The Sun transit in Taurus 2022 is set to happen. Sun will enter Taurus on 14th May 2022. Wondering what this transit has in store for you? Read the article to know what massive changes can be expected in the lives of the natives of the different zodiac signs.
The Sun will enter the Taurus sign on 14th May 2022 (Saturday) at 5:29 a.m. In Vedic astrology, the Sun rules ego, governments, vitality, soul, etc. The Sun is a personal planet and has a significant impact on one's personality. This depends on which sign and in which house the Sun is placed. The transit of the Sun brings a change in nature. Generally, the Sun transits in any sign almost for one month.
In Western, Vedic, and KP astrology, the Sun transit has immense value and is considered the main tool for predictions. The Solar Arc concept in Western astrology, Varshphal in Vedic Astrology, and the ruling planet concept in KP astrology are all derived by taking the help of the Sun and its degrees.
Now, let's learn a little about the zodiac sign, Taurus, and what the Sun transit in Taurus will be like for all of us.
Taurus is an earth sign related to money, family, and wealth. The Sun is the cause of the focus in our lives, and in this zodiac sign, our focus will grow in the financial sector. The effect of the Sun in Taurus on our lives will be as per the different Moon signs. Generally, you will feel more possessive of your finances and assets. Venus rules Taurus, and Venus is the planet for relationships and materialistic things like money, assets, cars, luxurious objects, etc. During this transit, the focus will also be on this area of life.
During this time, Sun in Taurus will give returns on the efforts made when Sun was in Aries. Aries is all about action, and it is a fiery sign associated with efforts and initiative. However, in Taurus, the Sun will give you money-related benefits. The Sun will transit in Taurus till 15th June 2022.
Below are the changes this transit will bring as per the zodiac signs.
In this article, you will get to know the impact Sun in Taurus will have on each zodiac sign. You will also learn remedies in this article that can be helpful to you during this period.
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The Sun will transit in your 2nd house, and here, your natal Sun will be in conjunct with the natal Moon, which can create financial issues. You will try to create some sources of income, but this might get delayed, which will cause you stress. You might have some tax liabilities, so make sure you pay them on time.
Remedy - Take some wheat and sow them in the soil. It will grow, and it will be good for your finances during this period.
The Sun will transit in your Lagan Bhav and conjunct with your natal Moon. This will make you stronger personally and prepare you for taking the initiative for your own professional growth. Make sure you control your anger during this period.
Remedy - Add some sugar into the water kept in a copper vessel and offer it.
The mighty and powerful Sun will transit in your 12th house, and it will be inconjunct with the natal Moon. Your life goals will be affected during this Sun transit 2022 because your internal phobias will prevent you from achieving them. Meditation will be a good practice during this period.
Remedies - Hang a Sun made of copper on the eastern wall of your room.
The planet Sun will transit in your 11th house, and it will be sextile to your natal Moon. Due to this, good profits can be expected if you are involved in the Share Market. You can start working on anything in partnership. This is an excellent time for enjoying the things in your life.
Remedy - Offer puffed rice to fish.
The planet Sun will transit in your 10th house, and it will make a square aspect. This will cause difficulties in expansion; however, you will get good results in your professional life. You will hardly spend time at home during this period as the Sun in transit will oppose your 4th house.
Remedy - Offer cow milk to the Shivling.
The mighty Sun will transit in your 9th house, and here, the Sun will transit and make a trine aspect which is good for learning any new skill or planning for vacations. You will also get family support. You can also be offered some professional training, which will be better for you.
Remedy - Offer Laddus made of Besan (gram flour) to Lord Vishnu.
The Sun will transit in your 8th house. You might face some kind of dispute over property as the Sun will be conjunct to the natal Moon. You must be alert and cautious as anyone can blame you or make allegations against you. Doing Pranayama will be good for you.
Remedy - Drink the water kept in a copper vessel.
The Sun will transit in your 7th house, and here the Sun will be in opposition. This aspect can create issues with females; hence, you must try to avoid the issues. Avoid wittiness; otherwise, you can get trapped in litigation.
Remedy - Donate some sweets to poor children.
The Sun will transit in your 6th house, and here the Sun will make an inconjunct aspect with the natal Moon. This will affect your daily routine and tasks. You must maintain the balance in your life. Additionally, you must have a balanced diet and exercise.
Remedy - Donate some Patashas or Battase to a temple dedicated to Goddess Durga.
The Sun will transit in your 5th house, and here your natal Moon will be in a trine aspect to the Sun. This will be a great time for spending time with your family and going on a vacation with them. You might have a new relationship in your life.
Remedy - Keep some water on the terrace for the birds.
The Sun will transit in your 4th house, and here the Sun will make a square aspect with the natal Moon. You will face some expenses due to home decoration, but it will benefit you. You can buy a car during this period as well. Try to balance your personal and professional life. You might face some clashes, so try to avoid them.
Remedy - Offer rice to the birds daily.
The Sun will transit in your 3rd house, and here the Sun will be in a sextile aspect with the natal Moon. This can give you a sudden promotion or an appraisal at your job. You will have a great bond with your colleagues. Additionally, you can get monetary help from your siblings.
Remedy - Green Moong Dal must be rotated over your head three times, and then flowing them in running water will be good for you.
The movement of planets indicates possible development, promising opportunities, and significant life changes, which is why the Sun transit in Taurus 2022 will generate positive and negative changes in our lives. You must remember that the impact of the transit of the Sun in Taurus will be different for every individual.
Reach out to Astro D Rana on Astroyogi to know more about how this transit will affect your life.
✍️By - Astro D Rana