The transit of the Sun in Virgo 2024 will happen in the middle of the ninth month. So, what does this transit have in store for you? Dive in to find out.
The Sun in Virgo transit will happen on the 16th September 2024 (Monday). The Sun will pause in the Virgo sign for a month; then, it will move on to the next sign. The following Sun transit will be in the Libra zodiac sign on 17th October 2024 (Thursday).
Sun Transit in Virgo Date- 16th September 2024 (Monday)
Sun Transit in Virgo Time- 07:52 PM
About Sun
The Sun (Surya) stands for our soul. It also signifies our father, success, position in society, leadership traits, and our relationship with the government. This planet is also the Karaka of your Atman and the significator of your name and fame. It represents the Fire Tattva (element) and rules the East direction.
The Sun takes one year to go around the zodiac, which is 360 degrees. Hence, it stays in each sign for about a month.
The Sun usually gives positive outcomes in the third house, sixth house, tenth house, and eleventh house from the Natal Moon. Nevertheless, it is known to be malefic in the first house, second house, fifth house, fourth house, seventh house, eighth house, ninth house, and twelfth house from the Natal Moon.
Here are the exclusive predictions to know what this Sun transit 2024 is bringing you, according to respected astrologer Tarot Sonia.
The 6th house is where the Sun in Virgo transit for the Aries natives. This will advise them to be more aware of what is happening and keep their ears and eyes open to hidden enemies and gossipers around them.
Do not trust anyone blindly. Take time to trust people. And keep your secrets close to your heart. Also, taking care of your health and planning a daily workout regime will be wise. Diet regulation will help you in the long run as well. During this time, you will also be more conscious about your lifestyle and make progressive changes to better your daily life.
Remedy: Engage in mindfulness practices such as yoga or meditation to keep your mind relaxed and focused.
The 5th house is the place where the Sun transit in Virgo 2024 will occur this September. This will undoubtedly make you fall in love.
Many romantic outings, dates, and candle-lit dinners are on the cards. Some Taureans might also decide to settle down and get married. The Sun transit predictions indicate that few people can try their luck in the share markets and book profits.
Short-distance trips are also possible, so it will be a good idea to keep your travel bags ready. Children at home will keep you on your toes, and you will undoubtedly have a good time with them, enjoying every moment.
Remedy- Do deep breathing techniques to enhance concentration and relaxation.
The 4th house is where the Sun transit 2024 will transpire. This will influence your life at home and your day-to-day life.
Many Geminis will be immersed in renovating and decorating their homes, making them more stylish and relevant. For this reason, they will not only spend a lot of money but also run around to collect different designs and patterns as this will be the dream residence they will be designing.
When the Sun transits in Virgo, it will be a good time to consider upgrading your four wheels if that has been on your mind for a long time. We suggest you buy a vehicle based on your chart and Ascendant.
Remedy: It is a wonderful time to start or refine your workout regimen. Activities like Pilates, yoga, or strength training can be particularly beneficial.
If you need help choosing the purchasing date or the vehicle color for better luck, reach out to the astrology experts at Astroyogi.
The 3rd Bhava (house) is where the transit of the Sun in Virgo 2024 will occur. This will help you construct a powerful bond with your siblings.
All your brothers and sisters, including your cousins, will be around you. You will be engaged in many family get-togethers that everyone will enjoy and cherish.
Your intellectual abilities will be exceptional, and your brain will transform into a mini-computer. Your intuition will be strong. Hence, it only makes sense to use it for your own good and the welfare of others. You will implement new lifestyle changes for a more efficient and quality life.
Remedy: Incorporate herbal teas like chamomile, peppermint, or ginger into your daily routine. These can promote relaxation.
The 2nd house is where the Sun transit in Virgo 2024 will happen in September 2024.
During this time, keep a close watch on your tongue and speech. Make sure that you do not hurt anyone with your words as words, once spoken, cannot be taken back, yet they can have a lifelong and even damaging impact. Think twice before you utter something, especially when angry or anxious. It is better to stay silent and respond later. This is the time for 'Vaak Shuddhi - clearing your speech.
