Myths about Different Sun Signs

Wed, May 01, 2013
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Wed, May 01, 2013
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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Myths about Different Sun Signs

Are Capricorns really that dull and boring? Are Arians always the irritating loud mouths? All twelve signs of the zodiac have their share of myths. Here’s debunking some common misconceptions about the different sun signs.


Most people think Arians to be some sort of lunatics lashing out at just anybody and everybody. Agreed, they are energetic and restless, but not lunatics. On the contrary, Arians are excellent troubleshooters and think more with their head than people like to believe.


If you are a Taurean, then it is most certain that at some point in your life you must have been called materialistic and shrewd. The truth is Taureans are gentle beings who can go to any lengths to ensure that their families live in peace and harmony, even if it means being dubbed materialistic.


Oh, what a reputation the twins have! Intelligent and forever engrossed in some work, but all the nice things go down the drain when people call you contradictory and worse "split personality". Well, the reality is Geminis do have an inclination to changing their thoughts at the snap of a finger but it is because of their ability to view and comprehend things that others even fail to notice.


Sweet and ever so gentle, not the ones to ever pick up a fight, Cancerians have the reputation of being the most sweet and pleasing folks of the zodiac.  Although, most would jump on their feet on reading this, but Cancerians have it in them to stir up a fight, it’s just that they prefer their lives to be quiet and peaceful.


Brash, rash and bold, Leos sure know how to keep the crowd enthralled. However, all their brawn and might does not keep them company always. Surprisingly, Leos are actually humans and they too are prone to the normal human tendencies such as crying and feeling sad, though we put them on so high a pedestal that it becomes difficult to see them in a different light.


Their tendency to gravitate towards all things prim and proper is well known but what is certainly not a Virgo trait is celibacy. Virgos just like other signs of the zodiac seek pleasure but it is the manner in which they do things that has given them the reputation of being so keen on perfection.


The very mention of the word "Libra" is met with confused looks. Even people are unable to decide what to make of them. So, let’s set the record straight, Librans aren’t the confused creatures they are made out to be. And, one more thing they are not insanely particular about equality and balance.


Jealous, rude, uncouth, vindictive, vengeful, manipulative, sex maniacs and what not, come on! Give the poor Scorpions a little rest. Perhaps, there’s more to the picture than meets the eye. They are actually quite forgiving and genial individuals but are probably themselves responsible for painting a not so rosy picture of themselves for they do not want the world to interfere in their "world".


Smiling and always like sunshine, Sagittarians are reputed to be happy go lucky fellows and supposedly nothing can get their spirits down. How we wish this was true! But just because Sagittarians are ruled by Jupiter doesn’t mean that they can never be grouchy. However, they do bounce back after a difficult situation and are back to being their happy self in no time.


Poor Capricorns are often made to be the most boring and least sexy of all the signs of the zodiac. This one secret will put all myths to rest. Capricorns are quite passionate and sensual creatures in reality. They probably hide this little secret underneath a cloak of oh so traditional and a no nonsense persona.


How often does one hear that Aquarians are hard hearted and calculative when in actuality they are just the opposite? All that indifference and "I don’t care" attitude is just to protect themselves from the prying eyes of the world. Their gentle feelings can get hurt easily and perhaps this is why they assume the identity of a cold and indifferent person.


The fish does not just go around in circles without any reason, there is always some reason that we unintelligent beings fail to understand. They are vastly creative and in their "wonderland" they are often trying to figure out solutions than crafting stories as opposed to common perception.

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Hindu Astrology
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