Full Moon on September 12, 2011

Thu, Apr 24, 2014
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Thu, Apr 24, 2014
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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Full Moon on September 12, 2011

The Moon will be entering the full Moon phase on September 12, 2011. The fully illuminated Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun. This full Moon which occurs close to the September equinox each year is also known as the Harvest Moon.

Every month the Moon transits the entire zodiac and this affects us all, emotionally. The various phases impact us differently. The full moon phase is a time when we look deep inside and have a deeper understanding of who we really are. We gain a better understanding of our specific personality traits. During this time we let go of things that are unwanted and try to make some important changes in our life. This is the time when we must focus on your inner desires!

During this Full moon phase one can benefit by planning and starting off new projects. One can see good results for all the efforts made. Those of you looking to enter into a new partnership will benefit under the influence of the Full Moon. Chinese astrology places a lot of importance on the phases of the Moon. Each Moon phase has a meaning in Chinese astrology and ancient people had a strong belief on following the rituals associated with each Moon phase.

The full Moon phase is a good time for new romance. You may meet someone you will really like and admire during this time. Chinese astrology indicates this to be a good time for your love life. Singles especially will see their luck being enhanced and improved due to the influence of the Moon. If you have been finding it hard to let go of your past, this Full Moon phase will help you do just that! You will let go of the old to embrace the new. Someone will charm you and you will find it easier to move on with this new person. Anything that has just begun will bring in excitement and good times in your life.

Full Moon and Sun Signs

Aries: You look forward to this full Moon day as it will mark the end of a bad phase in your life. You will find a solution to a problem that has been creating tension at home.

Taurus: You will be confused about an important decision regarding your love life. You will be torn as your heart and head do not desire the same thing.

Gemini: You will be constantly engaged in signing new deals and meeting new people. You need to balance things well and keep nothing pending.

Cancer: The full Moon helps you feel content with all that you have. You are happy to be surrounded by your loved ones who want only the best for you.

Leo: You may fall in love with someone on this full Moon day! Your emotions are high and you are passionately pursuing the one you have given your heart to.

Virgo: People around you will be doing all they can to calm you down. You will be a bundle of nerves going around the house frantically trying to sort things out.

Libra: You always want a party at home and even on this full Moon day you will be in the mood to invite a few friends home. Do not let this affect the atmosphere at home.

Scorpio: You will feel strongly about someone you have recently met. This full Moon day you might want to take things to the next level.

Sagittarius: You will make some important decisions and benefit from this full Moon period. Your wise choices help you realise some of your cherished dreams.

Capricorn: A friend of yours will be helpful and together you will change the course of your destiny. A new project is likely to turn your fortune around.

Aquarius: Travelling is indicated for you Aquarius. You put some of your work related projects on hold and set out on a trip just to take your mind off stress.

Pisces: You feel emotional as usual and you want to plan things out for yourself. The full Moon gives you the power to sort things out in your life and attain peace and happiness.

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