Rudraksha consists of the name Rudra (Shiva) and Aksha (eyes). Since ancient times many have believed in the healing powers of the Rudraksha beads and they are used for various religious purposes. It can be used as a rosary for repetitive prayer or worn to enhance life and negate negative energy. The qualities attributed to Rudrakshas vary depending upon the number of faces of the Rudraksha. As per Hindi legend, the Rudraksha came into being from Lord Shiva's single tear which was shed because of extreme fulfillment post his yogic meditation. This single tear turned into a tree and started bearing fruits. Rudrakshas are blue in colour but then turn a dark brown/black when dried. Read more about the attributes associated with Rudrakshas!
Ek Mukhi Rudraksha: The Ek Mukhi Rudraksha brings you success and financial gains. It also attracts luck and brings many opportunities your way. With this Rudraksha, one can achieve great heights of honour and success.
Do Mukhi Rudraksha: Keep diseases at bay and stay healthy with Do Mukhi Rudraksha. This Rudraksha gives you strength. Mother Lakshmi also showers her blessings on the Do Mukhi Rudraksha wearer and the wondrous radiation power keeps the mind in balance.
Teen Mukhi Rudraksha: With Teen Mukhi Rudraksha, invite luck. Teen Mukhi Rudraksha relieves you from labour pains and other troubles. A three-faced Rudraksh symbolises the trinity Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh who are the Creator, Nurturer and the Destroyer.
Chaar Mukhi Rudraksha: Students, this one is for you. The Chaar Mukhi Rudraksha is extremely beneficial for students who are weak in studies and for those who repeatedly fall ill as it helps ward off diseases. It sharpens your intellect and helps you get better results.
Panch Mukhi Rudraksha: Wear Panch Mukhi Rudraksha and get protected from sudden unexpected attacks. The paanch Mukhi Rudraksha has healing powers which helps fight diseases and ensures long life and sound health. It helps lift your spirit and gain spiritual joy.
Chhey Mukhi Rudraksha: Do you have a heart problem? Wearing Chhey Mukhi Rudraksha helps in curing diseases like Asthma, Blood Pressure and other heart related problems. The Chhey Mukhi Rudraksha is also useful to scholars, students and people involved in mental work.
Saat Mukhi Rudraksha: Achieve success in business with Saat Mukhi Rudraksha. The wearer of Saat Mukhi Rudraksha rises to great heights of success in business, gains wealth, and leads a luxurious life. It also helps in bringing peace and prosperity in your home.
Aath Mukhi Rudraksha: With Aath Mukhi Rudraksha, overcome your enemies and obstacles. It brings you success and fulfills your wishes. The wearer of the Aath Mukhi Rudraksha is bestowed with intelligence and all their wishes get fulfilled. Wear and become more thoughtful.
Nau Mukhi Rudraksha: Wear Nau Mukhi Rudraksha to increase your will power. It keeps you healthy and builds your concentration level. Being the representative symbol of the nine Durga's, it is fruitful and peace giving. This Nau Mukhi Rudraksha is beneficial for women.
Das Mukhi Rudraksha: Increase patience and forbearance with Das Mukhi Rudraksha. On wearing Das Mukhi Rudraksha your social circle will expand. It helps you gain recognition far and wide. It also strengthens your body and mind and improves memory while adding efficiency.
Gyarah Mukhi Rudraksha: Are you facing hardships? The Gyarah Mukhi Rudraksha is the best Rudraksha for you. This Gyarah Mukhi Rudraksha is specially beneficial to those who regularly face hardships, become impatient, feel insulted and unhappy and make wrong decisions.
Barah Mukhi Rudraksha: Wear Barah Mukhi Rudraksha to rise higher in life. By wearing Barah Mukhi Rudraksha, you will gain respect and recognition and you will become more popular in social circles.
Terah Mukhi Rudraksha: Don't want any problem to crop up while working on your new project? The Terah Mukhi Rudraksha helps you achieve success in new ventures and overcome problems easily. By wearing Terah Mukhi Rudraksha you become pure and will have no mental obstacles.
Chaudah Mukhi Rudraksha: Wear the Chauda Mukhi Rudraksha for better concentration and to improve your memory. It helps you recall and concentrate better and also helps you overcome illness. The Chauda Mukhi Rudraksha infuses energy in your life, gives peace of mind and strengthens the heart.