Watching movies is one of the most entertaining ways to pass one’s time but why are tastes so different across the 12 sun signs? We all know that the movies have been divided into several genres and people belonging to different sunsigns are inclined to like certain kinds of movies that appeals to their individual preferences.
Get to know which genre is most likely to appeal people belonging to different sun signs.
Aries has an ‘its-me’ attitude. They do have leadership qualities and they are quite ambitious. They also have courage to take initiative. Considering these traits, the genre that will suit them best is ‘Superhero’ movies. Characters like ‘Iron Man’ aka Tony Stark or ‘Spiderman’ are relatable to Aries.
Stability, reliability, and dependability are qualities that describe a Taurean. Taureans do have a materialistic approach to what they do. Adventurous movies like ‘Indiana Jones’ or 007 movies can be seen in their movie collection.
They are social beings. They make sure that everyone around them is happy. And that’s why sometimes they land into trouble. But still Gemini is versatile and is considered to be the jack-of-all-trades. They will go for Slice-of-Life movies. Light comedies like ‘Meet The Fockers’ are to their taste.
Emotional, introvert Cancerians love to stay at home. They could keep your secrets but you will never know theirs. Cancer is a mysterious sign. So the kinds of movies they like are also mysterious in nature. So if you find them watching a suspense flick like ‘The Usual Suspects’, don’t be surprised.
Leo is a fiery sign but they are a bit dramatic too. They know how to draw everyone’s attention even in a social event. They will love artful drama flicks like ‘Life is Beautiful’.
Virgos are systematic and love to keep everything in order. They are curious by nature thus ask too many questions. Their curiosity makes them watch Science Fiction movies over and over. Movies like ‘Star Trek’ or ‘Inception’ are for Virgos.
Libra is a sign ruled by Venus i.e. the planet of love. So, it should be understood that Librans will love watching Romantic movies. Also they are honest and fair by nature so their kind-of movies will be like ‘The Notebook’. Teenage vampire movies will not appeal to the Libran senses.
Scorpions are tactless, strong-willed, courageous, competitive, and bold by nature. They are always up for challenges, always eager to accomplish any mission given to them. Their rough and tough nature will definitely lap up the Action movies. Movies like the ‘The Expendables’ or ‘The A-Team’ will appeal to Scorpio.
Sagittarians are known to be the knowledge seeking sign. They leave no opportunity unturned to gain vital knowledge. Also they are philosophical and always keen to present their opinions in any subject. They will watch movies like ‘The Ides of March’ that falls in the genre of Political/Philosophical movies or movies with a strong message.
Capricorns are full of rules. What to do, how to do, when to do. This is what they are best at. However, they are cool, calm, and self-disciplined too. But they will love to see their counter personalities in Horror movies like ‘The Exorcist’ or ‘Paranormal Activity’.
Aquarians are smart, quick, fun and memorable people. But they like to keep it to themselves or to those who are close to them. Their funny nature sure blends well with Comedy movies. They get entertained by watching Comedy flicks like ‘The Hangover’.
Pisceans are artistic, creative, but psychic. They have a vivid imagination. That keeps them thinking out of the box. However, they easily get influenced by others. They love to talk about their imagination, thus they will be drawn towards epic fantasy flicks like ‘The Lord of The Rings’ or ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’.