Numerology in layman terms is the study of numbers and it’s implication in one’s destiny. One’s name and date of birth are the most important considerations in numerology. Many strange spelling, names have been outcomes of numerologist consultations. But if one’s name has got something to do with his destiny then parents should be aware of the nitty-gritty of this occult art before naming their newborn.
Expert numerologists at Astroyogi take you through the main aspects of numerology which needs to be understood before naming your child. To begin, let’s learn what numbers are assigned to each letter of the alphabet-
A, J, S=1
B, K, T=2
C, L, U=3
D, M, V=4
E, N, W=5
F, O, X=6
G, P, Y=7
H, Q, Z=8
I, R=9
Now, allot the number to the letter of the name and add them together. If the name adds to a double-digit, add both these digits to get a single number. This is the ‘Name Number’. The only exceptions from the double digit reduction rule is number 11 and 22. They are not added since they are the ‘Master Numbers’ and have their own characteristics.
Each number has a certain characteristic which would is believed to be inflected upon a person:
Number 1- Show great leadership qualities, independent mind, an inner strength, good business sense, can handle finance.
Number 2- Are cooperative and adjusting to circumstances and friends. They are kind and helpful and do great teamwork.
Number 3- Are socially active and good in articulation and so make great public figures. They are imaginative and enjoy life.
Number 4- Are committed people and work in an orderly fashion. They can bring normalcy back in a chaotic situation, are honest and hardworking.
Number 5- Are brilliant, enthusiastic and love their freedom. They are brimming with life and need multiple things to keep their active mind occupied.
Number 6- Are responsible and protective. Their nurturing ability makes them good family people.
Number 7- Are inquisitive people who love to research and analyze. They are independent and self-reliant.
Number 8- Are practical, realistic and intelligent. They have leadership qualities and although aim to make money, do not assume it to be the end all.
Number 9-Are sensitive and compassionate people. They give easily and are selfless. They have high moral sense and fewer ego issues.
Number 11-Highly intuitive, spiritual and inspiring. They are visionaries and strive to reach the top of the ladder.
Number 22- Is the ‘Master Builder’, and potentially the most powerful number. Are ambitious and like to reach out to the sky but can be impractical sometimes.
An example for adding the numbers associated with one’s name is: Udit Verma-3+4+3+2+4+5+9+4+1=35=8
While naming the baby, it should also be kept in mind that some letters like K and V are ‘Master Letters’. Some letters should not be subsequent others like: D, if followed by E or I, are said to be negative. Similarly, a double letter in a name will highlight the characteristics of that letter.
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