The Mercury transit from Scorpio to Sagittarius on 24th of November could have a significant impact on your destiny and future. Mercury is called ‘Budh’ in Vedic astrology and it roughly translates to intelligence or cleverness. As the name implies Mercury is the key significator of one’s communication skills, analytical abilities, and intellect. The transit will happen at 14:09 PM on 24th of November. Expert astrologers at Astroyogi explain the impact of this transit on the lives of each of the 12 zodiac natives.
Mercury will transit into your 9th house after the transit. You may face some hindrances and obstacles on your work front, but you can vanquish them if you stay strong during this period. Hard work is the key to success during this tenure. However, you would get ample support from friends and family which would provide you with the strength and perseverance to sail through any hardships which life throws at you. There would be great takeaways from your experiences during this time period which would stay with you for a lifetime.
With Mercury in your 8th house, couples who are trying for a child will get the good news soon. Our expert astrologers foresee your success in all endeavours which you take up during this tenure. You may also spend some money on clothes and accessories during this time period. An unexpected journey is on the cards, it may be for work-related or personal reasons. You are advised to take care of your health and body during this time period, a careless attitude towards your health and diet will take a toll on your body in the long run.
Mercury will be visiting your seventh house after the transit. You may be a bit concerned about your health during this time period. The change in climate may affect your health so you are advised to stay safe. Work front will remain normal and if you are planning to change job then wait for some more time as it is not the ideal time to make a shift. Single natives who are planning to get married may narrow down on an alliance during this time period.
With reference to Cancer, the transit is happening in the 6th house. This can slow down the pace of success which you are enjoying now. Your enemies may create obstacles for you. You may miss out on things which you were about to accomplish. You may also face some arbitrary delays, but you are advised to stay strong and persistent. This is just a passing phase and it’s just a matter of time.
With Mercury in your fifth house, this transit is favourable for you. Couples who have been trying for a baby will get the good news soon. Those who have been preparing for competitive exams and interviews have high chances of cracking the test. If you have been planning to start a new project or any new endeavour, this is the best time to do that. You will enjoy this time period to the fullest and will have the support of luck.
Mercury will move into your 4th house after the transit. Our expert astrologers foresee that you will have financial gains from multiple sources. Relatives may pop over unexpectedly during this time period. However, you would enjoy some good time with family during this tenure. You may make up your mind about big investments like property or vehicle purchase. There might be small tiffs and arguments at home, but take a chill pill and handle things with diplomacy and tact.
Having Mercury in your 3rd house is good news for you. Your intelligence and skills will be appreciated and rewarded at the workplace. You may have to leave for frequent errands during this time period but these short journeys will reward you with good results. Your competitors or colleges may try to demean you or conspire against you, but you just have to stay confident and honest in your work, you will be safe.
The transit will bring Mercury to your second house. You will feel a new energy rooting up inside you which would propel your deeds and thoughts towards achieving what you have been aspiring for long. You will also find clarity about what you really want in life. You may spend some time doing a self-introspection and will be happy with the results. There are also chances of financial gain. You may get some funds or ancestral property from your family.
With Mercury in your first house, you will be showered with good luck during this time period in almost all domains of life. You will be noticed by superiors in the work front and may also be appreciated for the good work that you have done. Just make sure that you do your best and things will work only in your favour. Family life will be blissful and you may even plan a family trip which has been long pending.
The transit will happen in the 12th house of your zodiac sign, so this transit is going to bring about a lot of changes in your life. You will be very convincing, polite and an absolute master of communication during this time period. You will be getting financial gains and this transit is also beneficial for your career. You will be assuaged from longing concerns. Students have high chances of cracking competitive examinations.
The Mercury transit happened in your 11th house which is also known as ‘Labh Ghar’ in Vedic astrology. Your expenses may shoot up during this tenure. You may spend a lot on luxurious amenities during this time period. You are advised not to engage in any risky business during this tenure as you may lack the favour and support of luck. You may be bewildered and confused about certain important decisions or choices which you have to take. You are advised to take the guidance of elders or parents during such situations.
The transit happened in your ‘Karma Kshetra’ (10th house) according to Vedic astrology. You have high chances of getting a new job or for starting a new business. However, you should not just rely fully on your luck to bring in success. You should reciprocate to your luck by putting in your best efforts and working hard. It is important for you to believe in yourself and have the full conviction for whatever task you are going to undertake.