If you are the master of your faith and captain of your soul, your birth chart should be your map. Simply because your birth chart will give you the directions and guidance on where you should be heading and how you should put in your efforts. Vedic astrology considers many aspects in one’s birth chart which is not taken into consideration for western horoscope analysis. Vedic astrology considers the moon sign of a person when western horoscope analysis is done based on the sun sign. Other important factors considered in Vedic Astrology include one’s Ascendant, Constellation, divisional charts, progressed sign etc.
Basically, a birth chart or natal chart marks the exact position of the planets during the birth of a person. An expert astrologer can analyze the tenure ship of each of the planets using this. This chart becomes the back drop based on which astrologers would be analyzing the impacts of planets in a later point of one’s life. The astrologer will be able to get major phases and sub phases of the different planets, throughout the native’s life using the birth chart. Combine it with the basic traits imparted by the planets at the time of one’s birth and you get the blue print of a person’s life which is known as the ‘Janam Kundli’ in Vedic astrology. One’s birth chart is all about individuality. The influence of the planets and other major influencing factors like Ascendant and constellations are analyzed by their respective position and combination during the native’s birth.
In Vedic astrology, a birth chart is divided into twelve houses, where ‘Lagna’ or Ascendant is the sign of ascendance. Each of the twelve houses are ruled by different planets and the lordship of these respective planets govern the destiny of the native. The ‘Lagna’ or ascendant would be the native’s first house. The first fifth and ninth make up the trine houses, they are supposed to be powerful and auspicious. The fourth seventh and tenth constitute the quadrants, they pertain to fortune yielding and luck of the native. The third and eleventh houses are related to growth; whereas the sixth eighth and twelfth houses pertain to the malicious influences on a native’s destiny. Each of the twelve signs has its ascendant lord in various planets. If the ascendant lord is self-placed it is supposed to be very powerful. It is weakened or become malefic when it inhibits an unfriendly or an enemy sign. It is moderately powerful when it occupies its friend's house.
Astrology is pure science which is consecrated into a divination method due to its ability to provide us with great insights about our future. Vedic astrology can provide you with relevant guidance which could drive you towards your goals and guide your life in the direction you want.
Consult 100% verified Vedic astrologers who are available 24/7 on the astroYogi: Talk To Astrologers app to seek guidance.
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