‘Magical Tarotcast’ by celebrity Tarot card reader, coach and psychic, of Astroyogi- Anisha K Sareen for 2018. This is a 2018 yearly forecast for all the star signs.
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Aries – A great mystery and secret is about to unfold in your life. 2018 is a year primarily marked by endings and new beginnings in your relationships, work, emotions and domestic life. Good news for all the single Ariens looking for love and to get married. Your wish for love, union, marriage, promises is manifesting this year. Arien women trying to conceive – March is the perfect month! Give it your best shot and expect delightful results. Already existing Marriages and legal partnerships may suffer temporarily. Easily let go of things visible and invisible that you have been struggling to hold onto for long, this could be an unhealthy relationship, an addiction or a job that you are not happy with. Be mentally and emotionally grounded to allow the secrets and magic of the universe to guide you. Take care of your health and take time out for meditation, a long walk, ‘Me’ time, sports and exercise. Don’t let fear govern you, set yourself free from all the subconscious feelings that restrict you towards achieving peace. Review your financial investments towards the end of the year. It’s a great time to invest in stocks and shares to book high profits. It is a time for love and romance, creative endeavours, aligning your energies and heart chakra to what you LOVE.
A dash of magic – Light a pink candle every Friday to manifest love and fulfilment in your life while placing a rose quartz crystal next to it. Wearing a rose quartz crystal from Jan 2018 will be beneficial for all Ariens.
Taurus - The Taurus star sign will experience a sensational year of unexpected travel, hope, victory, optimism and success. Inner strength and peace is very critical to their state of mind and wellbeing. Remembering your ancestors will help in receiving blessings from them. Taurean’s love varied experiences and anything too stable for their liking causes confusion and challenges in 2018. Expect a career/job change and be careful of sudden news about betrayal, manipulation or lies from a close friend or colleague. Relationships will undergo a phase of confusion, doubt and hardships mid-year but your innate sense of patience and perseverance will reap huge happiness for you. Give yourself the space to grow and blossom. Be ready to expect the unexpected for it is the unknown and secret journey of life that excites and enables you to reach your highest potential.
A dash of magic – Light a purple candle every Sunday to manifest clarity and life purpose while placing an Amethyst crystal next to it. Wearing an Amethyst crystal from Jan 2018 will be beneficial for all Taureans.
Gemini- 2018 is a year of choices, decisions, introspection, good friendships, healthy lifestyle changes, relocation and a huge focus on health. If you are looking to have a child, this is a perfect year for you, pregnancy will be happy and smooth. Gemini’s please don’t live in a false sense of security, it’s important for all Gemini’s to be honest to themselves and make wise decisions. You will have various options open to you, but make sure to be committed once you have taken a decision. If you are interacting with government institutions, expect delays in justice. At times you will experience bouts of loneliness leading to anxiety and worry but a dear, loyal friend will be there for you in your need of hour. Your innocence, passion and love for children will keep you content. Expect out of the blue windfall gains and good fortune. An annual health checkup is due for you. Some may suffer from dental issues and small surgeries. Taking a quick retreat, holiday is on the cards. Expect to go attend weddings, social get together’s, seminars and public gatherings to meet new people and make fresh partnerships. Your healing will be accelerated by spending time in the midst of nature.
A dash of magic – Light a red candle every Monday to manifest stability and balance in your life while placing a Smoky Quartz crystal next to it. Wearing a Smoky Quartz from Jan 2018 will be beneficial for all Gemini’s.
Cancer: 2018 is governed by matters of the heart and love, travel and holidays, happiness and surprises, competition and a new career. Single Cancerian’s, you will find your true love, not in the same city, but away from you. You will need to travel quite a distance to meet the man/woman of your dreams. Enjoy the feeling of love that arises in your heart for it is this special person that makes your life go round. Travel is on the cards for work and holidays. Expect favorable legal outcomes. You will enjoy time by the beach/sea and this will be very therapeutic for your soul. Be careful of a habit becoming an addiction. Pay close attention to stay away from any discord with your spouse or family. Motivation and self-discipline are very important to achieve your goals and get “whipped into shape”. Don’t mistrust your deep inner feelings and voice of intuition, for this is the key to unlocking your destiny. Success in an interview, new job, career is certain.
