Stars Could Make It Or Break It When It Comes To Marriages

Thu, Dec 27, 2018
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Thu, Dec 27, 2018
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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Stars Could Make It Or Break It When It Comes To Marriages

Marriage signifies life-long commitment of two people. Who doesn’t want love, happiness and peace of mind in their lives, but sometimes things aren’t as rosy as couples dreamt of. When it comes to being together for a lifetime, compromises and adjustments are bound to happen, but some people are not just meant to be together no matter how hard they try to cling on to a relationship. Something might be terribly wrong in their horoscopes in such cases and an expert astrologer’s help would be a boon in such situations. Our Expert astrologers lists out some general horoscope- Kundli scenarios which would adversely affect the marriage of a person:

  • The seventh house in a kundli relates to marriage and other conjugal matters. If a Paap Grah- Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu, or other debilitated planets aspect this house, that can create conflicts in marriage. For instance, Saturn and Rahu’s presence in the seventh house is considered inauspicious.
  • If Mars is present in the first, fourth, seventh or the tenth house then that leads to Manglik Dosha and this can lead to tensions, misunderstandings and conflicts in marital life.  It can also cause delays in marriage and affect the health of either partner. It can also lead to separation and death in most extreme scenarios.
  • Rahu, Sun and Saturn’s presence in the seventh and tenth houses in a horoscope can cause a lot of domestic tensions. If Rahu is the only planet in the seventh house and Saturn is the one in the fifth house, it can lead to divorce. In this case, Saturn in Lagnesh or a debilitated Jupiter in Lagna doesn’t augur well.

Consult our expert astrologer if you are having a rough time in your relationship,

Having said we might also have come across couples who seem to be made for each other. They just sail through all of those little fracas which are just part of a relationship take it in the right sense. Most importantly both of them would be reciprocating to each other’s contributions and love. Astroyogi experts say that here also stars play their part. Now let’s take a look at few auspicious planetary positions that indicate a blissful married life:

  • When the Lord of the seventh house and the ninth house conjunct in a Kendra and when either of the three—Mercury, Jupiter or Venus or all three of them are in an exalted state then that ensures peace and harmony on the domestic front.
  • While forming Panch Mahapurusha Yoga in either of the partners’ kundli, if Jupiter or Venus aspect any Trikon then that leads to a happy marital life.
  • If an exalted Saptmesh conjuncts with Lagnesh in a Kendra or a Trikon then that leads to conjugal bliss. #GPSforLife

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