This October, look within yourself to understand your emotions, the reason behind your conduct and the source of your conflicts. This October, remind yourself to always be happy.
Stop over-analyzing things in your mind. You are being too judgemental and critical about situations while being harsh on yourself. Take control of your mental process and focus your thoughts on your victories and attributions instead. If you are focussing on only the downside of your finance, there is good news coming in about money. It can be in the form of bonuses or extra income from a different source.
Those who were waiting for the stork to bring in some good news may get to celebrate this month. The Rams who thought that they could now sit back and relax about their relationship, need to keep in mind that the adage, ‘Lived happily ever after” applies only to the couples who spend time and effort in making their relationship work.
Daring to go with some new ideas in your career; you will not hesitate to charge into the unknown ‘territory’. If you were looking for a job, and you get an offer, this could likely be the ideal one for you and you shouldn’t think twice before taking it up.
Since financial security is always a priority in your life, make sure your bank account is well “stocked” this month as there could be an unexpected event that may cause a huge financial blow (if you are not prepared). Not a time for frivolous expenses; especially not for just enjoying the luxuries of life.
Your family will be happy with the support you extend to them while your partner will sit back and relax, confidently basking in the warm sunshine of your undiluted love.
Make sure you do the groundwork well before you begin any new project or venture. Don’t just dive headfirst into it, just because you liked the idea. If you were looking forward to traveling, even if it was just for a mundane work-related assignment, you could get a chance to pack your bags this month.
Meanwhile, the time you set your goals and chart the steps, you should make yourself financially stable. The grass may appear greener on the other side, but if you are perpetually staring at just that, you could miss opportunities to change your financial status for the better.
Imposing your opinion on your partner can get exhausting for the other. You need to spend more quality time with each other or another woman may come between you two and cause further damage.
Your conscientious nature has been noticed by your superiors and you are headed for a reward this month. The time and energy that you have put into your work will now be paying off. You have worked hard for your money and it is now time to invest it carefully. Understand your financial situation and use your reasoning skills to tackle it in such a way that you have a comfortable future. A little charity at this time will go a long way.
If the odd attitude of your partner is challenging your dark side, withdraw a little to address the deep unconscious fears that you may not have addressed yet. If you feel you are not ready for a commitment yet, take some time out for yourself to understand what you are looking for in this relationship.
Looks like you rubbed the magic lamp before you embarked on your business ideas and ventures this month. Success will knock on your door, along with praise and recognition for work well-done. Ruled by the Sun, you will shine like one too. Being the center of attention is something that can keep you motivated to perform even better.
Yes, you don’t believe in chasing money and would rather chase your passion to be victorious. But that does not mean you start becoming careless about it. Do cut expenses where you can and save some cash for a rainy day.
While you are busy collecting brownie points at your workplace, there is someone who is silently being supportive and doing everything he/she can to keep the relationship going between you two. You will lose out on this love if you are too busy to not notice.
Just like everything in life comes with a price, so does success. Take the good and bad in your stride and push your way through the fuss that you may be subjected to at your workplace. Your war cry for your team should be-“Be confident and work hard”. You are setting off on your journey to achieve victory and you can do it by being a good leader and exercising discipline. Make informed decisions, both career-wise and in the financial sector.
If you have been going through a rough period with your loved one, you will soon sail through this storm and realize that you are not in it for the long haul. Security, peace, and stability will reign and romance will blossom. Those who are not yet financially stable, need to first work on making themselves so, before committing to a relationship.
Just like your symbol, the Balance Scales, you will master the art of blending different aspects of yourself to perfect your career. Patience and perseverance will help you move towards your goal and yes, for the quality work that you put in, you will be rewarded with financial prosperity. Those who are looking for a change in career would flourish in the teaching line or as an advisor. If you had applied for a loan, consider it sanctioned. Overall, for Libra, it’s payday!
So, time to live it up with your beloved! Rediscover the magic in your life through love. Be child-like sometimes. You will feel even more energized and productive. Want to walk through that puddle instead of around it? Do it! And if you think a relationship is not working, just exit. Say goodbye.
Not happy with the job? It is all right to move on. No point in always putting your best foot forward and never getting appreciated for it. Especially if the authorities are not keeping the promise they had made. The next turn in your path of life could turn out to be much more rewarding. You will never know till you move towards that turn, will you? Do not allow any money problem to stop you from taking this step. Start clearing small debts and trust the universe to help you with the bigger ones.
Be ready for more passion in your relationship but if you have some financial crunch, do take the right precaution. After all, you do not want the stork to visit you when you are least prepared for it!
Do not be in a hurry to say yes to a job offer that you may be getting this month. Something here is not being revealed completely and it may not turn out to be as you are expecting it to be. Other Archers need to be more alert at their workplace and should beware of backstabbing. Did you always suspect your colleague or boss of acting dishonorably? You are right. You may even get affected financially. Wake up before the universe sends you a divine call and you find yourself in a soup.
Time for a little introspection in your relationship. If you are feeling alone and unsupported, ask yourself how you got into this situation in the first place. Remember, it is not loved if you are not loved in return.
If you are getting a chance to join others in some worthwhile project or business, do not let go of this opportunity. Needless to remind you to check if their abilities and assets complement yours. Although this can be a good month to invest in sound investments, it comes with a statutory warning of not taking big risks. Follow your gut when it comes to any financial deal.
For the lovesick Goats or those who are besotted, it is time to snap out of your infatuation and turn your attention to focus on your finances. Some lucky Goats may meet their soul-mate at the workplace and if you are lucky, you may meet a romantic partner who may offer you financial security. Talk about having your cake and eating it too!
Your hard work will be paying off this month and you can look forward to a rewarding time. If you were considering the idea of expanding your business overseas, you may find that people are ready to partner with you. Those who were floating their CV’s in the job market may get to choose from good offers coming their way. In spite of the month is positive, it is advisable not to get carried away and indulge yourself monetarily. Have a safety net and know your limits while swiping your credit card.
You will have a support system in your partner and will soon realize why you were brought together by the universe. Both of you will start connecting at a deeper level and move forward in the relationship.
Finally a nice feeling at the workplace? Both work-wise and environment-wise? The universe knows you perform best when your sensitive nature is not being rubbed the wrong way. So, this is the month to pull up your socks, channel your unique imagination and show the boss your real caliber.
Ok, so that bag of ‘money’ does not interest you, it does not mean you allow people to misuse your hard-earned savings. If you cannot handle your accounts, get someone you trust to do so.
If you are still debating about that relationship, just trust your intuition to guide you on the right path. Tune into the signal that your antenna is sending in and voila! The right decision will be made.