The Lunar Eclipse 2024 is just around the corner! It will bring a burst of fresh and dynamic energy that will be revolutionary to your life.
The year 2024 has a total of four eclipses, i.e., two Lunar and two Solar Eclipses. The very first Lunar Eclipse of the year will happen in March.
Lunar Eclipse 2024 Date- 25th March 2024 (Monday)
1st Contact with The Penumbra - 10:24 AM
Last Contact with The Penumbra - 03:01 PM
Maximum of The Lunar Eclipse - 12:43 PM
The Complete Duration of The Penumbral Phase - 4 Hours, 36 Minutes, and 56 Seconds
Three types of Lunar eclipses can happen at any given time, and these are as follows.
Total Lunar Eclipse
Partial Lunar Eclipse
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
The first Lunar Eclipse 2024, falling on the 25th of March, happens to be a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, which will be visible from much of Europe, some parts of Australia, the Eastern part of Russia, Alaska, Antarctica, and most of North and South America, as almost 95.57% of the Moon will be in the Earth's Penumbral shadow.
The big question is whether the Lunar Eclipse 2024 will be visible in India. This Chandra Grahan or Lunar Eclipse 2024 in India won't be visible to the naked eye. Therefore, the Sutak period will not be applicable this time.
This Eclipse will certainly be a deep Penumbral Eclipse with a Penumbral magnitude of 0.9577.
Any Chandra Grahan or Lunar Eclipse happens when the Earth arrives directly between the mighty Sun and the serene Moon, and it casts a shadow that thoroughly covers and darkens the Moon or the Lunar surface. In Vedic astrology, the Moon is the significator or the Karaka for our feelings, emotions, passion, moods, mind, and creativity. It also signifies our biological mother.
Hence, the Lunar Eclipse 2024 will affect all the 12 zodiac signs significantly depending upon a person's individual charts, the Dasha periods going on, and the placement of the Moon in their natal, Navamsha, Varshaphal, and Moon charts. However, in this blog, we have outlined the Eclipse's impact on all the signs and the remedies you can do to make the most of this Eclipse.
So, check out the Lunar Eclipse impact on the zodiac signs below.
Dear Ariens, you must take care of yourself and keep a check on your wellness. During the Lunar Eclipse 2024 in India, if any court cases are going on, it will be better for you to plan things more systematically. Focus on having proper backups in place. However, remember that things might not go in your favor during this time and can be disappointing. But remember, this is just a phase!
Remedy - You need a Shani Yantra in your home.
Dear Taureans, as per the Lunar Eclipse 2024 astrology predictions, your romantic life might have some rifts and arguments. Your partner might get a bit upset or even stop talking to you for some time. So, make sure you do not hurt your lover's feelings, and you must compromise in order to save the relationship and keep it beautiful instead of arguing. Artists or individuals associated with the creative fields might face a creative block, which will be temporary due to the planetary movements.
Remedy - Keep a Shukra Yantra in your home.
Dear Geminis, the Lunar Eclipse 2024 will not be a very auspicious time to buy a new house or a vehicle. It would help if you also avoided all sorts of real estate deals right now. Wait for the proper and more promising time to approach so that you may have better, consistent, and long-term gains in the property market. Drive safely and always say 'NO' to drunk driving. Road safety is very crucial for you at this moment.
Remedy - Keep a Hanuman Yantra at home. It will protect and save you.
Dear Cancerians, be conscious of what you speak, how you speak, and when you speak, as there are chances that you will incur some big losses or damages due to aggression in your speech during the Lunar Eclipse 2024 in India. What to say, how much to say, when to say, and whom to say, all this will become substantial for you due to the planetary positioning. If you ignore this, you might end up in trouble and repent later. If you don't take the right action at the right moment, there are times when even the damage control might not work. So it's better to think, introspect, and then talk.
Remedy - Place a Budh Yantra around you to strengthen your Mercury. This will be good for your Vaani or the communication.
Dear Leos, you need to be careful about your finances and wealth as this Lunar Eclipse 2024 can directly impact them. This could mean that the expenses can rise, which may cause you to spend your savings, or you may not be able to save money at all as you may be a spendthrift at the moment. Either way, your savings and accumulated wealth will go out of your investment portfolio, which is not wise or desired. So, try to spend less and save as much as you can. This should be your priority.
Remedy- Keep Shri Mahalaxmi Yantra with you. The Shri Mahalaxmi Yantra will bless you with more abundance and wealth.
