While you read what the month looks like for you, remember if you are struggling with a situation, do not allow your self-esteem to plummet. You have a choice and you can decide how to deal with it. Instead of reacting to life; create your own life. To know more personal details about yourself, consult famous Tarot Reader, Poonam Beotra, now on Astroyogi.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Your strong drive and ambitious nature may make you a source of envy for your business rivals or your colleagues at the workplace. The need of the hour is to be alert about their behaviour. It would be a shame if the credit of your hard work is taken away from you or your ideas get stolen by your competitor.
Do take out some time to just put up your feet and relax as you have worked hard and can enjoy your money. Finance is taken care of, with some of it stashed away for the rainy days. You definitely deserve this break.
If you haven’t yet found your soul mate, maybe it is time to go about it in a traditional manner, in an old-fashioned way. While good looks can be a turn on for some time, what actually lasts is the comfort level with a partner….someone with whom you can be best friends for life.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Those who are in the sales department will make a kill this month. For the rest of the Bulls too, June will bring victory and success in whatever they had been pursuing. All the war cry with the competitors will be in the past and you can now start concentrating on building your business or career for the future.
Finances will show an upswing and you can think of investing in something big this month. Do refrain from taking a big loan though and remember to share your blessings with the less privileged.
With career and finances taken care of, maybe it is time to spend some quality time with the family now. You will realise how lucky you are to be blessed with a loving and caring family - a family where there is a strong sense of belongingness, respect for each other and security.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
For the Twins, this month will place in your lap, a job that will be immensely heart-centred and satisfying. Remember that the universe throws up these kinds of opportunities occasionally. Also, this window opens only for a short period. So, do not hesitate to grab this offer coming your way. Those who are already employed will suddenly find more emotional fulfilment and stability in their work.
Make intelligent decisions about your finances this month to reap rewards. Share your blessings with others & someone will share theirs with you.
Meanwhile, be careful about your relationship as what may look wonderful on the surface, may hold things you do not really want to know about. Are you being too illusional about your love? Maybe it is time to wake up! On the other hand, do not overreact to an innocuous situation just because you were cheated once in the past by someone else.
Consult famous Tarot Reader, Poonam Beotra, now on Astroyogi.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Your dreams and wishes regarding your work are about to be fulfilled. Well-deserved happiness coming your way as you will get what you want. Your wishes are coming true because you are in tune with yourself and with the times. Also because you are now learning to value yourself enough to attract your heart’s fondest desires.
The good fortune in your career will bring with it desirable news about your finances. Expect a salary increase or a bonus this month. This is a nice time to make plans for your long term financial future.
While one major aspect of life is sorted this month, get ready for trouble in Cupid’s land. You may face a conflicting environment at the domestic front. Ego’s will be high and situations may arise which can mentally drain you. To avoid this, keep your mind and heart open and try to understand the other person’s point of view.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
You will, by default, be in the right place at the right time this month, to bag a promotion or a raise or an offer for a better job. Things will, on their own, fall into place and you just have to ‘nurture’ it to make it grow. The new opportunity will lead to increased prosperity. Be confident, without being arrogant, while remembering to share your blessings with others.
Balance your finance in such a way that you do not overspend in anticipation of the new flow of money. A trustworthy partner may approach you with the idea of mutually beneficial investment. Go for it after doing your own research on it.
Meanwhile, be wise while handling your ‘emotional resources” in your relationship. If you are going to be too career-oriented, your partner may feel the lack of warmth from your end and may steer away from you. Giving all of it at one go may leave you high and dry later.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
If you have been looking for a job, remember to apply only for those which you will enjoy doing. Do not be in a hurry to grab the first offer that comes your way, as you may not last long in them. At your current workplace, you need to keep sight of your goal and work towards it. There could be chances that you are slacking and you may get pulled up by your boss. Maybe a colleague can help you with your work.
You might also have to make some tough decisions about your finances this month. Is something not clear about the accounts? Did you accidentally sign some deal that has left a hole in your savings?
Are you unsure about your feelings towards the person you feel attracted to? It is time to open up emotionally. Trust your inner self and understand the fact that only in giving will you be able to receive.
