People are always unsure about their future but are always eager to figure it out. In this regard, an area that virtually no one can remain untouched of, is the science of your fate - and we popularly call it astrology. Astrology is the science of the movement of celestial bodies which can bring luck or ill-fate in one’s life. Analysis of astrology shows that it has a significant and very predictable effect on our lives. If you do things according to your sun sign or implement astrological rules on yourself, then you can get success.
Using the principles of astrology, here’s an analysis on how people who belong to the 12 zodiac signs are like when they take on the role of an employer. Are they dominating, motivating or inspirational? Take a look at what’s predicted for each sun sign!
Aries: People of this sign are full of enthusiasm and possess good competitive spirit. So if your boss is an Aries he is going to be very demanding because he likes to be the "first" in all areas.
Taurus: These people admire employees’ working ability and promote it by giving positive affirmations. People of this sign are also dependent on their workers for their works whatsoever.
Gemini: They are intelligent and are of quick wit by nature. But they can’t take decisions on their own. However, Gemini can take immediate steps to solve problems with innovative approaches. It’s comparatively easy to work with them.
Cancer: These people are dramatic or philosophical by nature. Sometimes they are moody and at times they are grounded and stable. You won’t face too many problems when your employer is a Cancerian.
Leo: By nature they are ambitious and dominating. These individuals want attention and professionally they may make best bosses. You have to follow them with full politeness. Don’t ever think you can be on an equal footing with your Leo boss. Let them lead at all times.
Virgo: They are hard to please. They like to analyze the depth of the situation before taking any decision. You need to do be hard working to retain your job if you have your seniors or a boss with this sign. You are in a difficult position, hang in there.
Libra: Librans are cooperative, attractive bosses. They charm everyone around and you may find it hard to say no to your boss. They’ll make you sweat but you’ll soon forget all about it when they sweet talk you out of your miseries.
Scorpio: They are very hard working and have a way of knowing everything that goes around in the office. If you have your seniors or a boss with this sign, then you need to be a little conscious because they are good detectives and that’s why they know more about each one of you.
Sagittarius: Sagittarius people have high levels of energy. You cannot ignore them. These people know how to make you work for them. They are pleasant to work and at times even fun. Parties are common when a company is being run by a Sagittarian.
Capricorn: These individuals are focused on their aim and they are logical and clever too. They know each and every trick to tackle a problem. So you need not to worry about your boss because they can help you solve problems. They cannot face defeat. Working with a Capricorn will be a great learning experience for you.
Aquarius: These people have originality in their thinking. They are born intelligent; you cannot play mind games with them. They are very precise about their work. Pleasing your Aquarian boss may be an uphill task, but if you do, consider yourself to be very good at your work.
Pisces: They are sensitive, dreamy and spiritual by nature. They like to work without deadlines so you can enjoy working with them. There’s energy and a fun atmosphere at work and you are able to express your ideas and grow, as your Pisces boss motivates you to give your best.