Feng Shui is a very popular way to make life colorful, rich and peaceful. Preserving the positivity in your surroundings is easy now! Correct placement of the correct source of energy can bring you happiness, luck, fame, money and whatever you desire. Based on Feng Shui principles, find out what Astroyogi.com astrologers recommend for you and your home. India’s best astrologers are available 24/7 on Astroyogi for online consultation. Click here to consult now!
If you are single and are on the lookout for a new relationship or love, surround yourself with imagery that depicts partnership. Avoid anything that signifies a solo figure - whether it's a chair, artwork or photographs, go for pairs. Reinforce the energy of partnership.
If you wish to attract money, start with your kitchen. This zone of your house is directly related with your innate ability to make money and generate wealth. Store items in your pantry and refrigerator well and never overstock. Don't let anything go to waste. Cleanliness is a must to ensure prosperity.
If you are happily married, display smiling photos of you and your partner and place photos of your family in the hallways, kitchen or the living room. Family photos should not adorn the walls of your bedroom. This space should be reserved for the couple.
Enhance your love life further by energizing the dining room. For couples, this is the second most significant space in a family and the master bedroom is the foremost zone. The dining table should have enough chairs to accommodate everyone in the family.
Colours play an important role in our life and our use of certain shades at home can bring in luck and prosperity. Red and purple hues are considered lucky for attracting peace and wealth.
In Feng Shui, fountains are important wealth adjustments in feng shui because they stimulate prosperity and energy, and symbolize money.
Your front door should be convenient to locate and should not be hidden away. Opportunity will have a tough time knocking on your door if it's hard for others to locate the door. Your doorbell should work too. Create a path that leads up to your front door.
Keeping vital life forces like plants and flowers around you helps you energize your home with the right energy. They bring in good luck and also keep diseases at bay. Your mood improves when you surround yourself with flowers.
To decrease stress and tense situations at home, check your surroundings. Avoid hanging anything that depicts violence. Keep photos and artwork that inspire and please. This will ensure harmony at home.
Light shades are considered positive shades for home, as they invite harmony and peace. Your life will improve a great deal if you pay attention to the details and opt for a makeover keeping in mind the basic Feng Shui principles.
Feng Shui for Office | Feng Shui Living Room | Feng Shui for Wealth | 10 Ways to Feng Shui your Kitchen | Feng Shui for a Happy Marriage | Flowers to Boost Productivity at Work |
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