Promise Day - A Day to Promise Your Undying Love!

Mon, Feb 11, 2013
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Mon, Feb 11, 2013
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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Promise Day - A Day to Promise Your Undying Love!

The foundation of any relationship dictates a couple’s compatibility, their fondness to spend time with each other and their desire to know everything about their partner. You adore certain characteristics of your beloved and love them for their tiny quirks and habits. However, there are some traits and/or characteristics of your partner that you just cannot stand. You wish you could simply erase those behaviours while keeping the rest of them intact.

And this is exactly where Promise Day comes as a blessing in disguise to relieve you of this eternal problem. This is one day in the Valentine’s Week when you can actually get your partner to prove their undying love to you by promising something that you want with the clichéd ‘tujhe meri kasam’ kind of a line.

Love it or Hate it but Accept it!

There are certain qualities in us so inherent to our personality that no amount of Promise Days can rid us of their evils. And there are some which run common across the gender divide that seem to annoy the life out of the opposite sex. What’s worse, you may even be ready to give your one arm to get your partner rid of those annoying habits and still might you fail, quite miserably.

Let us begin with the fairer sex. Women simply cannot leave the house without having their hair perfectly in place, putting atleast a layer of make-up on their face, or matching their clothes to their shoes or their nail polish. Eventually, they end up being late for often than not. The promise of every wife and girlfriend to be punctual is, thus, impossible for them to live up to. You can nag them, you can shout at them, or you can even blackmail them emotionally but these are a few habits of theirs that you simply cannot alter. On the other hand, the obsession of the male gender with football and/or video games may seem ridiculous to their better halves but could be a matter of life and death for the men. These are things where a man’s pride and his humongous ego, rests; something that may keep a woman’s dream of ever being witness to their partner pausing an intense session of Counter Strike to reply to their text or answer their call, a dream.

It has been tried for decades and decades of Promise Days for the wishful thinking of both the genders to be translated into reality but to no avail. It just seems impossible to rid them of their unique fascinations and traits.

Start Acting Being Realistic

Moreover, sometimes couples hope to bring about a clashing change leaving them in a predicament. The oestrogen pumping through the veins of a relationship force the women to gossip about redundant and inconsequential issues. In order to compensate for their girlfriends’ excessive talking, the men prefer to hold their silence while pretending to listen to the constant cacophony of their partner’s voice. While one wishes for the other to tone down their persistent jabbering, the other hopes for their boyfriend to express themselves more. The request of each is absolutely unrealistic, one which neither party could ever uphold.

Promise Day is an occasion which helps to strengthen a relationship by deepening your commitment towards one another. It is a way to bring about the best in your partner in order to let their personality shine. The sanctity of the day should not be ruined by having unrealistic expectations out of each other and by changing every mannerism that doesn’t please you. The essence of a relationship is to appreciate the best and worst in each other with unwavering love and affection.

We wish you all a very happy and fruitful Promise Day!

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