We're getting close to 2024's second Lunar Eclipse! It will happen in September, and your life may undergo significant transformations during this time. Let’s explore the energy that this cosmic event holds for each of us!
2024 has four eclipses: two lunar eclipses and two solar eclipses. Of course, we are curious to learn What time is the lunar eclipse in 2024? So here’s the Lunar Eclipse time and date based on the local IST.
Partial Lunar Eclipse Date - 18th September 2024
Partial Lunar Eclipse Starts - 07:43 AM on 18th Sept
Maximum Lunar Eclipse Time - 08:14 AM
Partial Lunar Eclipse Ends - 08:45 AM on 18th Sept
Duration of Partial Lunar Eclipse - 01 hour and 03 minutes, approx.
The second Lunar Eclipse occurring on 18th September 2024 will be a partial eclipse, and it will be visible in Africa, Europe, North and South America, much of Asia, parts of Antarctica, and the Indian Ocean.
If you’re someone from India or interested in knowing, is the eclipse in 2024 visible in India? Then, as per the Hindu Panchang, this lunar eclipse may not be visible to the naked eye in India. Therefore, the Sutak Period, as per Vedic astrology, will not be applicable.
A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the planet Earth occupies a spot exactly between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow that completely covers and darkens the Moon or its surface.
There are three types of lunar eclipses that can happen at any given time of the year. This time, in September 2024, the second type from the list below is occurring.
Total Lunar Eclipse
Partial Lunar Eclipse
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
Well, the Lunar Eclipse, also known as the Chandrama in India, will start during the Poornima, or the Full Moon of the Shukla Paksha of the Bhadrapada month (which coincides with August or September) as per the Hindu calendar.
As per Vedic astrology, this Lunar Eclipse will occur in the Meen Rashi or Pisces zodiac sign. Rahu will be placed with the Moon, and Venus and Ketu will occupy the 7th house from the Moon. The Guru or Jupiter will be in the 3rd house from the Moon, and Shani or Saturn will be in its Retrograde phase in the 12th house from the Moon.
Remember that the below are generalized forecasts. For more accurate and personalized information about the second Lunar Eclipse 2024, please consult Tarot Sonia only on Astroyogi. Connect on a Call or Chat with Tarot Sonia Today!
The Moon in Vedic astrology is the Karaka or significator representing our feelings, emotions, passion, moods, mind, and creativity. It also represents our biological mother.
As a result, this lunar eclipse may significantly impact the lives of various individuals. If you're wondering which signs are affected by a lunar eclipse, the answer is that they all are. So, let's find out how the second lunar eclipse in 2024, or Chandra Grahan, will affect the 12 zodiac signs this September.
The Aries Moon sign natives will see the Moon placed in the 12th house of their horoscope during the Lunar Eclipse, and hence it will affect your financial spending and your spiritual health.
This time around, you should strike a good balance and keep control of your finances.
Avoid overspending your hard-earned money, especially not as a coping mechanism for your anxieties, fears, and phobias.
Yes, we feel better at that moment, but it's an unhealthy way of dealing with pressure and stress.
Your Moon sitting in the 12th house at this time makes this pattern and temptation super strong, so you need to guard against it.
Remedy – Avoid wasting water, as water represents your cash liquidity in day-to-day life.
For Taurus natives, the 2nd Lunar Eclipse 2024 will affect their 11th house, where the Moon will be present, which may affect your luck factor and your smooth streak of making gains in whatever you put your hands to.
Do not take risks and invest your money only after conducting extensive research and homework before entering any financial markets.
Avoid acting on impulse and utilize past data and logical reasoning to reach significant conclusions that are more data-driven than your perception or feeling-based.
It will be best to wait until the end of the month before making any significant financial decisions or commitments.
Remedy – Donate blood or assist and support a blood donation campaign.
Geminis will feel the effects of the second Lunar Eclipse in 2024 in their 10th house, where the Moon will be placed, which is the house of work and career.
In your professional lives, take it slow and steady at this time of year.
Avoid changing your profile or job at this time, as it won't be the most advantageous.
Improve your focus to ensure that no clerical or calculative errors occur, and no one can point fingers at you or your work.
If you don’t want to miss out on good job opportunities, leave all of your personal life issues and struggles outside of the office.
Focus solely on your core job and deliverables.
Remedy – Place a water fountain in the North East direction of your home and office.
