Date a Taurus, Thank Us Later

Fri, Apr 29, 2016
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Fri, Apr 29, 2016
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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Date a Taurus, Thank Us Later

Does the idea of a relationship full of love, passion and wonderful conversations excite you or better propel you to an alternate universe? Not only The Bull, Taurus will fulfill the three wishes above but they will also be fiercely devoted and loyal. They will not fail to maintain the spark in your relationship and will effortlessly make you feel the butterflies in your stomach just like the very first time you fell in love.

Taurus individuals are born between April 20 and May 20. This is an earth sign ruled by Venus and spring is the time to let the Bulls run free. So rest assured if you can get hold of a Taurus, you can expect to enjoy the right dose of sensuality, a little stubbornness but above all realness. Trust us when we say that these individuals have all the goods to make them worth your time and love.

Let’s kick start the Taurus season by giving you a list of reasons why dating them can turn out to be the best thing ever:

Taurus are one of the most loyal and devoted partners

Taurus will take their own sweet time before getting into a relationship. Why? Because they do not believe in the ‘go with the flow’ philosophy. They take time and are extremely selective in who they choose. So when they are in a relationship, they are in for the long haul. You bet, Taurus can be pretty old school when it comes to the dating game.

Taurus think with a rational head and are practical

They are realists who sees the world for how it is. They think things through and can come up with realistic goals and also ways to achieve them. Unlike air signs, you will seldom see a Taurus holding their heads up in the clouds. They could be the perfect cure for the wild heart and free spirit who are in need for some stability.

Taurus are reliable and unpretentious

Taurus do not make promises to break them. They are people of their word and know how to get things done. If they promise you something they will make sure they fulfill it. But sometimes if they don’t, they will have a very valid reason as they do not like to keep beating around the bush. They would rather tell people the truth rather than hurt them by playing childish silly games. Also, they can smell nonsense from a mile away and like to be surrounded by genuine people.

Taurus are empathetic and sensitive

They may be practical and rational but they have a sensitive soul. Although do not expect them to pour out their feelings on social media or anything of that sort. They do not take criticism or insults very lightly so be careful with your words around a Taurus. On the other hand, because of their sensitive souls they can easily be in tune with other people’s emotions and pick up on the slightest clues when things are not going right.

Taurus have a protective nature and are not afraid to speak the truth

They may not be the center of attention or the life of a party, they are more likely to be described as someone who is silent and yet strong. But do not take their cool and calm demeanor for granted. They will not be afraid to take action when necessary especially when it comes to protecting someone they love.

Taurus are patient and determined

If a Taurus has laid his/her eyes on you, nothing can stop them. Even if they come across a lot of challenges, they refuse to simply give up. In this way they can be quite stubborn sometimes. For them failures only add fuel to their desire to keep going and not give up. You cannot expect anything less from a Bull can you? And, this is where their famous stubborn nature comes from.

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