Dear Virgos, your own perception of yourself or your image may take a hit due to certain situations or triggers that can happen during this time. According to the Lunar Eclipse 2024 astrology predictions, you may feel low on self-confidence and self-morale. Therefore, you are advised to talk it out with your family and friends. The important thing is that you must not allow it to pull you down. Keep yourself happy and involve yourself in some creative hobbies and activities that you enjoy and give you pleasure. Remain positive and work on self-love and self-worth as much as possible.
Remedy - Set a Rahu Yantra at home. Rahu Yantra will help you navigate the journey.
Dear Librans, you may become a little irritable and angry during this time. You need some anger management and watch out for your mood swings during the Lunar Eclipse. As per the Lunar Eclipse impact on the zodiac sign, you will certainly be over-sensitive and emotional during this time. There are chances that you may start overthinking about things that may be troubling you and your day-to-day life. Some of the Libra natives will also be interested in spirituality. They may begin meditating and enrolling in various spiritual courses.
Remedy- Keep a Ketu Yantra at home. Ketu Yantra will give you occult blessings and help you go deeper into the esoteric science.
Dear Scorpios, many delays will come your way during the Lunar Eclipse 2024; unfortunately, you can do nothing about it. Even if you try very hard to fight this, you will feel burnout and frustrated; you will not know how to deal with this feeling and not know how to motivate yourself again. Hence, there is no need to put yourself through this. Just sit back, relax, and let things unfold the way they're happening during this time. Remember that, eventually, things will turn out in your favor.
Remedy - Brihaspati Yantra will be the right pick for you. The Brihaspati Yantra will do magic and bless you with the knowledge and wisdom to solve your problems in life.
Dear Sagittarians, you will experience mood alleviation and an upsurge of energies. You will be emotionally charged and usually very happy during the Lunar Eclipse 2024. You will work extremely hard but not feel tired even after running around the entire day. You will have a lot of energy but need to figure out what to do with it. That's why sweating it out will be extremely important. If the excessive energy does not find a constructive outlet, the mind can use it destructively. Additionally, this Eclipse will have some impact on your professional life as well.
Remedy- Surya Yantra is the right choice for your home. The Surya Yantra will help you with your career and professional life.
Dear Capricorns, you will get much support from the elders in your family and all around you. The Lunar Eclipse 2024 astrology predictions indicate that the workers and staff at your office and home will be delighted with you. Some pending court cases can move towards closure; however, you must be extra cautious to win them. You will also suddenly find a great interest in some research or Meditation and Reiki courses. Your hidden enemies can also try to harm you and backstab you. Hence, you must be very careful and aware of what is happening around you.
Remedy - Mangal Yantra is the right pick for you. The Mangal Yantra will help you with the aggression, power, and energy needed to grow.
Dear Aquarians, you might not get results as per your hard work and expectations; hence, unhappiness and sulking can become a part of your nature. Even though you will put in your best and expect great appreciation and outcomes, defeat will knock on your doors, or your results may be far less than what you anticipated. Hence, this will be a testing time for you, and you have to demonstrate the knowledge and wisdom that you have gathered for years. As per the Lunar Eclipse's impact on the zodiac sign, delays will be experienced in life, and there is hardly anything you can do about it.
Remedy - Navagraha Yantra is recommended for you. The Navagraha Yantra will give you the blessings that you need right now in your life.
An Interesting Read: Auspicious Dates Throughout This March: Check Out The Shubh Muhurat Guide
Dear Pisceans, you will take up various new courses and projects in order to add to your potential and skill sets. Lots of new learning and knowledge sharing will happen this time around. According to the Lunar Eclipse 2024 astrology predictions, your profession and business partnerships will also become the center of attraction during this time. You will do well at work and flourish in your career. Though some hardships can come at work, with your maturity and previous professional experiences, you will not only manage it but also excel in it and come out with flying colors. However, it would help if you were extra careful when it comes to your spouse and not get into unnecessary fights with them.
Remedy - Kalsarpa Yantra will help you, so that's the right pick for you. Place a Kalsarpa Yantra in your home.
Based on the astrology predictions mentioned above, you can expect significant changes to happen in your life during this Lunar Eclipse, so be prepared for them.
Remember that these are generalized forecasts. For more accurate and personalized information about the Lunar Eclipse 2024, you are advised to consult with Tarot Sonia only on Astroyogi. So, go ahead and call or chat with Tarot Sonia TODAY!