Sun Transit in Aries on 14th April 2022

Sat, Feb 26, 2022
Aacharya Aaditya
  By Aacharya Aaditya
Sat, Feb 26, 2022
Team Astroyogi
  By Aacharya Aaditya
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Sun Transit in Aries on 14th April 2022

Sun would enter Aries on 14th April 2022 and it would experience exaltation for one complete month. Sun represents Father, decision making, boldness, being headstrong, government, law and law-making bodies and overall authority practised by an individual. With Sun turning exalted, these traits would be shining and presenting themselves to benefit an individual.

Let us try to understand the likely results of Sun transit 2022 for various Moon signs.

Impact of Sun Transit 2022 in Aries for Aries Sign

Sun would transit to Lagna/1st house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. Your authority and boldness would improve and you would be able to take tough decisions with great responsibility. There would be a higher level of learning coming your way and you would be able to digest it.

  • Your relationship with your superiors is likely to improve and there would be occasions of praise and acknowledgement.
  • Your children can be a wonderful source of happiness during this time so keep them nearby to enjoy this time to the fullest.

Impact of Sun Transit 2022 in Aries for Taurus Sign

Sun would transit to 12th house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. Some property related transactions involving a capital expenditure can happen in your favour. Keep a balance in practising authority at work and rather choose a soft skills approach to handle things. It would be a good time for those involved in academics and you would be enjoying your learning.

  • Keep a track on your Mother’ wellbeing and ensure that she is not having an emotional disconnect with you.
  • It can be a good time to enter religious texts and create a better understanding of religion and culture.

Impact of Sun Transit 2022 in Aries for Gemini Sign

Sun would transit to the 11th house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. Your skills set is very likely to improve the quality of results linked with your actions. Your time management skills would also improve. There can be occasion(s) for rewards/recognition at work and you would be counted among performers/key people to the organization.

  • This time is very favourable for your Father also, so make sure that you spend some quality time with him.
  • Your younger co-borns are also likely to benefit during this period.

Consult Expert astrologer Aacharya Aaditya on Astroyogi for a personalised horoscope analysis online. Click here to consult now!

Impact of Sun Transit 2022 in Aries for Cancer Sign

Sun would transit to 10th house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. Both work and family life are likely to be balanced and you would be very alert in awkward situations. Your superiors would be impressed with your zeal and talent at work.

  • There would be little negativity in the form of thoughts and people coming your way and your mind would be booming with confidence.
  • You would be acting very boldly and it may be a good time to accept some new responsibilities at work as well as home.

Impact of Sun Transit 2022 in Aries for Leo Sign

Sun would transit to the 9th house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. Your overall luck factor would improve and the results would commensurate with your actions. It can be a very useful time for brainstorming activities and there can be enough scope to conceive some future projects at work.

  • Work would be smooth and your superiors are likely to be in your favour.
  • Try to be a YES man while at work.
  • Good Time for your Father also and likewise you can expect happiness from his side also.

Impact of Sun Transit 2022 in Aries for Virgo Sign

Sun would transit to the 8th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. It can be a good time for those involved in research/exploratory/probing activities and likewise, knowledge seekers would be having some opportunities to understand the occult side of their subject/area of study.

  • Ideally, you should be avoiding/delaying capital expenditure that attracts heavy outflow of money.
  • Maintain a limited profile at work and stick to routine jobs only.
  • Curb your risk-taking appetite and you would be able to avoid any potential losses.

Impact of Sun Transit 2022 in Aries for Libra Sign

Sun would transit to the 7th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Maintain your temperament and avoid giving noted negative reactions to things/events. You may find it difficult to maintain a harmonious relationship with your spouse but things can be worked out if you can contain the known reasons for discord.

  • Maintaining a “Watch, Wait and Go” strategy at work can yield brilliant results.
  • New clientele/deals can be struck if you tackle the situations intelligently.
  • Be patient in case you feel disoriented while dealing with a certain class of people as this would be temporary.

Impact of Sun Transit 2022 in Aries for Scorpio Sign

Sun would transit to 6th house and it is likely to deliver very favourable results. You would be running very high in energy and your enemies would be at complete bay. No foe would be able to face you and in case it does then complete wrath would be unleashed upon him/her. The very preferable time to complete pending tasks and also initiate new ones.

  • Mental and physical health would be very favourable.
  • There can be exceptional gains via your hard work so do not hesitate in taking leads.
  • Transferring some positive energy towards homework would be very nice.

Impact of Sun Transit 2022 in Aries for Sagittarius Sign

Sun would transit to 5th house and it would likely deliver mixed results. Academics and learning would be very effective and there would be an understanding of the higher-order. Performing havan and mantra recitation would be a complete blessing. Your children would be a source of happiness during this time.

  • Avoid junk food and heavy snacking as there can be some stomach related problems.
  • Following a calculated risk approach, some projects can yield handsome profits.
  • Stay away from speculative activities otherwise, there can be losses.

Impact of Sun Transit 2022 in Aries for Capricorn Sign

Sun would transit to the 4th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Work would be smooth and rewarding in nature provided you are logical in your approach and avoid shortcuts to success. Helping the under/less privileged would be very rewarding and it can attract long term rewards.

  • Drive safely and avoid all sorts of heated arguments and debating with everyone.
  • Keep a track on your Mother’ overall health and spending time with her would be a wonderful idea.
  • Try to keep things simple and straightforward.

Impact of Sun Transit 2022 in Aries for Aquarius Sign

Sun would transit to 3rd house and it is likely to deliver very favourable results. You would be very optimistic in your approach to life and likewise, you can expect some opportunities for growth and happiness approaching you during this period. Your aura would be shining and your ability to perform and gain desired results would be superlative.

  • You should be exhibiting your talents in front of your superiors to gain choice blessings.
  • Your overall luck factor would be excellent and there would be no gaps whatsoever in your hard work till the result realisation.

Impact of Sun Transit 2022 in Aries for Pisces Sign

Sun would transit to the 2nd house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Your speech can turn very influential and you better use it in your favour. Choice of words would carry great importance so formulate your speech accordingly. Avoid instances of altercation and heated arguments.

  • Apply for loans only when absolutely required.
  • Avoid rashness in actions and seek guidance wherever necessary.
  • There can be some valuable addition to your personal savings portfolio.

Consult Expert astrologer Aacharya Aaditya on Astroyogi for a personalised horoscope analysis online. Click here to consult now!

Best of Luck

✍️ By-  Aacharya Aaditya

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