Libra (September 23-October 22)
You will do well in teamwork this month. Those who have spent hours listening to clients/customers will be appreciated for the effort they have been putting in. The need of the hour, though is, to continue with improving on your skill & on that special talent which you have, to become an expert in your field.
This talent may have been something you just discovered about yourself. You can capitalise on it to improve your finances or make it an additional source of income. But for that, you must make your hard work match your big dream.
It is sensible to be practical when you are handling worldly affairs. But in the case of relationships, sometimes one should allow the heart to rule over the head. Being too cut and dry with relationships can take away the fun and oomph from it, making it boring and unromantic. Stop being the ‘boss’ with your partner and learn to let down your hair more often with him/her.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Financial opportunities coming your way this month, Scorpion, giving you the green light to go ahead with any career plans you may have been speculating about. Want to start a business? Go right ahead. The universe is extending its hand of support for any new venture you might have in mind. Those who were waiting to move into a better & new position at the workplace will have their wish coming true.
An overdue payment will be credited in your account. Use the money wisely and remember to put a portion of it away for the future.
Are you feeling that your love life is stagnating? You want to get out of it but can’t see an exit? The situation in which you are currently; it's you yourself who can work a way out of the mess. Either work on the obstacles to remove them or go ahead and take the help of a mentor or counsellor to make a respectable exit. Do not wait for your partner to make the move. Self-help will work best for you now.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Now is the time you set some goals about where you want to see yourself in the future. Take stock of your situation and set your pointers in the right direction to reach there. You can also create a comfortable niche for yourself and use your talent to make a living while being your own boss. Imagine having the luxury of your own freedom with no one to supervise you!
In order to achieve this, you need to use your creativity and ingenuity. For the moment, cut your extra expenses, stop being impulsive and restrain the urge to indulge.
You will be lucky to have a mature, supportive and loving partner who cares for your wishes and thoughts. This calming and reassuring person will encourage you on your new path towards your goal, giving you that much-needed shoulder to lean on in your stressful times.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Your organisational skills are almost always perfect. This is because you patiently plod through your daily tasks and take your responsibilities seriously. This month you need to go easy on your assumptions about expecting perfectionism from your colleagues/staff too. Your efficiency, while setting an example for the others, can also be a source of irritation to them.
With career/business on the upswing, finance will also be on a roll. This is a good time to invest in long term financial ventures/schemes. Thanks to your business acumen, you can also tap into your creative side and turn a hobby into a money-making enterprise.
Where your relationship is concerned, you seem to be on a cross-road of some sort. Maybe you need to make some decisions but you are not sure what you want or how to go about it. Coming from a practical person like you; this is a first! But that's what love is all about. Putting even a sensible Goat, in a tizzy!
Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)
If you get an offer of a new job or project this month, grab it with both hands. A career path is opening up before you to take you towards your goal. Place your trust in the universe and head towards it with confidence. This is a long term goal and you need to move towards it humbly and faithfully, taking one step at a time if you want to accumulate magnificent results.
The need of the hour is to go easy on unnecessary expenditures. Be cautious and conservative with your money. There are chances that you may get tricked or deceived or taken advantage of.
Do not be impulsive in your relationship. Love is all about feelings and commitments. If you are insensitive to your partner and do not respect her/his opinion, your selfish attitude can be a bane in the relationship. And while you are at it, try not to stick your nose in other people’s relationships too, to cause trouble.
Pisces (February 19 to March 20)
Someone as creative as you needs to tap into your aesthetic abilities and combine it with traditions, beliefs and existing conventions to apply it in your career to get the best out of the prevailing situation. Maybe you will get a mentor to guide you and make you wise about the values and traditions of a company you may have just joined or need to associate with.
This is also a good month to explore being spiritual. Maybe you can spend some money on yourself for a change and enrol in some classes that will help you gain a better perspective about life. Take a break from the usual day to day routine and enjoy some of the money you have worked so hard to accumulate.
You may meet someone desirable who you may find irresistible. But you need to be cautious as this dashing person may just be flirting with you while courting someone else on the side.
Famous Tarot Reader