Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius is Good for Travelers! What About You?

Tue, Dec 20, 2022
Acharya Senthil
  By Acharya Senthil
Tue, Dec 20, 2022
Team Astroyogi
  By Acharya Senthil
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Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius is Good for Travelers! What About You?

In astrology, the transit of a planet from one zodiac sign to another can significantly impact your life. The same can be said for Mercury’s retrograde transit through Sagittarius on 31st December 2022. So, discover how the Mercury turning retrograde in Sagittarius will affect your life according to your zodiac sign.

The Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius’s date is on the 31st of December 2022. Mercury will turn progressive or direct in Sagittarius on 18th January 2023. On 7th February 2023, Mercury will then enter the sign of Capricorn. 

Sagittarius is a fiery sign ruled by Jupiter, considered the most benefic of all nine planets in astrology. When it comes to the relationship between Mercury and Jupiter, they are said to be inimical to each other, and Mercury’s placement in Sagittarius adds moderate strength to it. A planet that is retrograde or Vakri produces unusual or negative results as per astrology. However, a thorough examination of a natal chart by a professional astrologer is required to determine whether the retrograde will positively or negatively impact a person's life. Mercury influences certain traits most important in our life, such as communication, intellect, memory, travel, friendship, and so on. 

When the planet is retrograde (Vakri), the above characteristics or areas of life may manifest in an unusual way for a native. Furthermore, people born with Mercury in Sagittarius have a liberal outlook on life. Mercury employs them through the art of diplomacy and tact. They are very interested in reading about spirituality and exploring spirituality. Therefore, it will be intriguing to learn more about how each zodiac sign will be affected by Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius 2022.

Interested to know how your life will unfold in 2023? Check out the annual Horoscope 2023 predictions!

Retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius And Its Effect on The 12 Zodiac Signs

Let's get to know in detail how Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius will impact each of the 12 zodiac signs from 31st December 2022 through 18th January 2023.

Impact of Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius on Aries

Mercury happens to be the functional malefic to the Aries sign natives. 

  • The impact of Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius will be largely on the travel and health of people born in Aries. You will find yourself traveling frequently. 
  • When it comes to health, you may have a feeling of discomfort with everything. Never make compromises when it comes to your health. Stick to your routine and practice self-care.

Remedy- Praying to Lord Narasimha can cure Mercury’s affliction and bring good fortune in the coming months.

Impact of Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius on Taurus 

Mercury is one of the most favorable and beneficent planets to the Taurus native and is also the functional benefic. 

  • However, Mercury's placement in the 8th house from Taurus is a drawback because finances and relationships must be balanced. 
  • Unexpected expenses and monetary commitments may occur during the retrograde. You must be extremely mindful of your expenses during this time.

Remedy- Praying to Lord Rama and reciting the Rama mantra can help you be conscious of everything around you.

Impact of Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius on Gemini

Mercury is the ruling planet and, having occupied the 7th house, is pretty favorable in developing self-confidence and resolving the current problems. 

  • Excellent time for house renovation or construction and to buy new vehicles. When it comes to relationships, be careful so that any likelihood of conflict can be avoided. 
  • Those studying, particularly students, must put in extra effort during the Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius period.

Remedy- Prayers to Lord Vishnu with Vishnu Sahasranama on Wednesday morning between 6 to 7 a.m. can definitely heal your work stress and frustration.

Impact of Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius on Cancer

Mercury, the lord of the 3rd and 12th houses, is unfavorable to Cancerians. 

  • Despite being malevolent, Mercury's placement in the 6th house indicates a favorable time. It's time to pay off the debts. 
  • With the right efforts, there will be a significant recovery from health constraints. Disputes and legal proceedings, if any, will be resolved in your favor. 
  • Overall, the Mercury retrograde effects for Cancerians are mostly positive. 

Remedy- It is best to worship Goddess Ganga and take a dip in any holy river on Mondays until January 2023. A career change and career stability are ensured.

Impact of Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius on Leo

Mercury, the superior benefic planet for Leos, is in a favorable transit position and makes every aspect of your life favorable. 

  • The period will be fantastic for traders, who will have high returns. 
  • People looking to get married will find their soulmates. Those who want to have a child will also have their wishes granted. Married couples will enjoy their time together. 
  • Leo natives will eventually benefit and have an amazing time during Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius 2022.

