The signs of the zodiac can be categorized as fire, air, earth and water. In astrology Fire means pretty much the same as its literal meaning. Fire signs are famed for being passionate and love to live life to its fullest. They are known to be the life of the party and their energy is contagious. People love to be around them as they radiate warmth. Their zest for life is unparallel and many people find it hard to match up to them. People born under these signs always have some mischief up their sleeve. But, of course nobody complains for they are so adorable. They have a certain charm about them that wins them many admirers which is probably why they tend to have many friends. Their energy permeates the atmosphere and can be felt by those around them.
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are the three fire signs.
Although all three of them are fire signs, they differ on certain grounds owing to their different qualities-cardinal, fixed and mutable.
Aries is a cardinal fire sign which means that people born under this sign are committed to their work and do not appreciate any interference. Cardinal signs are the go getters of the zodiac.
Leo is a fixed sign which gives the lions the ability to gain respect and recognition from their peers. They excel in their careers and are often the envy of their colleagues who secretly admire them.
Sagittarius is a mutable sign. They are flexible and are constantly reinventing themselves, deriving wisdom from their experiences in life. These people follow their heart and trust their intuition to guide them. On the flip side, they tend to be moody and inconsistent.
Compatibility is something that one does not share with everybody. Here’s the fire signs compatibility levels viz a viz the other elements-water, air and earth.
Fire and Water
Fire and water make for an interesting combination. Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) tend to be extremely emotional, while fire signs are always brimming with energy. When people born under these two signs come together, anything can happen. Either the two can bring out the best in each other or they may end up taking the road to self sabotaging.
Fire and Earth
Earth signs- Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn can help channel Fire sign’s energy into something constructive and help them achieve their goals. However, to Earth, it might appear that they are the ones who are giving too much in the relationship and the fire signs are not putting as much effort as required to make the relationship work and eventually the two might just fall out.
Fire and Air
Fire and Air (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) make a perfect combination. While Air provides support to Earth’s plans for success, Earth in turn helps Air to remain motivated when the going gets tough.
Fire and Fire
When fire and fire get together, life becomes an adventure and even the most mundane things appear interesting. There is mutual admiration but the relationship might fall out if one tries to dominate the other.