It is said that the way you think and feel about yourself and the situation in which you are, determines what happens to you.
So prepare yourself to handle the ups and downs of life with a positive mind after reading what the universe has in store for you this month.
Consult famous Tarot Reader, Tarot Poonam, now on Astroyogi.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
You could be facing a decision-making time at your workplace. Agreed that it is good to be empathetic while passing some resolution, but there are times you need to discern with your head and not your heart. Be logical and firm, even if it breaks your heart while doing so.
Also, don’t start getting emotional about your bank balance. If you find your finance graph going south, do not panic. The situation may not be as bad as you think. There definitely is a way out. Anxiety and fear at this time can backfire. Tap into your intellect and mind and you will gain a new perspective about how to sort this situation out.
You are now ready to take your relationship to the next level as you are sure about your feelings for your partner. More respect, trust and deep affection for each other are adding to the stability in your love.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
This month you could get a good chance to tap into your creativity and explore something new in your career. It could be an exciting step in the right direction. You may not get “top billing” immediately but you will see progress as you develop your talents and skills. Do not let discouraging remarks from other people stop you from doing what you enjoy.
Sowing your seeds now and tending this new endeavour carefully, will bear fruit in the long run. Do not ignore money-making opportunities that are bound to come your way soon. Investments made now will give good returns.
2020 Tarot Card Reading | Love Tarot Reading
If you are dissatisfied with your relationship, maybe some change in the way you relate to your partner can improve it. Try giving up some of your old attitude or behaviour in favour of ones that inspire better understanding and growth. And if your mind's made up about moving on, go on and take that step. Maybe a more fulfilling partnership lies ahead for you.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Too emotionally involved in your job? Are you lately feeling that your self-worth is connected solely with your work? The time you stop being too naive, immature and trusting of people and stand up for yourself. Tap into that intuition of yours to get the right vibe while handling your colleagues so that you don’t find yourself left in a vulnerable position.
This is also the right time for you to be practical while making financial decisions. Do not allow your emotions to influence any negotiations or paperwork concerning money. Pay attention to details if you want to make some investments now.
It’s going to be a great month for those in love as they will decide to take their relationship to the next level of commitment. Your partnership brings out the best in both of you as you and your companion share an inspired goal.
For those looking for a partner, you will be drawn towards someone who will be accepted easily by your family and friends.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
You may be confused about a work-related matter due to lack of clarity. Once you have taken care of the details, have faith in your decision even if you are not sure how the outcome will turn out to be. If you face a tricky situation, be tactful during that moment and address the problem directly at a later date after you have thought it over.
Not the time to get into a conflict over money or possessions, too. Be prepared to invest a good deal of effort in a financial venture or plan to profit. Even if things seem difficult, stand your ground while planning a course of action regarding your budget.
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If you are feeling impatient or restless in your relationship, you may have to make some adjustments at this time. Reassess what exactly you are looking for. Maybe a ‘better’ balance in the way you and/or your partner are handling responsibilities or finances, could get you back on track with your loved one.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
You may be dissatisfied with your career currently because although it provides financial security, it doesn’t have the glamour or excitement you enjoy. It’s possible that adding a little enthusiasm from your end will help in pepping up your mundane work environment. Meanwhile, be more open to further your skills and knowledge. Try new ideas. Progress may be slow but sure.
If you can tap into your artistic talents, it can be a source of earning money this month. This is not the time to get involved in any questionable investments or dealings.
Get ready for passion and excitement in your relationship. For the committed couples, an intense desire may suddenly flare-up between the partners. You may spontaneously decide on a hasty marriage as the stars encourage you to follow your bliss. For the singles, a love affair may abruptly begin, sweeping you off your feet. Be daring and do what your heart has always desired to do in love.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
It’s important not to accept things at face value while you are dealing with clients or even colleagues at your workplace. Listen to your voice within and look at the inner dimensions of a matter before proceeding with a decision. Tap into your intuition, while looking for answers rather than allowing your intellect and conscious mind to make the final judgement.
A major shake-up in your finances can occur unexpectedly which may result in loss of money or possessions. Stay away from gambling, if you have been indulging in this. Risky investments are a complete ‘no-no’ this month.
Fate will bring a new relationship in your life which could take you by surprise. Trust the universe and enter into it with an open heart, as it was ‘meant to be’. May as well enjoy the new romance even if it is short-lived. Those already in a relationship may enter into a new stage of their partnership.
