Celebrity Tarot reader Mita Bhan unfolds Tarot Readings for the month of November 2017. Let's see what the cards reveal for your sun sign:
There’s a fine line between assertiveness and aggressiveness and you need to learn it. People are in awe of you but they shouldn’t be afraid of you. Control your impulse to dominate others to the point where they tremble. Your mind is sharp and you will be able to look at things with a different kind of clarity. Use your time for research, analysis, strategizing and planning. A project you’ve been working on brings good news your way. In the home front, its time to make peace with a particular woman in your life. Think cooperation and harmony not control. Financially a good time to get things in order. And if you’ve been postponing the health check, make sure you take out time for your health.
Trust your instincts especially when it comes to your team. People aren't being honest with you about something and it's not going to be pleasant when you find out. Expect delays in plans, so do be patient. An impulsive, smooth-talking young man may promise much more than he delivers. Don’t fall for words, look at actions. You may need to sort out a mess. Or mediate some conflict. Remember to stay calm under pressure. Your energy levels could be low so make sure you get heaps of rest and relaxation and try not to burn out. Even in matters of the heart, you may find a relationship that developed quickly fizzles out too soon. Singles may meet a number of people who appear unreliable. And if married, try not to take out your frustrations on your spouse. Financially you may work hard at trying to get back money that was owed to you. Don’t give up, there's some good news in hand.
You’re on the verge of taking some important steps and making equally important changes in your life. You’ve assessed things carefully and are on the brink of moving beyond your fears. Keep moving, seek support if you need it, but trust yourself. This is an important period of facing your fears and realising that fears are not that scary. Things are never quite what they appear in our imagination, and when you approach things with courage – you set yourself up for a pleasant surprise. In your relationships, you take the blindfold and see people for who they really are. If someone shows you their true colours the first time, believe them. Meditation and prayer will help you find clarity and peace. Remember, the days when you feel most alone are the days you need to trust there’s something better ahead of you.
Consult celebrity tarot reader Mita Bhan on astroyogi.com for expert advice on issues you are facing in life. Click here to consult now.
Peace at last. Enjoy moments of absolute harmony in the weeks ahead. And don’t you deserve it? Finally, a time to put your feet up and relax. Relationships run smoothly and friends and family bring great joy and warmth into your life. Singles may find a soulmate or a friend who you can connect with mentally and emotionally. Look forward to some heart to heart connections. And if you were planning to pamper yourself, this may be the month to do it. However, do remember everything is a phase and this phase may not last too long, there is a lot of work ahead and it would be wise to plan accordingly. A long lost friend may reappear in your life. Or you may visit a nostalgic place. Just remember to moderate your indulgences, too much of the good life could lead to indigestion or insomnia. Financially a good month to plan ahead and put your savings to good use.
Change is constant. Grim but true. And the faster you realize and accept the fact the easier things will get. Something’s changed in your world and it may not be pleasant at times. Perhaps it’s new management or a new boss. Or even a moody spouse who isn't as considerate as he/she used to be. Whatever it is that’s happening, realize you need to be flexible and more accepting. On a brighter side, there could be a pleasant surprise for you in the mail. Now’s the time to set clear priorities, get back to the routine and bring some self-discipline into your life. A lot needs to get done and you better start cracking now. And with your kind of intelligence, you can be sure you’ll discover quite a few productive solutions. Healthwise, stop imagining things and go to the doctor for a check-up. Relationship wise a good time to reconnect with old friends and family. You may hear of an engagement or a marriage in your network which should lift your spirits up.
Your sense of aesthetics is extremely developed. And this week sees you surrounding yourself with beauty in every way. You may choose to go for a makeover or decide to renovate and beautify your home. Or even begin painting or dance again. Creatively you are at your best. And people may find you irresistible. Children take centre stage this week, and if you don’t have kids perhaps you might like to get in touch with your inner child and rejoice. Something does come to an end. It could be your stint with your current organization. Or an affair in your personal life. Whatever it is, it was nice while it lasted but now it’s time to move on to greener pastures. Cards warn you not to be too impulsive in this period, You may run away with your urges. Freedom is something that’s naturally important to you and this week you may decide to rebel, run away or simply express your individuality. Go on and shine.
