On 20 November 2021, Jupiter is going to shift its stay and transit in the Aquarius sign. Jupiter, during its transit, can immediately affect some signs (Rashi) in positive, negative, or neutral ways.
Aquarius is a sign of socialising, out of culture, breaking the rules types. On the other hand, Jupiter is the planet of expansion. So, in general, we will see some changes and freedom in public around the world. Jupiter will transit in the Aquarius sign till 13 April 2022.
When Jupiter was in Capricorn sign, work, practicality, and dedication was seen. Now when it will transit to the Aquarius sign, a sign of freedom, breaking the rules and doing things out of cultural aspects will greatly contrast your nature after 20 NOV 2021.
Aquarius, Gemini and Libra will have a positive impact. While Aries, Sagittarius will have supported impact. Signs like Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces might face a stressful time while Taurus, Leo and Scorpio will have T-square aspects. This means they will have struggles, but it will be related to expansions.
ARIES- Jupiter will transit in your 11th house. A good time due to the below-mentioned changes.
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TAURUS- Jupiter will transit in your 10th house. Challenges are foreseen due to the below-mentioned changes.
GEMINI- Jupiter will transit in your 9th house. It will be a supporting period in the following ways.
CANCER- Jupiter will transit in your 8th house. Things will be sacrificed when it comes to emotions and some hurdles for some period.
LEO- Jupiter will transit in your 7th house. Things will be opposed in matters of relationship.
Also Read: Lunar Eclipse 2021- Get A Hold Of Your Emotions During This Time.
VIRGO- Jupiter will transit in your 6th house. Professionally and moneywise, you have to face a lot of adjustments, like
LIBRA- Jupiter will transit in your fifth house. After a long time, some easiness will be attained in the relationship.
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Scorpio- Jupiter will transit in your fourth house. You will feel more connected to home, but it won’t be as easy as it seems, due to the following reasons.
SAGITTARIUS- Jupiter will transit in your third house. It will make you more confident in the following manner.
CAPRICORN- Jupiter will transit in the 2nd house. It may create financial imbalances in the following way.
Also Read: Planet Mercury Transits To Scorpio - A Little Tough Time On The Professional Front
AQUARIUS- Jupiter will transit in your Lagan. It means 1st house. A great level of confidence will be felt.
PISCES- Jupiter will transit in your 12th house. It will hit your subconsciousness, either positively or negatively, in the following way.
✍️ By- Astro D Rana