Which direction is lucky for you? Based on your astrological sun sign, find out all about your lucky direction. Should you study facing the east or the north west? Will the west bring you good news or will it be the South?
Aries- If your sun sign is Aries, your lucky direction for love is the east. By heading east, you are most likely to meet someone special. It may be love at first sight for you. For studies and career growth, the north will bring you luck Aries. The South east will be lucky financially, for all of you who belong to the zodiac sign Aries.
Taurus- If you belong to the zodiac sign Taurus, you will find the north east to be lucky for you in terms of love, romance and marriage. To enhance your career, the east direction will be lucky for you, Taurus. For financial luck, the north west direction will be lucky and will bring you good fortune.
Gemini- If your sunsign is Gemini; you will find the North West to be extremely lucky and good for your love life. Chances of meeting someone exciting in this direction are high. You will notice a visible growth in your career and see a lot of improve by heading towards the east. Financially, your luck will improve if you take all important decisions facing the north.
Cancer- For those of you who belong to the zodiac sign Cancer, your lucky direction for finding love is the north. Head out for a romantic vacation to some place towards the east. For growth in terms of your career, the west will be lucky for you Cancer. Financial luck will come to you if you make some investments in the north western direction.
You can seek guidance and remedies from these experts from the comfort and privacy of your home through Astroyogi’s Talk to astrologer service.
Leo- If your zodiac sign is Leo, you will find the north east to be very lucky for you in terms of love and romance. You will finally meet the partner of your dreams if you head in this direction. Leo will find the east to be lucky for career related matters. Financially, the north will bring good luck and prosperity for Leo.
Virgo- If you belong to the zodiac sign Virgo you will find the north to be lucky for your love life. It will finally bring you that someone special you have been waiting for! For growth in career and meeting your career ambitions, the south east will be lucky. For financial luck, Virgo must take decisions facing the north or the east.
Libra- If your sunsign is Libra, you will find love towards your lucky direction north west. Career wise, you must take all your important decisions facing the east. It will bring you good results. You will gain financially by making investments towards the north.
Scorpio- If your sunsign is Scorpio, you will find love towards the west. To attract luck and boost your career prospects, always take decisions facing the northwest. Financially, the east direction will bring you luck and prosperity.
Sagittarius- If you belong to the zodiac sign Sagittarius, you will find the North West direction to be lucky for love related matters. The south will bring you new opportunities and help you grow professionally. For financial luck, take all important decisions facing the east.
Capricorn- If you belong to the zodiac sign Capricorn, you will find the north to be lucky for all love related matters. Attract luck in your career by heading to the south direction. You will gain financially, by taking all important decisions facing the south east direction.
Aquarius- Aquarius, your lucky direction for love is the north. You are likely to meet someone very charming if you head to the north. Growth and new opportunities are likely to come your way from your lucky direction, east. Financial luck is indicated to come from the North West direction.
Pisces- If you belong to the sun sign Pisces, you will attract love by heading to the north. Employment opportunities and good news in terms of your career will come to you from the west. Financially, you will gain by taking decisions facing the east Pisces.