The very special month for which all lovers wait just to express their feelings or re-enforce it, is here at last! Check to see how your planets and stars are doing their bit this month for your zodiac sign, to make your 2020 Valentine’s Day, extra beautiful. Remember to go ahead and ‘say it’ to your loved one, in what ever way that suits you, however busy you may be. Make them feel loved, cherished and wanted.
Hard work never goes waste and this month you will be reaping the rewards of the effort you have been putting into your work. You will gain the admiration and respect of your peers. Who else to celebrate this achievement and your deep sense of personal satisfaction, but with your family as it is they who have supported your dreams throughout?
Do not go overboard with a lavish celebration though, as you need to get your finances in order. Not much to worry about, but maybe it’s time you came up with a plan to replenish your coffers.
You have been granted the ‘Midas touch’ this month. Use that to bring life and energy to whatever you desire. You will have passion and focus. Direct some of it towards your partner to make your relationship easy, breezy and stress-free. If you have been going through a bad phase with your partner, now is the time to iron out the differences, simply by talking!
If you are feeling some sort of strain at your workplace by a male-figure who is making you feel powerless, you now need to learn to stand your ground. Only when you do not allow anyone to undermine you, will you be able to move forward. Those doing a business; need to be more disciplined. Assume the role of a leader, which is what suits your personality best.
This is a good month to make use of the opportunities that come your way that will help you to change your financial status for the better. Do not go for it alone; instead, seek the help of others.
If you have been in a broken relationship, allow yourself to heal completely before you dive into the next. It is great if you have found someone who you believe can complete you, but take this slowly. Get to know the other better before you commit.
Those who are experiencing some difficulties in relating well with their loved ones, should let go of ego and power struggles.
You will be brimming with enthusiasm and confidence at your workplace. Expect a lot of action this month, which may have come after a period of stagnation. Things will be moving at a fast and furious pace. You could be travelling concerning your work and it may even be overseas. This is a great time to spread your wings.
With the new enthusiasm, new opportunities will come to turn your financial situation in your favour. It may be through a new job, a new project, a new client or even just a gift from someone dear.
Do not take advantage of these good tidings to indulge in something that may cause grief to your beloved. If the thought of you getting into a clandestine affair is tempting you, think how it could affect your partner. On the other hand, do not be so engrossed in your career that you ignore your loved ones, making them turn to another for emotional gratification.
Check out what tarot predictions for the year 2020 say about your zodiac sign.
You may have come to a point in your current career where you feel you have outgrown the responsibilities of your role and are now ready to move on. Do not feel guilty of leaving the current position as you had put in your best till now? If you are getting an offer that you feel is more suited, go right ahead but do not share this news with people till you have signed the new contract.
Financially, you will receive good news too, but beware of investing in some wrong kind of business. Watch out for overspending on wants instead of needs.
Success in life is never all about work but also about maintaining and cherishing the relationship you share with your loved ones. It is easy to get tempted by wrong things and many times we justify our actions to ourselves with lame excuses. Stay away from being lured into one night stands if you are committed to someone.
You are easily identified with the power of leadership. This month, you will be the visionary at your workplace, planning strategies, organising and encouraging your team to perform better. Use the right amount of compassion coupled with authority to bring out the best in your comrades.
A pat on your back for handling your finances well as your hard work has upped your savings. This is a good time to spend some of it on your family/loved ones. Is a holiday with them overdue? Go on and indulge. A day out with them? A fancy meal? Take your pick.
While moving ahead in your career, how you handle your relationship with your loved ones will also speak volumes on the kind of rapport you will have with them. You can be the ideal partner and complement your better half or push them to be as ‘perfect’ as you, making them feel forced to perform to your wishes!
Check out what tarot predictions for the year 2020 say about your zodiac sign.
If you are bored or disillusioned with your work, perhaps it is time to re-evaluate and retrace your steps to decide what needs to change to have what you desire. If you are simply waiting for the heavens to open up and shower you with the choicest, you are being illusional. Be grateful for what you already have and open yourself to the opportunities all around you. You will find improvement in your situation and invite happiness in your life.
Be grateful for the roof over your head and the food on the table. Do not make accumulation of money, your focal point in life.