A dash of magic – Light a green candle every Wednesday to manifest your hearts desires and abundance in your life while placing a Green Jade crystal next to it. Wearing a Green Jade from Jan 2018 will be beneficial for all Cancerians.
Leo: 2018 is an intuitive, mysterious, positive, successful and guided year for the Leo filled with the energy of love, guidance and hope. You will shine like a star this year! Expect to be intuitively guided by your higher wisdom in all aspects of life. Leo’s who have applied for educational courses expect to receive some positive correspondence from the universities and colleges, which has been long overdue. Those working with government institutions, expect lots of legal documentation, favorable outcome and success related to business deals. Are you confused and unable to take a decision on a romantic relationship? You will probably pass through a mysteriously unpredictable and confusing time, but this will give way to clarity about love. Your heart strings are pulled and bringing you closer to love and intimacy. Allow your creative juices to flow. Hasty business decisions will impact finances, so be prudent with your savings and investments. Moderate and nutritious food, exercise and outdoor games is recommended. Overall a time for divine guidance, hope, success and prosperity. You will certainly achieve your dreams and aspirations.
A dash of magic – Light a white candle to manifest clarity and intuition in your life while placing a selenite next to it. Wearing a Selenite crystal from Jan 2018 will be beneficial for all Leo’s
Virgo: 2018 is about resolving past issues that set you free legally, unlocking your destiny by observing and eradicating that attribute which is diminishing the quality of your life, pregnancy, choices and decisions, communication, marriage and other legal contracts, travel and success. Single Virgos will find love and get married. Virgo’s going through a separation, there is a chance of divorce. A legal contract is made that will result in a huge amount of prosperity. You are going to receive happy news about travel, holidays, relocation and those looking to migrate overseas this is your chance. Significant conversations are going to take place where you will be faced with choices that enable you to take actions to make healthy life changes. Your current relationship will also evolve. Beware of loss or damage. Overall the year is suggesting relationship improvements and healthy changes. Take time out in nature, get a lot of sun, and stay cheerful.
A dash of magic – Light a gold candle on Friday to manifest abundance and fortune in your life while placing a moonstone next to it. Wearing a moonstone crystal from Jan 2018 will be beneficial for all Virgos.
Libra: 2018 signifies love, romance, intimacy, secret love affairs, new beginnings, marriages and promises, happiness and solitude. Your life is going to be filled with the fragrance of sweet surprises and joyous news will be brought to you regarding a marriage proposal, wedding date being fixed, engagement or a registered marriage. All in all, you will enjoy a period of great happiness and travel. Anything that is too fixed and beginning to threaten your freedom and peace of mind will come to an end. A close friendship may break and there will be new beginnings. Single Librans be watchful of having secret love affairs. Love and intimacy is ruling the Libran horoscope in 2018. Word of caution: You maybe in a power struggle with somebody, stay away from heated debates with friends and family, arguments about money, strife and conflict.
A dash of magic – Light an Orange candle on Saturday to manifest innovation and creativity in your life while placing a Carnelian next to it. Wearing a Carnelian crystal from Jan 2018 will be beneficial for all Librans.
Scorpio: 2018 for the Scorpio is the year of financial freedom and business success, communication, Innovation, growth, social standing and appearances, luxurious lifestyle, love and hope. Great news related to starting a new venture/ business out of your passion and creativity beckons you. You will experience innovative bursts of thoughts that will make you want to start something new or switch your career bringing plenty of abundance and money into your life. There is definitely financial improvement this year. Couples ensure to maintain an open and honest communication with your partner, as there could be some trouble brewing in your relationship. You will experience hard conversations with your partner. Scorpions will experience the love of power and money this year. Be careful as you may just fall in love with your colleague at work! Power is what attracts you. Overall you will receive happy news related to your social standing and may even receive an award or medal in society. An illustrious and successful year awaits you.
A dash of magic – Light a Yellow candle on Monday to manifest innovation and creativity in your life while placing a Carnelian next to it. Wearing a Citrine crystal from Jan 2018 will be beneficial for all Librans.
