The Moon controls your mind and your emotions and a change in this aspect of your life is likely with the Moon’s Waning Crescent phase coming into play on May 4, 2013. This phase will last till 7th of May. Our unconscious habits, memories and moods are deeply affected by changes in the Moon’s phases. The waning crescent moon appears to be partly but less than half illuminated by direct sunlight. The waning crescent Moon is visible after the last quarter moon and right before the new Moon.
This is essentially the time to think about has gone by and what has been done. This is a chance for you to tie up loose ends, and prepare yourself for a new beginning.
Depending upon your sun sign take a look at what’s indicated for you during this waning crescent Moon phase.
Aries: Your ideas will be appreciated and you will gain recognition for your innovative work. Your approach towards life is practical during this phase and you’ll surely gain from your decisions.
Taurus: New business opportunities come knocking on your door. Be prepared for challenges and showing a close friend the right path. Tough situations are indicated on the personal front; getting away for a while may do the trick and bring back peace of mind.
Gemini: You may travel and seek opportunities under the influence of the Moon. Someone you’ve been waiting to hear from finally gives you a call and brings with him or her good news you have been expecting.
Cancer: Love and matters of the heart will be most important to you, Cancer as the Moon has always played an all important role in your life. Don’t let anyone or anything cause turbulence in your personal space.
Leo: Some excitement finally! You may make plans to go backpacking with some of your closest pals. This trip will be all about leaving work related worries behind and enjoying life to the hilt.
Virgo: You are in the mood to accomplish something difficult. It is the challenge that drives you and keeps you engrossed. Personal matters may get ignored during this time. Don’t worry; you’ll start things right where you left off.
Libra: Your family takes up most of your time and you find yourself busy with renovation plans. You can’t stop thinking about changing things around at home and make your home a welcoming space for everyone. You are at your creative, restless best, thanks to the Moon!
Scorpio: You will be calm and logical enough to solve any problem that comes your way due to the Moon’s positive influence. You may want to get in touch with an old friend and renew your friendship once again. Personal matters will take precedence over work.
Sagittarius: You are at your productive best and you accomplish a lot during a short period of time. You achieve a perfect balance between work and home and find this weekend to be fun. Keep your promises and don’t go around breaking any hearts.
Capricorn: This is a good time to plan but not to act on your ideas, says the Moon. Some of you may be in a complaining mood at your workplace as you feel that you are not getting the recognition that you deserve. Take your mind off such thoughts and you’ll soon find yourself feeling cheerful again.
Aquarius: You feel much more optimistic and are in control of your personal and professional life. The Moon may have brought about confusion in your life, but you are able to get yourself out of any situation, without trying too hard.
Pisces: You will be less stressed out and will even find some time to relax with friends. The Moon’s favourable influence on you will keep you in good spirits and you’ll focus your energy on experimenting with your creative ideas. Exciting times are indicated, Pisces.