If your love relationship did not work, you need to let it go. Stop grieving. You will definitely attract the right soul-mate if you are willing to accept and take responsibility for your life. The lesson learnt now, will help you in all future relationships. You may be happier if you try dating someone outside your usual preference.
Take some time out this month to ask yourself what you want to achieve in your career. Your intuition is strong at this time and you need to trust it. While it is ok to seek advice from others; listen to what your heart is telling you. If you are about to get into business with someone or are entangled in some legal issues, you will find things becoming clearer as your inner voice leads you into the right path.
Use your intuition to improve your financial security by investing in the right places now.
If you have been insecure in your relationship, this is also a good time to withdraw temporarily into your mental sanctuary to sort out your feelings. You will soon have a clear and a more positive state of mind to make the right decision about a conflicting situation. Your heart will tell you to move on if it is suffering.
One of the best ways to get away from the external chaos at your workplace is to retreat into your secluded haven for some time. It will help you to firmly establish your mental and emotional boundaries such that you remain calm and centered. Use the time to get more insight into ways of sorting out the problem you may be currently facing at your career front.
Having done that, you will also have a clearer vision about how to financially benefit from some new project or opportunities which are heading your way this month.
Strike a balance with your partner to make this relationship last forever. A simple compromise can turn a bad relationship into a better one. Find things in common that you would both like to do, to enjoy a more secure relationship. Be the first one to apologise and do not fail to lend that sympathetic ear to your loved one.
Check out what tarot predictions for the year 2020 say about your zodiac sign.
Use your charisma and your clever, inventive speeches to make an impact on your seniors. You will be appreciated for your courage and tireless pursuit of justice, which is helping you seal the deal with your clients. But curtail the tendency to be rash and imprudent or you may lose the trust of the people you interact with.
Lady Luck has walked hand-in-hand along with your hard work, to give you financial stability. It can only get better from here.
Stop eyeing that attractive person and being too bashful about it. Just go ahead and introduce yourself. It is a good time to make use of this opportunity which is presenting itself to you. But do not trick them into thinking there is more to the situation than you intend. This is also a beautiful time for committed couples to sprinkle some magic dust on their relationship to take it to another level of contentment.
You are reminded this month about the heights to which you can reach in your professional capacity. Re-evaluate your past actions, your present position and your future desires and make the changes necessary to achieve better results. You could be facing a choice. Make sure its a wise one.
There will be an unexpected financial gain this month, maybe from an investment you made in the past and you are currently headed in the right direction to make more. Do not forget the golden rule,”To stay rich, you also need to know how to hold on to the money”.
With life rolling in the right direction, it is also time to straighten any ‘flaws’, if present, in your relationship. Go ahead and compromise or do something that you were always scared to indulge in, with your partner, to strengthen this bond further. Do not hesitate to make the first move. This is not the time to play mind games.
Enjoy the feeling of satisfaction, as you shine at your workplace, after completion of some significant project which you were entrusted with. All the hard work you have put in till now; the hardship and challenges you faced during the process, have made you stronger and wiser, reminding you that all things are possible if you believe in yourself. Opportunities are opening up for you and you may even get a chance to go overseas for work.
Investments that you made in the past, will be paying off and you will be blessed with financial stability.
Your happiness can double when you share it with someone you love. And if this loved one of yours is holding some grudges against you and is keeping you at arm’s length, why don’t you make the extra effort to extend your hand of love and friendship towards her/him? Being more appreciative of your partner every once in a while, helps to rekindle any diminishing flame of love.
Yes, you worked hard and everyone is happy with the outcome. This does not mean that you can now sit back and relax as you assume you have now proved your mettle and so have become indispensable to your team. Get back on the track after taking a little break, as you need to continue with the good work. You may have finally found your calling in life.
Be careful about where you stand with your finances as you may even need to supplement your income with a second source of earning.
You need to be on your guard in the matters of your heart too, as your relationship can become challenging. Is there someone who is being a spoke in the wheel? Sit up and take more interest in your loved one. Fight for her/him, if you have to. And if there is a blame game going on between you two, stop it now or you may lose her/him forever.
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