Not having a routine is hard; so it is time to make one!

Wed, Apr 08, 2020
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Wed, Apr 08, 2020
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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Not having a routine is hard; so it is time to make one!

What is your daily routine like? If you don't have one already, it’s time you make one to help structure and discipline your life. Because we know not having a regular routine can be harder in many ways than one.


The key to making a daily routine that’ll work for you is to simply take a pad and a pen and write down everything that you do each day over the course of the week. See what you can reduce, remove or add. Identify the ones that you do at a set time each day or each week. It has to go with your lifestyle. It could include your sleep-and-wake-up cycle, time to have fun, time to be productive, time for a quiet spiritual time or anything for that matter.


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Once you have the list, give it some time. If you realize something isn’t working out, change it. Altering routine periodically is also worthwhile to keep things fresh and motivating. Having a routine ensures we build time for important things in life.


If you are working out to make a routine, then it’s time to make one for a more organized life.


Routine for our mental health

In your everyday life, you need to constantly keep a check on what is bothering you. Schedule some “thinking time” to yourself when you can sit down and address any problems or worries weighing you instead of letting it build up inside your head. This daily routine for you will definitely help you in alleviating anxiety and stress.


Routine for spiritual self

A spiritual routine is essential for stress management and understanding of our true selves. The purpose of a spiritual routine is to make us feel happy and good. It’s true that the emotional state of our internal being reflects our external circumstances. If we maintain a spiritual routine that works for us and makes us feel content on a consistent basis, then we’ll start seeing the benefits of following this habit. It can be as simple as praying or meditating, doing good to others. Whatever that touches the chord with your inner conscience.


Routine for passion

Regularity and daily practice is a game-changer for people who have a passion to follow. If you find it works for you then free your mind for things that bring out the creative best in you. If you are unaware then you must definitely look at the famous personalities the likes of Beethoven, Freud, Albert Einstein, Walt Disney to name a few. Many of them had optimized their lives to get to the top of their games that they were passionate about. There’s no doubt, the routine was their secret weapon.


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Routine for physical exercise

Exercise is not everyone’s cup of tea, but there’s no denying that it can boost our mind and body. While some are not a fan of exercise by choice others may not have the time for doing it. It can be difficult to fit exercise in our daily routine, particularly when life gets busy. By having exercise in our daily routine, even if that means it features a couple of times a week, we can make it a habitual choice.


Routine for a healthy diet

We all live in a busy world, and it can be a struggle to plan, cook and eat a balanced and healthy diet regularly. And this becomes all the more important for us that we try to keep things as balanced as possible. More so when it is what we eat. A routine can help with this. Block some time out for preparing your meal, eating and cleaning up later. If we feel up to it then we can definitely inculcate this routine effectively.


Read Also : 5 lesser-known spiritual practices one can practice at home!

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