Sun transited to Cancer on 16-07-18 at 22:42 PM and thereby it conjuncts with Rahu which is already positioned there. This is not going to be a favourable conjunction. Sun and Rahu are arch enemies and their conjunction could mean some evident problems in life. This conjunction is going to cast its effects for one month period as Sun transits into a particular house for a period of around one month.
Consult Acharya Aaditya online on Astroyogi for your personalized and in-depth horoscope analysis in the light of Sun- Rahu conjunction.
Astrologically Sun represents authority and Rahu represents treachery and conspiracy. The association/conjunction of these two planets would mean potential problems at the workplace with your seniors. In a deeper sense, Sun represents people who have the authority to exercise influence on our lives by their decisions so it would include Father as well as the reporting boss in particular because both these entities can influence our lives by way of their authority and decisions.
The following would be the likely effects of this conjunction on the various Moon zodiac signs.
This conjunction would be taking place in the 4th house and it is likely to create some problems. You need to stay away from property related matters and try to maintain harmony in domestic life. You also need to keep a cool temperament while driving on the road and avoid any occasion of arguments or heated debates. At work, you should maintain a low profile by concentrating on routine job. Your seniors/boss is likely to create some unnecessary problems for you so act diplomatically. This may not turn out to be a good time for your Mother, Father and children.
This conjunction would be taking place in the 3rd house and it can deliver some positive results. You would be acting very bold in your actions but keep checking for the excesses. You would experience an uninterrupted flow of energy and it would be better to deploy it for constructive purposes. Delay in finalizing any kind of property related deals/issues. There may be some occasions of happiness/growth for your younger co-borns but with a few obstacles. Take a good care of your Mother’ health. There may an opportunity for pilgrimage and you should avail it.
This conjunction would be taking place in the 2nd house and it is likely to deliver negative results. Your personal savings can get depleted so watch your expenditure pattern. You also need to weigh your words before you speak them as there are chances of likely altercation and arguments, especially at home. Spill away all kind of revengeful attitude otherwise, you can land into a big problem. Avoid entering any kind of new projects and stick to routine work only. Try to maintain harmony at home by maintaining silence. At work, you should avoid all kind of confrontation.
This conjunction would be taking place in the lagna/first house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Confusion may prevail in your mind so it would be better to delay key decisions at work. You may find it difficult to maintain a cool temperament so it is advisable to maintain a low profile and have limited conversations with everyone. Keep a track of your expenditure pattern as it can create a hole in your pocket. Listen to every piece of advice from your Father and you may choose to filter and accept the correct parts from it.
Consult Acharya Aaditya online on Astroyogi for your personalized and in-depth horoscope analysis in the light of Sun- Rahu conjunction.
This conjunction would be taking place in the 12th house and it is likely to deliver negative results. Avoid any fresh projects/deals and stick to your routine work. It is advisable that you should seek your elder’s advice on important matters. Ongoing court cases can create hassles so try to maintain your clam. Try to stay practical in life and do not daydream about anything. There can be health related issues so it would be wise to keep a close track of your own health. It would also be wise to take care of your Father’ health.
This conjunction would be taking place in the 11th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. On a brighter side, it may lead to some fresh foreign connections at work and it is likely to turn beneficial in the near future. Avoid capital expenditure and delay it in the near future. Your income flow/pattern may get disrupted so do not panic as it would be temporary in nature. It is also advisable to ignore all the sources of windfall gains like lottery, trading, speculation etc.
This conjunction would be taking place in the 10th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Sun gets directionally strong in the 10th house so you can be protected especially if you are in some problems right now. At the same point of time stay very cautious on your conduct as there can be some occasion of scandalous behaviour at the workplace. Abstain from activities like speculation and hedging that yield a quick buck.
This conjunction would be taking place in the 9th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. There may be some degree of success out of your current set of actions at work but new work/project should not be undertaken. There can be some opportunities for a long distance journey/pilgrimage. You are likely to maintain a spiritual bent of mind and it should provide some solace to you. Your superiors nay act erratic and you should treat it as normal. Take a good care of your Father’ overall health.
This conjunction would be taking place in the 8th house and it is likely to deliver negative results. Your luck would be working against your will and it is strictly advisable to abstain from doing anything new at work. You should ideally delay all your new projects and stick to routine job. There can be some instances of penalization from some Government agencies/departments on account of some non-diligence in work so do not leave any room for error. Do not indulge in any activity that is illegitimate in nature.
This conjunction would be taking place in the 7th house and it is likely to deliver negative results. You need to maintain utmost patience while dealing with your spouse as there can be likely instances of discord in your married relationship. You would find it tough to maintain a cool temperament at home as well as at work so maintain limited talk with everyone. Drive carefully and do not indulge in road rage or any kind of heated argument with anyone. It would be wise to take a good care of your own health during this period. Try to be a “Yes Man” to your boss.
This conjunction would be taking place in the 6th house and it would be delivering mixed results. Your enemies would dare not face you and you would be the winner in case of any encounter. You would be acting very bold in your actions but watch out for any kind of excesses. Your spouse may not keep good health during this time so keep a close watch on her/his well-being. You would develop a never say die attitude but it is important that you should choose the correct direction and attribute for it.
This conjunction would be taking place in the 5th house and it would be delivering negative results. It does not appear to be a good time for your children so keep a close watch on their activities and overall wellbeing. Some stomach related ailments may cause trouble so maintain a healthy diet and overall healthy lifestyle. You may face some inconsistencies in your flow of income and you should treat it normal in nature. It may not be a very good time to maintain a revengeful attitude against anyone as you may land up in a bigger trouble so lay low.
Best of Luck
Aacharya Aaditya