Yes- it is a stable time period in spite of CHALLENGES.
One who can withstand challenges can get the best of the least number of transits occurring in the 2018 Gregorian calendar year.
For this study the transits of only slow moving planets are considered. Except Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu-Ketu are in the same signs throughout the 2018 year. Saturn in Sagittarius, Rahu in Cancer, Ketu in Capricorn. But Jupiter leaving Libra 81 days before the end of 2018 year.
Added to these planets, Mars is also to be considered now because of its unusual stay of about 186 days in Capricorn, a sign of its exaltation. Prior to that Mars conjunctions with Ketu in Capricorn and conjunction with Saturn in Sagittarius is also a highly sensitive time.
Added to the above sensitive timings, the role of Mars during the lunar eclipse on 27th July 2018 has added extra values.
Considering the above this 2018 year is stable but is also violent to some extent if we consider the planetary aspects and conjunctions among the five planets mentioned above.
Important planetary configuration in these transits, considered here are as follows:
Effects on individual natal charts: Effects of these transits are also to be considered in individual cases by interpolating with their birth charts. However, the interpretation of individual charts is not taken up here for reasons of brevity.
Effects on Mundane matters: Effects of these transits on mundane matters are highly important as it considerably affects natural resources, socio,economic and political conditions.
For a study on Mundane matters the chart of a nation is to be considered. For an example here, India’s Republic day Chart is taken up. The Republic day chart is considered, here, as it is the beginning of Indian Constitution. The Republic day chart overshadows the Independence Day chart of India. When these transits are interpolated with India’s Republic day chart the following events are observed. In addition to the transits on Nation’s chart the birth charts of the rulers are also to be studied for better clarity. However, the exercise on any Ruler’s birth chart is excluded here for reasons of brevity.
India’s Republic day chart: Date: 26 January 1950 at 10.26 am New Delhi. - Lagna Pisces 3420; Sun- 2830; Moon 1300; Mars 1660; Mercury 2560; Jupiter 2890; Venus 2910; Saturn 1460; Rahu 3470; Ketu 1670.
Following are a few of the instances happened due to the following planetary transits in 2018
Lunar Eclipse on 27th July 2018: Regarding the coming lunar eclipse on 27th July 2018 – the eclipse is in Capricorn, the 11th house of India’s republic day chart. It is a testing time with threatening changes like that the rulers will find it difficult to face opposition; differences may come up within the party. Rulers may have to resort to low quality activity. Yet the rulers are expected to develop self confidence and good resistance as transiting Jupiter is turning to direct motion on 10th July 2018 and also changing to Scorpio on October 2018.
In view of all the above, the Ruling party is gaining reputation for allowing Supreme Court to act independently. The Ruling party is also, well known, for allowing independence in every wing of administration. With all such reputation the same Ruling party at the Center is developing good confidence and resistance. Hence, the same Ruling party is expected to lead the Nation in the next term also.