Saturn would get progressive/direct on 06 September 2018 and it would end its tenure of 142 days in retrogression. Currently Saturn is placed in Sagittarius and it is having direct influence on Aquarius, Gemini and Virgo. This movement is more important for those natives who are currently experiencing Sade Sati.
Currently natives born under the Moon sign of Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn are under the influence of Sade Sati. Natives born under Sagittarius Moon sign need to be more alert than rest of the zodiac signs as this phase is marking the peak of Sade Sati. Mental stress and anxiety is on the cards and it would be hard to stay optimistic. Some stagnancy on the work front is also seen. It would be wise to delay new projects and initiatives and stick to routine job. Every successful task would be require patience and optimism on a hiked basis besides hard work.
Natives born under Scorpio sign need to prepare themselves for a challenging time and keep things upto mark. Certain aspects would be untouched by Sade Sati yet others would be tested upon. Keep a watch on your savings and do not spend on impulsive behaviour otherwise your personal savings can drain out. Likewise marital discord can happen if you'll try to be authoritative. The good aspect this that your Sade sati is fading and you'll feel the heat in small parts but do not get complacent in this regard.
Natives born under Capricorn sign need to maintain a humble speech and avoid areas/moments of confrontation especially with superiors. You need to be very law abiding and do not call for any kind of wrath/punishment from the government/law enforcing agency. Luck may not favor you completely so maintain calm.
Saturn stays in a particular house for two and half years and as such Saturn would be placed in Sagittarius till 24-01-20 so the timeline under consideration for Sade Sati is a long one.
It should not be misunderstood that there would be absence of any good event during the course of Sade Sati but the fact is that the tasks required to accomplish your goals/objectives become tedious and cumbersome.
Also it is worth noting that Saturn is known to cause delays in life so some important events would go for a toss and it is wise not to take anything on a sure shot basis. It wise to be patient and wait for the next round of opportunities for accomplishment of tasks. Such delays are likely for natives born under Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn Moon signs.
Work hard and stay blessed
Aacharya Aaditya