Roger Federer – referred as Fedex by his fans, a man with humble beginnings, is now one of the finest tennis players in the world. Born in 1981 in Basel, Switzerland, he is one of the world’s richest athletes and has a total number of 17 Grand Slam titles, 86 singles titles and 2 Olympic medals to his credit. He also set a record for being the number one player in the world for 237 consecutive weeks. Today on August 8, as Federer celebrates his 34th birthday, astroYogi takes a look at what lies ahead for this tennis champ:
Name - Roger Federer
Date of Birth - August 8, 1981
Place of Birth - Switzerland
Time of Birth - 8:40:00
Ascendant - Leo, Moon sign- Libra, Mahadasha - Mercury, Antardasha - Moon, Pratyantar dasha - Jupiter, Nakshatra - Vishakha Nakshatra Pada 3.
According to astroYogi astrologers, Leo ascendants are driven, determined and hard working; they achieve success, name and fame because of these characteristics. Mercury is a money planet for the Leo ascendant so the natives don’t usually have to face financial troubles. A glance at Federer’s birth chart tells us that Mars is placed in his Ekadash (11th house) which is the house of wealth, so on the financial front, there are no concerns. Mars is also associated with sports and therefore, a benefic Mars in the native’s horoscope blesses a person with success in his sport. In Federer’s case, Mars favours him. On August 2, 2015, Saturn became direct in Scorpio and the effect of this movement is positive for Leo ascendants. Before Saturn turned direct, Leo ascendants used to almost reach their goals but ended up missing it by a margin. Now, it is unlikely that they will face the same issue.
As per astroYogi astrologers, on September 19, 2015, Mercury’s conjunction with Moon and Saturn might impact Federer’s health and chances are that he might suffer from joint pains, backache or some other injury.
astroYogi wishes a very Happy Birthday and good health to Roger Federer.