For most people, life will revolve around their family members, and anything and everything they do will include them.
Remedy: Donate wheat to the people in need.
The 1st Bhava is where the Sun in Virgo transit will transpire this month.
According to the Sun transit predictions, you will spend most of your time, money, and energy decorating your body and making yourself fitter. Some people will focus on their makeover. Many will enroll in gyms for workouts, follow new and healthier diets from dieticians, buy new make-up products, change their wardrobes, etc.
You will also start working on your inner growth and self-transformation, including skills that can impact the quality of your life. You will entirely focus on yourself at the moment.
Remedy: Participate in volunteer work or help someone in need.
The 12th house is where the transit of the Sun in Virgo 2024 will transpire this September.
Thanks to the Sun transit effects, you may get promising news from foreign lands. As this transit will hit the 12th house, it will bring opportunities from foreign lands. Students applying to get admission to universities abroad will attain success. People who are employed will have a chance of migration. On the other hand, self-employed people can get foreign clients or money in foreign currency in their domain of work.
Some individuals may try their hand at foreign exchange trading and generate income in foreign currency.
Remedy: Donate jaggery.
The 11th Bhava (house) is where the Sun in Virgo transit will ensue.
You will be associated with NGOs and various social causes. You will contribute to everything from the environment and children to old age people. The people who are employed might join their employer's CSR organization. It's time to begin creating new Prarabdha Karmas for your next lifetime.
Your luck will support you with massive gains in whatever you put your attention, time, and money on. People will say you are lucky and want to associate with you in any form. You will have a good time during this time of the year.
Remedy: Use breathing exercises like Pranayama to balance your energy and reduce anxiety. This practice can help calm you.
This Sun transit in Virgo will impact the 10th house of the Sagittarians. This transit will have direct consequences on the native's professional life.
The 10th Bhava (house) is always your Karma Sthan. It is where you earn not only your bread and butter but also your name, fame, and credibility in your chosen domain. The natives will get good news at work, which could mean a promotion or a salary hike.
Due to the Sun transit effects, some people might clear a certification course or a new degree in their domain of work to stay more relevant and increase their market value. Your peers and seniors will admire your work.
Remedy- Doing charitable activities on Sunday will make your Sun stronger.
Give this a quick glance: Unveiling The Fixed Signs: The Zodiac's Steadfast Pillars
The 9th house is where the Sun in Virgo transit will impact the Capricorns by giving them much-needed exposure and fresh air.
It's time for Capricorn natives to pack their travel bags and experience places that were always on their bucket lists. They will go to far-off places and create new memories.
Many people will get philosophical and involve themselves in high-level learning. Higher wisdom will come to you around this time, and your luck factor will be enhanced. It will be a good idea to focus on counting Karma and evolving Karmically in the process.
Remedy: This is an excellent time to focus on personal development. Consider enrolling in courses or workshops that improve your professional skills.
The 8th house is where the Sun in Virgo transit 2024 will transpire. This house is most essential for your spiritual growth.
As per the Sun transit predictions, your hidden talents will come out to the surface and get more polished. You are truly gifted and have a lot to offer. This is when you will surprise your own self with your inner qualities getting more refined.
Remedy: It is the perfect time to organize your living or working space. Clear out unnecessary items and create an atmosphere that encourages productivity and clarity.
The 7th house is the house of marriage and business partnership, which will be activated by this Sun transit 2024.
Partnerships of any kind will be under the limelight during this transit. This can be your business partners, lover, live-in partner, or spouse. You will be blessed by the Cupid and see love all around you. You will certainly get to spend quality time with your partner, and the association and interactions will be quite beneficial and rewarding.
Remedy: Observe fasts on Sundays.
Remember that these are generalized foretellings for the Sun transit in Virgo 2024. So, if you desire personalized Sun transit predictions, call or chat with Tarot Sonia on Astroyogi.
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