Jupiter in Gemini and Its Impact on Your Sign

Sun, Feb 12, 2012
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Sun, Feb 12, 2012
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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Jupiter in Gemini and Its Impact on Your Sign

Gemini sign is owned by Mercury. Jupiter’s transit to Gemini would have good effects on the basis of houses owned and aspects by Jupiter. Let’s discuss the effects of Jupiter in Gemini.

Jupiter would be transiting 3rd house in Aries. People born under Aries sign can expect marriage, luck in their actions and rise in income. Long distanced pilgrimage and inclination towards charity is seen. Better relationship with father is also expected.

Jupiter would be transiting 2nd house in Taurus. People born under Taurus sign can expect repayment of their loans, eradication from illness, smoothness in happening of events, self-control in actions and closeness to own family. It is a good transit for finance related matters too.

Jupiter would be transiting 1st house in Gemini. People born under Gemini can expect marriage, birth of children (if already married), scope for advanced studies, fresh tie-ups in business, healthy relations with spouse, improvement in luck etc. It should be a good transit for Gemini born people.

Jupiter would be transiting 12th house in Cancer. People born under Cancer sign can expect inclination towards charitable activities, permanency in efforts as well as results, increased family happiness, happening of auspicious events in the family, etc. However, you need to be careful regarding your expenditure pattern during this period.

Jupiter would be transiting 11th house in Leo. People born under Leo sign can expect the rise in their incomes, new sources of income, help from elder brothers, help to younger brothers and sisters, marriage, children, devotion towards God, etc. Some hidden talents might yield some results so don’t be hesitant to show your talents.

Jupiter would be transiting 10th house in Virgo. People born under Virgo sign can expect cordial relations at the workplace, enhanced savings, domestic happiness, the defeat of enemies etc. An overall improvement in financial status is seen. Give importance to your family relations and you would be happy in 2013.

Jupiter would be transiting 9th house in Libra. People born under Libra sign can expect peace in mind and actions, overall sound health, good relations with younger brothers and sisters, the emergence of some hidden talents and conviction in speech. Inclination towards religion and a long distanced pilgrimage is also expected.

Jupiter would be transiting 8th house in Scorpio. Those expecting some long term finances like insurance, gratuity, etc. would receive them without any problems, auspiciousness in actions and events is expected. You would be revolving around your family and relatives. Overall a period of happiness is expected.

Jupiter would be transiting 7th house in Sagittarius. This is a good time for marriage, gain from self-efforts, rise in income, support from elder brothers and sisters. Good and virtuous deeds are expected during this period.

Jupiter would be transiting 6th house in Capricorn. You can expect improved conditions at work, improved living standards, expenditure towards charitable institutions, and expenditure towards family-related matters.

Jupiter would be transiting 5th house in Aquarius. You can expect recitation of mantras for your deity, scope for advanced education, pilgrimage, better relations with father, fresh sources of income or enhanced income in the current stream of income. You would be at complete peace with yourself during this period.

Jupiter would be transiting 4th house in Pisces. You can expect a happy domestic life, buying a new vehicle, inclination towards research-related activities. Cordial relations at the workplace are also expected.

Predictions by Aacharya Aaditya


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