Cancer zodiac’s 9th house will have the presence of the Moon during the Lunar Eclipse 2024 in September, which may make them a little apprehensive about their belief system in God or the Almighty.
Remember not to make your faith and surrender so vulnerable that they can be shaken at any time.
Traveling, particularly long distances, should be avoided at this time, and similar trips can be planned at a later date.
Avoid your tendency to overthink and get stuck on situations and people. Don’t dwell on the past or construct a castle in the sky for your future.
Try to live in the present and be in the moment.
Remedy – Every day, right before bed, practice breathing meditation while paying attention to your breath.
Leo folks will witness the Moon during this Lunar Eclipse occupying their 8th house in the horoscope, and this may make the month a little tricky for you.
It makes sense for you to be interested in and inclined toward the occult; you should follow your interests.
Just focus on the positive aspects, though, and avoid attempting any strenuous spiritual discipline by yourself without the help of a guru, teacher, or mentor.
People who are involved in legal disputes may experience hardships and defeat. But this shouldn't weaken your courage and resolve to stand up for and do what is right.
Remedy – Spend more time in your home's southwest corner.
Virgo natives will witness the Lunar Eclipse Moon impacting their 7th house, which will touch upon their married and romantic relationships as well as business and business associations.
It will be best to keep lines of communication open and transparent at all times and to steer clear of any disputes or arguments with your business partners.
Make every decision with the full support and agreement of the panel members as well as the board members.
In your married life, you must prioritize your partner's needs and desires and try to consider and fulfill them to the greatest extent possible.
Remedy – Donate rice to the people in need.
Libra natives will see the eclipse lunar impact fall on the 6th house, making it a slightly rough ride for them around this time of the year.
You must maintain your health and monitor your diet at this time.
Daily workouts will be a great way to help you lead a more productive and balanced lifestyle.
Do not be concerned about what others will think or say about you; instead, focus on your growth and progress at a full pace.
Remedy – Feed fish in a nearby pond or lake.
The Scorpio zodiac sign natives’ 5th house in their horoscope will get activated with the second lunar eclipse in 2024.
This eclipse period may not be a fruitful time to put your money in the equity or share market, as the chances of making losses might be there.
At home, pay more attention to the children and keep a note of their activities.
Remedy – Feed leafy greens to the cows.
The Sagittarius sign individuals will have the eclipse of the Moon happening in their 4th house, which will activate their lifestyle and home front.
Don't be tempted to overspend on home interiors and decor, as this will not be the right time to consider implementing any Vastu or Feng Shui remedies.
You can complete the designing and planning phases and, for the time being, leave the execution phase in the parking bay.
Remedy – Place a picture of a house in the North East corner of your home.
For the Capricorn friends, the 2nd Lunar Eclipse 2024 will impact their 3rd house, which represents communication, education, and overall learning.
Your intuition will grow stronger, guiding you through your daily life and providing valuable guidance.
Journalists and people in event management will be busy at work as more assignments may come in.
You have a busy month ahead of you in terms of networking and communication, and you'll get to know a lot of new people.
Remedy – Keep fast on Wednesdays. Also, try to donate food, clothing, and accessories to transgender individuals.
Aquarius sign natives will experience the Lunar Eclipse’s impact on their 2nd house, the house of communication skills, family, values, etc.
Think before you speak and avoid harsh communication with others.
Avoid causing harm or being rude to others, and always strive to be fair and polite.
The family environment can become tense, so planning quality time with them to have joyous moments will help.
Remedy – Put saffron or Kesar on your tongue every morning.
An Interesting Read: Shubh Muhurat In August 2024
For the Pisces natives, the lunar eclipse in September 2024 will impact their 1st house, also known as the ‘house of self'.
The effects of the second lunar eclipse in 2024 may cause you to self-doubt and question your own existence and identity.
You must not waver your thoughts and emotions at all.
Remain concentrated on developing into a better, more accomplished version of yourself.
Practicing self-love will also be beneficial at this time.
Remedy – Follow color therapy by dressing up in the colors as per the day of the week.
In 2025, we will witness two Lunar Eclipses. Here are the dates and location.
14th March 2025 (Friday) - Total Lunar Eclipse
This eclipse will be visible in Europe, Africa, North and South America, much of Asia, the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Arctic, and Antarctica.
7th September 2025 (Sunday) - Total Lunar Eclipse
This lunar eclipse will be visible in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Arctic, and Antarctica.
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