Wanting something is good, but obsessing over it is a different matter altogether. This week the cards ask you to detach yourself from whatever it is that you are hankering after. Remember the harder you hold on to something the longer it will take to come your way. Stay neutral and stay away from negative talk and influences. You may be easily influenced by someone or something that isn't good for you. Even in your love life, your partner may want a little time apart. Doesn’t mean you panic, it just means you need to learn to zoom out a little and focus on something else for the time being. If you and your mate have been disagreeing of late, this month hints at a patch up. If work had been getting to you, you may discover a sense of peace at the office. Just go with the flow and stay in the present. You may discover your spiritual side is waking up. And may explore spiritual books, meditation, and workshops.
Just because things are not going your way at the moment, doesn’t mean this will last forever. Take a few deep breaths and hang in there. The tide will change but first, you need to learn to be patient. A boss or colleague may behave or react completely irrationally. Someone may take credit for your hard work. Speak up and speak out in the face of any injustice. Matters may reach moments of tension when you realize you’ve been holding back your opinions for way too long. Remember not to hurt anyone’s feelings in your quest to be heard. Clear unresolved karma – just reach out and help someone who needs you. Or practice a random act of kindness. Family members may breathe a sigh of relief as a problem gets finally resolved. And if you were awaiting some payment, it will arrive after a few delays. Singles may meet the one. And if married, you may decide to expand your family.
Something tickles your curiosity. Or you may feel compelled to do something that’s totally new. A side of you wakes up that’s eager to learn something new. Or return to a hobby from days gone by. A great time to pursue higher studies or learn a new skill, don’t stop yourself from giving into this delightful urge. Even at work, you may choose to volunteer for a new project. And if single and free, who knows you may find yourself attracted to someone who’s usually not your type. In your quest for adventure, remember not to be too reckless. Control the urge to splurge on something you may regret later. Travel plans may get fixed or you may find yourself leaving town on a short notice. Double check all documents, you could be a little forgetful in this period.
You may find yourself longing for the good old days. Or missing a special someone from a long time ago. Though it’s good to remember and relive the past, remember the power lies in the present moment. Learn from your mistakes. And ensure what lies ahead is better than anything you’ve ever seen in your life before. If single and missing a special someone in your life, remember to open your mind to new possibilities, instead of contacting people from your past. Your body may raise the white flag this week and tell you enough is enough. If you’ve been working too hard of late you may find you need to recuperate and bring back the energy levels again. You’re human not a machine built to please everyone. Ask for timeout if the workload triples. Get your rest. If married, you may appreciate the space and quiet time from your mate. Drink lots of fluids and make sure you’re eating right.
You’re ready for bigger better things, aren't you? Somewhere you’ve learned to stay calm and controlled. And your common sense tells you, that you have achieved what you set out to do so far. And now it’s time to consolidate and set clear goals. A time for strategies and negotiations, you will attract good luck. Expect cooperation and some form of recognition for your work so far. There’s a special sparkle in your eyes. And a certain lightness in your step. Could you be falling in love again? Or have you discovered your calling? And if nothing earthshattering happens, don’t despair, simply look forward to the harmony and peace that’s all around you. If you were waiting for an answer, you’ll get it this week. And to top it all there’s an unexpected payment or gain coming your way as well.
Delays, delays and more delays. Prepare yourself for a month of learning patience. People may test you with their inefficiency. Or a client may take longer than necessary on reverting on an urgent project. No need to panic. How about busying yourself with something else while you wait. A good time to get out and mingle, the cards point at finding a soulmate or a kindred spirit in the days ahead. How nice to find someone just like you, or someone who understands exactly what you’re saying. Make sure your documents are in order and the facts in place. You may be called upon to answer someone with some critical information. A careless error could prove to be quite costly. Before you decide to buy your new car or a home, make sure you do your homework properly. A sharp-tongued woman may give you a hard time, one tip, just ignore instead of reacting.
Traditionally Yours,
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