Education and Astrology by Pt. Umesh Chandra Pant

Thu, Mar 28, 2013
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Thu, Mar 28, 2013
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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Education and Astrology by Pt. Umesh Chandra Pant

You can also go through how astrology can be planted the idea of levels of education. First of all we check the horoscope how education is seen. How to learn astrology is an overview of the Education.

Educational achievements can be predicted by analyzing the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 9th houses and its lords. Usually the second house is referred to as the house for education, which can give details regarding one's education. The second house alone cannot totally give a measure for one's education.

In general the lord of the first house/ascendant should be placed in Kendras (1, 4, 7,10th houses), Trikonas (1, 5, 9th houses), second or in the eleventh house. If the lord of the first house is positioned in the 6, 8, 12th houses from the ascendant or the lord of the first house if debilitated the native suffers a lot. Hence it is necessary to know the dignity of the lord of the first house.

The second house tells us about the possibility of education, fourth house is the second house for the second house; hence that house should also be analyzed. The fourth house should be sound for anybody's education. Most of the readers are very well aware of the second and the fourth houses, due to that it is not necessary to mention much about those two houses. The fifth house can tell about whether the native can get some awards like B.A, B.Sc, etc. Fifth house is responsible for knowledge, memory, wisdom about music, concentration, luck etc.

Now the ninth house is about the philosophical education that is mainly the higher education like Philosophy, Science, Literature etc. and the higher degrees such has M Sc, M.B.B.S, PhD, M B A etc. Hence it is necessary to weigh the 5th and 9th houses also when analyzing one's educative capabilities.

Do you want to know what you learnt? Do you want to know what works for you and how you will benefit in that? Are you unhappy with your education level? Do you want to assume a higher education? Do you want to choose a career path? The way it is possible to solve the unprecedented protests over education questions in astrology. Do not wait and know your education report. Consult Now.

Celebrity Astrologer
Pt. Umesh Chandra Pant

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