What Does Astrology Say About The Moles On Your Body?

Wed, Apr 10, 2024
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Wed, Apr 10, 2024
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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What Does Astrology Say About The Moles On Your Body?

Different body marks contribute to a person's overall appearance and enrich their personality. One of these is moles, which are small colored marks on the body that are thought to appear due to planetary positions. Read on to know what astrology says about the moles on your body.

According to astrology, moles symbolize one's personality, Karma, and acts, whether positive or negative. Many beliefs surround these bodily marks, which appear from the time we are born until we leave this earthly world.

Let's look at what the moles on your body mean as per astrology.

What Is Moles Astrology?

Moles astrology is another branch of Samudrik Shastra, which shows the power of moles and their effects on one's life. These body marks can disclose a lot about a person's personality, character, and destiny. Moles astrology educates about the positive and negative effects of these body marks and how they can help develop a native's personality in a variety of ways.

Types of Moles And Their Meaning

Moles appear in various sizes, shapes, and colors, representing different situations or outcomes. These are the various moles, and each has its own meaning.

Based on the size

  • Small –  Doesn't have a lot of impacts

  • Round and large – Extremely lucky

  • Long – Prosperous

Based on the shapes

  • Triangle – Inconclusive results

  • Zig-zag –  Poor outcomes

  • Round –  Reflect the bearer's goodwill

  • Square – Unpredictability and will avert evil energies

Based on the colors

  • Light-colored moles – Red, brown, or green emerald, are usually auspicious.

  • Black –  Not a favorable sign since it will make life full of challenges.

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Moles And Their Meaning in Astrology

According to astrology, moles on various body parts represent different things. The meanings of moles on various body parts are listed below.

On Forehead

  • The mole in the middle of the forehead denotes wisdom, calmness, and clear insight.

  • The mole present on the right side of the forehead, according to moles astrology, indicates that the individual will be wealthy.

  • A mole present on the left side of the forehead indicates that the individual will have bad luck and be very selfish.

  • A mole on either side of the temples indicates that the individual might receive unexpected financial benefits and marry a beautiful life partner.

On Eyes

  • The bearer of a mole on the right eye is trustworthy, honest, and hardworking.

  • A mole on the left eye indicates that the person is arrogant and pessimistic.

On Nose

  • According to astrology, a mole on the nose tip indicates that the individual acts impulsively and makes decisions without thinking.

  • A mole at the right side of the nose shows that the person will obtain wealth with minimal effort.

  • A mole present on the left side of the nose might be unlucky and symbolize difficulties.

  • A mole below the nose indicates that the person exudes sensuous energy and gets easily attracted to the opposite gender.

On Cheek

  • According to mole astrology, a mole on the left cheek indicates that the person is an introvert, has a short temper, and spends a lot of money.

  • A mole on the right cheek indicates that the individual has a commanding personality, a logical mind, and the ability to earn well.

On Ears

  • A mole present on any part of the ear denotes a lavish lifestyle.

  • A mole on the top or tip of the ear indicates that the person is knowledgeable.

On Lips

  • Anyone with a mole on their lip should monitor what they eat since they might gain weight and have health problems.

  • The bearer of a mole on the lower lip has an excellent culinary taste and is dramatic.

On Tongue

  • A mole on the tongue indicates that the person might face health and speech issues and educational challenges.

  • A mole present on the tip of the tongue represents diplomacy, and the bearer knows how to handle a situation well.

  • The bearer can also be a fantastic cook.

On Chin

  • A chin mole indicates that the person is a travel freak who enjoys visiting new places.

  • A mole present on the right side of the chin denotes reasoning and diplomatic responses.

  • Moles on the left side of the chin imply that the person is direct and truthful.

On Neck

  • A mole present on the front of someone's neck denotes that they are lucky, have a soothing voice, and are artistic.

  • If the mole is on the back, it indicates that the person is aggressive.

On Shoulders

  • A mole on the left shoulder indicates that the person is stubborn and regularly gets into fights.

  • A mole on the right shoulder denotes bravery and wisdom.

On Arms

  • A mole on each arm indicates that the person is pleasant and courteous.

  • A mole on the right arm denotes a brilliant person.

  • Any mole on the left arm suggests that the person wishes to have a prosperous life but is content with the status quo.

We hope you now have a better understanding of the significance of moles on the body and how they influence one's personality and character.

Do you want to learn about the significance of moles on your body? Connect with Astroyogi astrologers right away!

✍️By - Team Astroyogi

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