The Soul Connect in Yoga Explained

Tue, Jun 21, 2022
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Tue, Jun 21, 2022
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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The Soul Connect in Yoga Explained

The Soul remains enigmatic and incomprehensible for those who try to interpret and explain it.  Most have the idea of it as being the essence of a living being, something that needs to be revered and if not placated after death. It is non-destructive and is basically responsible for connecting the mortal to the Supreme Being. In simple words, it is the spirit inside you which if reigned incorrectly, can help a person attain inner peace and happiness and if not, can cause distress and tension.

Yoga, along with meditation, has originated in India and has been a fore-runner in leading the path of people towards spirituality. India has introduced yoga to the world and demonstrated how it can help you to connect with your soul. Yoga is not just an exercise, it is methodology or lifestyle which enables one to connect with his subconscious and take control of his body and mind. Vedic Astrology which shares the same pedigree and heritage as that of Yoga, also explains how yoga is connected to the seven planets that control our destiny. The seven main planets control the seven main ‘chakras’ of our body. The chakras are the energy centers of our body and are all interconnected.

The Seven Chakras of Our Body Are:

  1. Root or Mooladhar Chakra

  2. Sacral or Swadhistana Chakra

  3. Solar Plexus or Manipur Chakra

  4. Heart or Anahata Chakra

  5. Throat or Visudhi Chakra

  6. Third Eye or Ajana Chakra

  7. Crown or Shasrara Chakra

Planets have their influence and effects on these chakras and Vedic astrology has mentioned particular planets pertaining to each chakra on the human body. If any chakra is disturbed because of the effect of the planet ruling it, the other chakras too get affected and thus, causes an imbalance in the body.

Yoga asanas and breathing techniques, help greatly in balancing the mind and body in such a way that by regular practice one can control the energy flowing through the various chakras and nadis and keep things in equilibrium. Different Zodiac signs have different temperaments and energy level. There are different ‘Yoga Asanas’ for evoking every part of the body involving the chakras.

Realizing where the weakness lies in your horoscope and learning the right 'Yoga asana' to counteract these weaknesses can help one rev up the energy level in one’s body and attain good health and mental bliss.For e.g.the Zodiac sign, Aries needs to relax more in life and so the asanas like ‘Uttanasana’, ‘Janusirsasna’, ‘Savasana’ would be very beneficial since these help in relieving tension in the spine, neck, and back and calms the mind. So insights and inputs from astrology can increase the effectiveness of your Yoga practice, it can give direction for your Yoga exercises depending on your mental as well as mental requirements.

Consult our expert astrologers online to learn more about your horoscope and how it will impact your body. Click here for getting your first free consultation.

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