Remedy- On Sundays, worship Lord Shiva with Bilva Patra (leaves) and offer Sahasranama Archana. A peaceful relationship and reconciliation with the partner are ensured.

Impact of Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius on Virgo

Mercury is the natural ruler of the Virgo zodiac and is placed in the fourth house, which is favorable. 

  • Entrepreneurs will benefit greatly. With the right efforts, working professionals will be recognized by higher officials. It's time to change jobs, especially if you're a working professional. 
  • Take special care of your parents' health, as well as your relationship with them. 
  • Overall, the Mercury retrograde effects on this sign are on the positive side. 

Remedy- Prayers to Tirupathi Balaji and chanting Rama Nama on Wednesdays are recommended for making your wishes come true within the anticipated time frame.

Impact of Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius on Libra

Mercury placed in the 3rd house is favorable since the 9th house is influenced by its own lord. 

  • This is the time to enlighten yourself spiritually, take a pilgrimage trip, and manifest your prayers. 
  • People trying for opportunities abroad will succeed and have a good time for overseas travel.
  • People trying to sell land, house, or property will find good opportunities. 
  • Communication with siblings must be taken care of since there is a possibility of having differences.

Remedy- Wearing a green Peridot gemstone is the best for attracting luck into your life.

Have you checked this yet? 👉 Tarot 2023Numerology 2023

Impact of Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius on Scorpio

The Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius is going to be very challenging for Scorpios in terms of finance, integrity, and life energy. 

  • During this time, avoid lending or borrowing money and exercise extreme caution when it comes to financial matters. 
  • It's a good time to inherit family property. Avoid getting involved in conflicts that could lead to self-troubles.

Remedy- Praying to Lord Narasimha Moorthy on Tuesdays can help relieve your mental stress and conflicts. Continue praying until Jan 2023.

Impact of Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius on Sagittarius

Mercury is the lord of the 7th and 10th house for Sagittarius natives and is well-placed in the horoscope, adding strength to the quadrants.

  • This is a highly favorable time to get committed to your soulmate as well as have a stable career. 
  • Those expecting job confirmation or commitment in a relationship will succeed. People expecting overseas travel will find golden opportunities. 
  • Making all the necessary preparations now will help ensure that they are successful after 31st December 2022. 
  • People who are having marital issues will reconcile. Additionally, now is a good time to launch a partnership-based business.

Remedy- Thursday prayers to Lord Shiva with Sahasranama Archana Pooja can help boost your business confidence and cash flow.

Impact of Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius on Capricorn

The Mercury retrograde period appears to be in favor of Capricorn natives.

  • People who plan to relocate have a good chance of succeeding.
  • Those waiting for their visas to be approved will get good news. Pilgrimages and trips to places to attain spirituality are possible at this time.
  • Be careful with your spending. It is an excellent time to make long-term investments, particularly in real estate and equities. 
  • People who have had persistent health issues will make a good recovery.

Remedy- As a remedial measure, pray to Lord Vishnu for assistance in healing health constraints and other difficult issues.

Also Read: Planning for Marriage in 2023? Here’s The Shubh Marriage Muhurat!

Impact of Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius on Aquarius

The Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius period is a good time to start a relationship or commit to a relationship for Aquarians. 

  • People involved in litigation or running a case will receive favorable decisions. 
  • For those studying, it's a good time to attempt competitive and entrance exams.
  • People who engage in intraday trading or make short-term investments will benefit greatly. Avoid making investments in businesses.

Remedy- Praying to Lord Hanuman and chanting the Hanuman Chalisa can help you increase your business profits and gain recognition in your job.

Impact of Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius on Pisces

Mercury, who rules the 7th and 10th houses, is well-positioned in Pisces and strengthens the quadrants.

  • This transit period is the right time to start a relationship. Relationship disputes will be resolved. 
  • Also, a good time to expect a steady job. 
  • People can expect overseas travel after 31st December 2022.

Remedy- Praying to Lord Shiva on Thursdays with Guru Stotram can streamline your studies and career.

The above are generic horoscope predictions and may differ for each individual based on their natal charts. For more personalized forecasts, consult Acharya Senthil.

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