All of us, at some time or the other, have experienced things not going according to our plans.However detailed we may have planned the occasion or our itinerary, sometimes things go completely awry. Don’t be stumped. It’s the ‘Rahukaal’, also called ‘Rahukaalam’, doing what it does best - being mischievous when people try to do something important during its time. It was even believed by ancient astronomers that Rahu(along with Ketu), was so strong that it could hide the sun, causing a solar eclipse.
Most of the times, people are not aware of what ‘Rahukaal’ is all about and therefore unnecessarily suffer when they even step out of the house for doing something important during this time. They realise that their work does not get complete or they miss their bus or something equally inane, but due to which their work gets affected.
According to Indian Vedic astrology, ‘Rahukaal’ is that period of the day, that is considered inauspicious for any new activity, due to its association with the malefic, ‘Rahu’. ‘Rahu' is one of the nine planets (The others being Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu) in Vedic astrology, which is paired with ‘Ketu’. Any activity or project that is started during the ‘Rahukaal’, is bound to get postponed, cancelled or end up being a failure.
In a day, ‘Rahukaal’ is a fixed period of one and half hours, which varies for any given weekday. It can be found out by calculating the time between sunrise and sunset and dividing it by 8 (This is because according to Vedic astrology, a day is divided into 8 segments).
To remember the ‘Rahukaal’ for the day, just remember the mnemonic - “7.30am Mother Saw Father Wearing The Turban Suddenly”. This, of course, is only applicable for the place where the sunrise is at 6am and the daylight lasts for 12 hours.
Where the first or first two letters stand for the day of the week-
Mother - Monday (7.30-9.00)
Saw - Saturday ( 9.00-10.30)
Father - Friday ( 10.30-12.00)
Wearing - Wednesday ( 12.00-13.30)
The - Thursday ( 13.30-15.00)
Turban - Tuesday ( 15.00-16.30)
Suddenly - Sunday ( 16.30-18.00)
Since the sunrise and sunset varies slightly each day, so does the ‘Rahukaal’. Thus, ‘rahukaal’ is also different from city to city and country to country.
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Also, because of the ever-varying planetary configuration, the auspicious time is not always the same on all days.
And so, it is advisable to consult an astrologer before making any important decision about timings for an important event or ceremony. An astrologer, after consulting the ‘panchang’, will be able to tell the most auspicious time for you to make the right move.
The importance of doing any activity during the auspicious time, cannot be undermined. It has been stressed even in The Gita, that time factor is all powerful and if something is worth doing, then it should be done properly, when all factors including time, are favourable.