What is Mercury Retrograde?
Mercury rules the planets of Virgo and Gemini. As the closest planet to the sun, Mercury is also the fastest planet and is the ruler of communication and mental energy. Renowned as the messenger of the Gods, notorious for its wit, curiosity and expressiveness, Mercury colours the ways in which we express ourselves to those around us.
Mercury retrograde generally occurs between 3-4 times a year. Initiating on the 21st January, this phenomenon will complete on the 11 February. Mercury Retrograde occurs when Mercury begins to slow down and supposedly stop (in actuality, this is an illusion) and begin moving backwards. The process of moving backwards is known as retrograde. This striking optical illusion is a little bit of a space phenomenon; Mercury is still moving forward but it appears to be moving backwards.
When are the dates for Mercury Retrograde in 2015?
In 2015, Mercury Retrograde will occur three times, each time in an air sign; Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. The first Mercury Retrograde initiates on 21st January 2015 and will last till 11th February 2015.
What does Mercury Retrograde mean?
When Mercury Retrograde occurs the meaning are multifarious. This is a period for re-evaluating, re-forming and re-inventing. It’s a time for transformation and metamorphosis. Mercury Retrograde urges us to slow down and carefully ensure that we are making appropriate decisions. It’s common to experience a rush of urgency during this time but also a strong impulse to think before you leap. Mistakes may be made and there may be much indecision and second guessing; this is to prompt you to reassess what you truly want.
With Mercury occurring in three air signs this year, the focus will be on our mental patterns; the way we think, what we believe and how we behave. It’s a good time for eliminating stifling, constricting or unproductive mental patterns that hold us back. It also enables us to see things from different angles and perspectives. Mercury Retrograde really promotes slowly down, easing back and starting fresh. This is a period of creativity where potential new ideas can be spawned and considered.
As Mercury is the messenger planet, this is a period of time where messages may be warped and unclear. It’s also a time of fated occasions; the messages you do receive will be for good reason. As Mercury is typically the planet of hyper-speed, this cycle promotes getting off of the carousel and being sure about what you want. Conventional astrology advises against set in stone plans during this time; travel plans, marriage and business contracts are often thought over and finalised rather than committed to.
Mercury Retrograde can manifest as emotional disputes, arguments, miscommunication, misbehaving technology and delays in plans and travel. It’s common to experience some confusion and frustration.
What does Mercury Retrograde mean to me personally?
Mercury Retrograde influences each of us a little differently which is why obtaining a personal report is valuable. For instance, Virgo and Gemini will feel the influence profoundly because they are ruled by Mercury whilst Mercury Retrograde in Cancer skews things toward the family and home sphere. Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio may cause us to re-hash hidden matters and bring to light patterns in areas including spirituality and addiction. In Aquarius, we may overhaul our group dynamics and in Libra, we may reassess our romantic relationships.
How to manage Mercury Retrograde?
There is no need to withdraw from life during a Mercury Retrograde cycle but it is important to be aware of the ways in which this planetary phase can influence us.