does not consider these shadow planets and there the astrological analysis done based on the natives Sun sign. Vedic astrology actually gives more priority to the natives Moon sign and the Moon’s transits and conjunctions are given more importance here. That is the reason why Rahu and Ketu which are actually two intersecting nodes along orbit with sun's ecliptic path.
The Legend:
There is an anecdote in the ‘Samudra Manthan’ legend of Hindu Purana which refers to the birth of Rahu and Ketu. According to this mythology, a demon (Asura) named Rahuketu tried to deceive the Gods (Devas) by masquerading as a Deva himself to be served the elixir of immortality (Amrut), when the Gods procured the Amrut after Samudra Manthan. By the time RahuKetu got his hands on the bowl of Amrut, the gods identified him and informed Lord Maha Vishnu about the deceit. Maha Vishnu Chopped of the daemons head using his ‘Sudarshan Chakra’, but by that time Rahuketu had already drunken Amrut and turned immortal. The legend says that after being beheaded his body transformed into Ketu and head formed Rahu.
Impacts on Horoscope:
Both of these planets always moves in retrograde motion. Rahu can cause indulgence, stress, psychic disorders, theft, losses, death of family members, and legal hassles. The physical impacts are skin diseases, breathing problems and ulcers. Rahu is also responsible for instant success or failure to a person. However, if well placed, Rahu can also bring about courage and fame to the native.
Ketu can cause diseases related to lungs, ear problems, brain disorders and digestion issues. It represents attraction to obscenity, wounds, sufferings, bad company, false pride, and addictions. Some positive aspects of Ketu are that it can attract sudden gains, divert interest of the native into philosophical and spiritual pursuits.
Consult our expert astrologers online if you are experiencing some of these impacts in life. It may be due to the strong positioning of Rahu or Ketu in your birth chart. Our expert astrologers could provide you with guidance and remedies to overcome these effects.
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