Mars Transit in Libra on 22 October 2021

Fri, Oct 22, 2021
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Fri, Oct 22, 2021
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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Mars Transit in Libra on 22 October 2021

Mars is considered the Karka of Courage, Velour Blood, Muscles and Younger co-borne, etc. Mars provides kinetic energy to the muscles and body. Mars is going to enter the Venus sign Libra on 22 October 2021. During this transit, Mars will cross Chitra, Swati, and Vishakha nakshatra. Those are Mars, Rahu, and Jupiter nakshatras, respectively. Mars is creating an exchange yog with Venus and making conjunction with the Sun. According to Kalpurush Kundli, it is affecting the house of business and partnership.

Let us analyze the impact of transit to different zodiac signs natives: -

Impact of Mars Transit in Libra 2021 on Aries ♈

The Mars transit will take place into the 7th house. The high energy levels of Mars will provide mixed results. People will be impressed with your personality. You will try to sort out differences very quickly, but patience is required for reconciliation. High energy can be utilized for career success. Courageous decisions would provide expansion in business. Quick and spontaneous action will give you fame in professional life. It is a very supportive time for the people whose profession is related to defence services, Surgery, Physical trainer, sportsman, etc.

  • Married couples need to be careful; ego and anger will create challenges.
  • Government-related work will provide gains.
  • You need others' help to complete your work, so cooperation is the only key to getting the desired results. Aries Sign


Impact of Mars Transit in Libra 2021 on Taurus ♉

The Mars transit will take place into the 6th house. You will have a high amount of energy which will help you in your day-to-day life. Your competitiveness will increase. Students will have a favourable time to get success in competitive exams.

  • A high workload may create pressure, so it is better to take charge of your health and follow some physical exercise regime.
  • You may feel discomfort with your co-workers. To maintain harmony and a good professional relationship, you should avoid clashes and avoid reacting to petty issues.
  • Expenses will be very high; plan some investment and stop buying unnecessary things; otherwise, you may have to take out a loan and suffer a Financial Crisis. Taurus Sign


Impact of Mars Transit in Libra 2021 on Gemini ♊

The Mars transit will take place into the 5th house. You will have high energy, and you will utilize that energy where you can have fun. You would like to express your creativity; self-discipline is required to achieve desired results.

  • A new romantic relationship may flourish, but impatient behaviour could be detrimental to your relationship. 
  • You may tend to gamble or invest money in risky ventures during this period, better to analyze the risk and reward ratio before investing money.
  • If you want a career change, it is the right time to decide.
  • Secure money that can be used for loan repayment. Gemini Sign

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Impact of Mars Transit in Libra 2021 on Cancer ♋

The Mars transit will take place through the 4th house. Your mental peace may be disturbed; old issues may resurface, creating a problem for you. Emotional behaviour can create distance from your loved ones. It would help if you worked hard to protect yourself.

  • Love and patience are necessary to live a harmonious life.
  • If you are looking to invest money in property, it is the right time. Construction, renovation, or redecoration of your house will be your prime focus.
  • Work pressure will be high. Your leadership quality will help you to get favour from higher authorities or the government. Cancer Sign 


Impact of Mars Transit in Libra 2021 on Leo ♌

The Mars transit will take place into the 3rd house. It will provide mixed results for Leo natives. You will have a lot of plans and ideas during this period, but you need to find a proper channel to utilize it. If somebody does not agree with your ideas, don't take them personally, as everybody has a different thought process. You may have short journeys related to your profession. You would like to communicate with others; Provocative comments can create heated arguments. It is better to choose your words carefully.

  • Impatience or impulsive behaviour can create accidents.
  • It is wise to be careful while driving on the road, operating machinery, or during manual tasks.
  • This is an excellent time to work on intellectual tasks with more vigour and passion. Leo Sign


Impact of Mars Transit in Libra 2021 on Virgo ♍

The Mars transit will take place into the 2nd house. It will be easy for you to get your work done with your authoritative commands, which will provide professional success.You will be energetic to make money but also to defend your values.You may be overidentifying with what you have and own, and you could be trying to prove your worth to others by using money and possessions.

  • You may face conflict on issues of ownership.
  • Impulsive buying will be at its peak, don't take credit; otherwise, you may have financial crunches in the future.
  • Health-related issues can trouble you.  Virgo Sign 


Impact of Mars Transit in Libra 2021 on Libra ♎

The Mars transit will take place into the lagan. During this transit confidence level would be very high. You would like to leave your impression on the world somehow, and for that, you will clear all the hurdles courageously.People in business may have new opportunities to expand their company by signing a new deal. 

  • Short-temperedness and impatience can create trouble in your personal life.
  • Take charge of your life, but don't bulldoze over others in this process.
  • Building assets or property investment would be your prime focus.
  • Head-related injuries are possible, so recite Hanuman Chalisa to remove ill effects. Libra Sign 

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Impact of Mars Transit in Libra 2021 on Scorpio♏

The Mars transit will take place in the twelfth house. It is difficult to transit for scorpions, Health-related issues can come forward. Take very good care of yourself and follow healthy food habits and proper exercise. Expenses will be uncontrolled; make a proper budget before spending money.

  • People working in MNC companies have a good time.
  • Export and import related business will flourish.
  • Your enemies will be in a powerful state during this transit.
  • It is better to work on your shortcomings rather than compete with them and wait for the right time to fight back. Scorpio Sign


Impact of Mars Transit in Libra 2021 on Sagittarius♐

The Mars transit will take place into the eleventh house. It is an excellent time for Sagittarians. Leadership ability will help you to complete your project on time. You would like to increase your social connections. You will get name and fame in your professional life. Servicemen may get a promotion.

  • You would like to be involved in social welfare activities.
  • It is a favourable time for the people connected with NGOs.
  • You would think about other requirements and comfort before yourself.
  • An old investment would give profit, and you may think about a new long-term investment.
  • Students have a good time to get success in competitive exams. Sagittarius Sign 


Impact of Mars Transit in Libra 2021 on Capricorn♑

The Mars transit will take place into the tenth house. You will focus on your ambition and will work hard to get recognition in your professional life. There is a chance of promotion as well. But it is advisable to be grounded and avoid ego. You may invest energy in self-promotion. High energy and courage will help you succeed in difficult tasks and fulfil your deep desire to be noticed.

  • Select your words carefully to avoid conflicts.
  • A positive thought process can help you to avoid negativity.
  • What others think about you is none of your business.
  • Excessive work pressure can disturb your personal life.
  • It is advisable to balance your personal and professional life. Capricorn Sign 


Impact of Mars Transit in Libra 2021 on Aquarius♒

The Mars transit will take place into the ninth house. It is a challenging time for Aquarians. You need to prove your worth in difficult and risky jobs. Luck will favour you. If you are looking for a job change, it is a time for transformation. Foreign opportunities can come up in the near future.

  • Students will enjoy learning new concepts, and they may try new adventurous activities. 
  • Expenses will be high, so it is better to plan a long-term investment plan.
  • If you want to enjoy a good time with your life partner, avoid harsh words. Aquarius Sign 


Impact of Mars Transit in Libra 2021 on Pisces♓

The Mars transit will take place into the eighth house. Professionally it is a challenging period; after a lot of hard work, you may get little success. Luck will not favour you.You will enjoy your time at the family gatherings.

  • Sexual desire will be high; channelize your energy positively.
  • Otherwise, you may have to face an awkward situation.
  • Health needs to be taken care of properly.
  • You may get blocked money during this period which will give you pleasure. Pisces Sign


By Deepa Gupta

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