Sagittarius: 2018 marks the ending of a so called long ‘imprisonment’. This could be emotional, financial, physical (health) or an actual term of prison. You will be flooded with pleasant surprises, gifts, flowers, invitations and love, everything that makes you smile. It’s after a long time that you are actually reclaiming your power and freedom. Even thou hardships will come and go, lady fortune and luck will always favour you. Some may have difficult times and challenges dealing with their fathers or elderly bosses. For all the
‘Magical Tarot’ By Anisha K Sareen
“Contains Confidential, Proprietary, or Privileged Information Exempt from Public Disclosure.” - Magical Tarot By Anisha K Sareen.
Sagittarian women, a special message for you – You are like the STAR – Your hope and faith in a higher power guides and anchors you. Keep Shining like the STAR you’re born to be. It will be lovely to follow a yogic diet and exercise to balance your swaying emotions. Mostly you keep your feelings to yourself like a shut book but this could affect your health and wellbeing. Overall, it’s a wonderful year of listening to your inner GOD voice, following your passions and dreaming big.
A dash of magic – Light a Blue candle on Tuesday to manifest healing and tranquility in your life while placing a Herkimer Diamond next to it. Wearing a Herkimer Diamond crystal from Jan 2018 will be beneficial for all Librans.
Capricorn: 2018 is a year of great transformation, sweeping change, marriage and contracts, endings and new beginnings, hope, success, ‘multiples’ energy, with a focus on children. For all the married couples your child will be the primary focus. Couples going through separation, child custody will be a part of the change. Single parents especially male, will go through troublesome times if dealing with child custody. There is wonderful change in your place of residence. Your home may go through renovation, beautification, migration or relocation of the house is on the cards. The Capricon will be compelled to adopt lifestyle and health improvements. Secret Love, romance and intimacy seem to govern 2018. You may have secret relationships and affairs. Couples can work on relationship goals for better understanding. Anyone signing business contacts please carry out a due diligence before you sign on the dotted line. Word of caution for Capricon men- there are possibilities of ‘another woman’ in your life leading to times of confusion, uncertainty and betrayal so think twice before entering any affair. Overall a bright and positive year ahead of you. Take time out for your quiet space every day. This could be some time for introspection, solitude, meditation, chanting or whatever it is that brings you clarity and stability.
A dash of magic – Light a brown candle on Wednesday to manifest stability and independence in your life while placing a Red Jasper next to it. Wearing a red Jasper crystal from Jan 2018 will be beneficial for all Librans.
Aquarius: 2018 for the Aquarius is a year dedicated to children, achieving financial success and freedom, becoming famous, receiving honour for your cutting edge and innovative business ideas, cutting off all kind of betrayal and deception lurking around in your friend and business associate circle. If you’re married and have children your life will primarily revolve around the kids and working a new financial / business strategic plan. You have been experiencing hardships and challenges with finances in the past but that time is certainly over. It’s a fantastic idea to invest in stocks and shares for you will harvest huge profits from this. Expect delightful news with childbirth announcements. Take care of your child, if he/she is being troublesome or a bully. Working Aquarius men and women are going to see themselves in very powerful positions this year. Your creative juices will flow, feelings and emotions are charged allowing you to deeply connect to your higher wisdom and intuitive self. There are chances of being facilitated by a prestigious institution and being in the limelight. Upcoming actors you have a promising career ahead, get ready to be centre stage as you experience sudden luck and fortune. Overall, the year is dedicated to your family.
A dash of magic – Light a Gold candle on Friday to manifest Prosperity and fame in your life while placing a raw gold Pyrite next to it. Wearing a Gold Pyrite crystal from Jan 2018 will be beneficial for all Librans.
Pisces: 2018 is a super year for the Piscean. The year is predominantly marked by good fortune, happiness, good luck, celebrations, engagement and wedding plans and long journeys. People in the beauty and spa business will do very well, as the energy of the year is attributed to beauty. Working individuals will receive recognition by the management financial rewards and success or you could be moved to a financially rewarding project too. You will have long fun journeys/holidays but be sure to carry medicines in case if you feel travel sickness. Singles can expect romance with new love interests. People in love expect romantic getaways, travelling with your love honeymoons and overseas/destination weddings overall it’s a year of beauty love and financial gains
A dash of magic – Light a brown candle on Saturday to manifest security and power in your life while placing a Black Obsidian next to it. Wearing a Black Obsidian crystal from Jan 2018 will be beneficial for all Pisceans.