Tarot card reading is used as one of the most practiced forms of premonition in the world. Ever fancied what the deck of cards with symbolic pictures can play a role in your life? Tarot cards have been around for a long time now perhaps centuries. But first it was used for foretelling and eventually evolved as a tool for playing cards, and now for psychic readings.
These cards are commonly used to measure the potential outcomes or evaluate different kinds of influences in a person’s life. Today many people rely on tarot readings to give their life a direction and to find answers for their questions.
You should consider tarot reading as an excellent idea if you are going through a crisis or a period of uncertainty in your life. These readings will help you take a step back so that you can see the reality of what’s really going around. If you are new to tarot reading, enlighten yourself with these lesser known facts:
- The technical term for Tarot card is ‘taromancy’ which means premonition through the use of cards.
- Tarot cards are not magic. Its plain ink and paper, however the symbols and vivid illustrations on the cards hold a deep meaning which can only be interpreted by a reader. Thus, for the psychic abilities and intuition of the reader is the only factor which gives Tarot cards a meaning.
- There is no wrong way to read Tarot cards. You will come across may people who will tell you that if not done in the right way it can result in wrong doings; this is not true.
- It is not necessary to keep the deck of cards in any special place or cleanse or any of that drill for purification. It is not wrong to do so but not important else online tarot reading would not have been so popular today.
- Just like in playing cards you have The Joker, in Tarot cards the beginning of the pack is represented by The Fool which is number 0
- It is usually a pack of 78 cards with different symbolic pictures on them. These cards come in a standard pack of 22 cards known as Major Arcana and four suits of 14 cards like playing cards known as Minor Arcana. The word ‘Arcana’ simply means ‘mysteries’ or ‘secrets’
- Major Arcana represents life changing events in life and each card has a person representing the card. Minor Arcana suits have different meanings and is related to different areas of life.
- There is no traditional theory of how tarot works. But it is believed that the reader can get the picture of the client’s psyche when the cards are shuffled. In this way the reader can suggest guidance or various pathways for the client to deal with a certain situation.
- There are different types of Tarot spreads and so it would be wise to only take the guidance from an experienced reader who can help you choose the best one based on your current situation.
- Each card in a standard pack have upright and reversed meanings which sometimes can mean that even a negative card can have a positive meaning and vice versa.
You cannot expect Tarot cards to predict your future but you can always count on it for spiritual and emotional guidance.