In astrology, the 12 houses are just like the 12 zodiac signs that create the foundation for your life. These houses reveal a more elucidated pattern of growth and development reflecting the 12 signs. It represents the areas of experience where the energies of the zodiac sign and planets function together. These 12 houses focus on enlightening one’s inner state of mind, experience, and temperaments. By analyzing and noting the planets' movement and placement, an astrologer can tell which qualities will have a strong influence in your life. It is believed that when houses are stronger, your natal chart will hold more power. Listed below are the 12 houses and their interpretations:
1st HOUSE: Ruled by Aries - This is the first house which begins the zodiac also called the Rising Sun or the Ascendant. Being the first house, it depicts the all-important aspects of your life; first impressions, personality, appearance, temperament, ego, new beginnings and your outlook towards life. The House of Self, this sign is known to have an impact on any health issues you may have experienced in life.
2nd HOUSE: Ruled by Taurus - The second house rules your core values and covers matters related to your material and physical world. Known as the House of Possessions, it represents how well you manage your finances, how you value and earn money and your self-esteem.
3rd HOUSE: Ruled by Gemini - Third house - the House of Communication - rules all forms of communication like thinking, talking and deals with everything related to modern technology for communication. It also deals with your everyday activities and the environment that surrounds you like local travel, schools, neighborhood etc.
4th HOUSE: Ruled by Cancer - The House of Home, the fourth house is the lowest point on the zodiac wheel. It includes your home environment, your parents especially your mother, the impact of your mother in your early days of childhood, etc. The fourth house is where you can also develop a sense of security in your private place.
5th HOUSE: Ruled by Leo - The fifth house is the House of Creativity and Pleasure, this is where you have fun. It governs your self-expression, all kinds of leisure pursuits, drama, love affairs and everything else which includes some fun and play.
6th HOUSE: Ruled by Virgo - This is the House of Health and Service and it depicts fitness, diet, illnesses, hygiene, helpfulness and your service to others including animals.
7th HOUSE: Ruled by Libra - This House of Partnerships, the Descendant is the domain for serious relationships and other people. Not to be confused with just romantic relationships, it even governs business partnerships, business deals, contracts, etc.
8th HOUSE: Ruled by Scorpio - The mysterious Scorpio is the House of Sexuality, Death, and Rebirth. It represents sex, intimacy in your relationships, deals with death and reincarnation. Death sometimes can be just symbolic rather than the obvious; the passing of someone. It also governs gifts and money through inheritance or maybe investments.
9th HOUSE: Ruled by Sagittarius - The House of Philosophy and Travel, the key to the ninth house is high learning. It dominates the higher mind, the development of your mind and the expansion of your horizons. This house also includes your understanding of spiritual learning, ethics and morals, foreign languages, luck, risk, adventure and long-distance or international travel.
10th HOUSE: Ruled by Capricorn - The tenth house is at the very top and also considered to be the most public on the zodiac wheel. The House of Career represents your career and everything related to it including how to focus and choose the right career path, long term career goals, accolades, recognition that you receive. This house represents your father and the way he has influenced you throughout your childhood.
11th HOUSE: Ruled by Aquarius - The House of Friendships dominates your friendships, people who love and protect you. It represents your hopes, aspirations and also your ability to remain happy. This house describes the roles that you undertake throughout your life be it as a husband, partner, wife, friend or businessman. It also rules eccentricity, sudden events, surprises, invention, originality, and anything futuristic.
12th HOUSE: Ruled by Pisces - The final house on the zodiac wheel is the House of Self Undoing and Karma. It rules endings and is dark and secretive. Matters related to the psyche, prisons, hospitals are all a representation of confinement towards the unknown. Although it rules your creativity and imagination this is also a house in which one can drown in self-indulgence leading to substance abuse. But after a period of suffering, positive things like enlightenment, motivation, healing can also be found here.