Libra (September 23-October 22)
It’s not like you to allow fear and negativity to hold you back from taking that road to success in your career! Are you allowing other people to decide what course of action you should take? And then, are you conveniently blaming them for any failure you face? Stop focussing on problems at your work front. Instead, face the truth about yourself and the objectives you are aiming for.
Expect financial gain in business ventures or sound investments this month. Manage and use your money wisely in constructive and creative ways to prosper. A joint financial venture could turn out to be profitable.
September could bring good news for those looking for marriage. The only catch here is your partner could be particularly traditional and culture oriented. So be ready to adopt your partner’s way of doing things. Those already married may need to visit a relationship counsellor to make your marriage work. With good practical advice, any crisis cropping up in your marriage will diffuse.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Those looking for a job in law, finance or management could strike lucky this month. Businessmen will do well by developing more stability and structure in their work environment. More emphasis should be laid on building up the organisation, responsibility in the staff and order in the system. For those who are employed, be ready to take responsibility for other people or assume the role of a leader.
You can get into a joint venture in which you get to share the profits and expenses with others. Your financial position can also return to stability after a period of insecurity.
If your relationship has not lived up to your expectations, don’t waste time on self-pity or resentment. Put aside your disappointment and do what’s necessary to rectify the situation. Maybe going away for some time or taking a small break will give you a chance to see things more clearly. If you think it is a non-salvageable, move on as there could be a more satisfying one waiting for you.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
An exciting and busy period at your workplace, as matters, develop suddenly and you need to think, act and make decisions quickly. You will feel inspired and creative as well as challenging. Your career will accelerate with rapid progress now. Some could be going on a business trip. Travel safe, Archer.
Do not be naive regarding financial matters. You can be too trusting regarding money. So, while making a business deal, make sure all aspects of the contract are clear. Take help from an advisor before signing on the dotted line.
Your obsession, fixation or desire for your partner may be so strong that it can interfere with your ability to see him/her clearly. This may result in clouding your judgement about situations concerning them. They may be awakening the inner demon in you, the part of which you don’t acknowledge. On the other hand, your partner may not be the right one for you and you continue being in this destructive relationship because you are unwilling to make a change.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Get ready to be a ‘star’ as you will get accolades in your job or field of expertise. Work hard and strive to do your best to bring your dreams to fruition. Do not give up on your ideals when and if you come across a roadblock. These obstacles can be overcome if you are persistent enough with your efforts.
Be thorough with any investment or monetary venture and rest assured it will be successful—but at its own speed. Do not rush it. You will reap the harvest and take home the gold when the time is right.
Being in a serious and mature relationship with your partner has its plus points as you both support each other’s growth and well-being. But if this relationship is based mainly on financial considerations, status or security, it can be stable and comfortable but not very stimulating or romantic. It’s time to add some zing into your personal life to make it exciting.
Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)
A challenging work-related matter might require you to be ruthless. Draw on your inner strength to overcome any weakness while dealing with such issues. To go far in your career, you may have to confront deep-seated fears or beliefs that are standing in your way. While dealing with your co-workers, do not use any outward force to make a point. Lead by example to instil confidence in them.
Devote yourself 100% to a venture to succeed. Do not allow your emotions to influence your financial dealings. Take back control of your money, resources, investments or property in case you have been allowing others to handle it for you.
Tarot Horoscope For July 2020 | Tarot Horoscope For June 2020
Your feelings for your partner are very steady and you could be thinking of taking the relationship to the next level of commitment. While it is nice to be possessive about your partner, overdoing it can be intruding too much into the others personal space. Give space to your loved one for a perfect partnership.
Pisces (February 19 to March 20)
Those who are looking for jobs may need to further their education for better prospects. For others, the start of a project or occupation will require you to use your intellect, communication skills, and/or information channels. Concentrate on achieving your goal and do not allow anything or anybody to dissipate your energy or distract you.
The successful completion of the project will be a signal for a great financial venture. Honing and working on your skills can also help in increasing your income. Make good use of it. You will be rewarded for the hard work you have been putting in for getting your finances in better shape.
Those who thought that it was too late now for Cupid’s arrow to strike them, will be in for a pleasant surprise as a beautiful romance starts unfolding for them. If you want to take it to the next level of commitment, remember like all endeavours, a relationship also requires work and effort.
Tarot Reader